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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/З-59
Назва : 10 з’їзд хірургів УРСР: тези доп., 1962 р.
Вихідні дані : Київ: Держ. мед. вид-во УРСР, 1962
Кільк.характеристики :174 с
Колективи : З’їзд хірургів УРСР (10;1962;Київ)
Ціна : б. ц.
УДК : 617-089
Зміст : Вплив антибіотиків на загальні і місцеві реакції організму при гострому апендициті у людей літнього й старечого віку/ К. Д. Двужильная. Результати хірургічного лікування рака товстого кишечника у хворих літнього й старечого віку/ І. М. Грабченко, Н. М. Погуляйко, І. В. Огородник. Гострий мастит (за матеріалами Одеської області)/ І. Я. Дейнека, І. А. Аленгоз, А. С. Жардецький. Стан сучасної анестезіології та перспективи її дальшого розвитку/ А. І. Трєщинський. Небезпечності та ускладнення при наркозі в зв’язку з нейроплегією/ М. В. Даниленко, Ц. К. Боржієвський, І. І. Митюк. Про деякі закономірності нейро-ендокринних реакцій при оперативних втручаннях/ Г. М. Гуревич. Порівняльна оцінка різних методів алопластики стравоходу в експерименті/ Г. А. Сардак.
Примірники :КСХ(1)
Вільні : КСХ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/О-56
Автор(и) : Ольшанецкий А. А.
Назва : 500 хирургических советов и прописных истин : пособие для практ. врачей
Вихідні дані : Б.м., 2003
Кільк.характеристики :144 с
ISBN, Ціна 966-96298-5-3:
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(076)
Примірники :ЧЗ(1)
Вільні : ЧЗ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/D23
Автор(и) : Das S.
Назва : A Concise Textbook of Surgery . -1st ed.
Вихідні дані : Calcutta, 1994
Кільк.характеристики :1266 p.: il.
Ціна : 150.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111 + 617.5-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: While I was a medical student, I felt dearth of a single comprehensive textbook in Surgery which could provide all the informations an undergraduate should know to become a full-fledged doctor. My friends also shared the same idea. Most textbooks of Surgery originate from the West and present whimsical and often desultory approach to the subject. These authors deal with certain topics of their interests in great depth while leave other topics which are not of their interest though of similar importance, if not more, to the students So being constantly insisted and hard pressed by my beloved colleagues and students, I ultimately ventured to write a Textbook on Surgery, which should be complete, comprehensive and exam-oriented. My intention has been to write in aclear, concise and easily understandable way, in my own style keeping always a vigilant watch to the students’ interest. I was never keen in providing numerous illustrations in this treatise, as I had already submitted a total of more than 1,500 illustrations in my other three well-established books — ’A Manual On Clinical Surgery’, ’A Practical Guide To Operative Surgery’ and ’A Textbook On Surgical Short Cases . I did not want to repeat my illustrations from these books. In this text I have included more than 400 illustrations, which I think will help the students in understanding the subject.
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/D23
Автор(и) : Das S.
Назва : A Manual on Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations and Differential Diagnosis . -15th ed.
Вихідні дані : Kolkata, 2021
Кільк.характеристики :648 p.: il.
Примітки : Index: p. 639-649
ISBN, Ціна 978-81-905681-0-4: 320.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: A Manual On Clinical Surgery 15th Edition 2021 by SDas ISBN:9788190568104 ORIGINAL: Clinical Surgery By S.Das 15th Edition This book needs no introduction as it has attained a legendary popularity in Indian subcontinent and recommended by all the Universities and Medical Colleges. This book is considered to be the most valuable book to the entrants of the Surgical Wards and at the same time an unparallel addition to the Surgeon’s armamentarium. It not only explains methods of elicitation of history and physical signs in surgical patients, but also includes special investigations and differential diagnosis at the end of each chapter, which are highly informative. This book is one of the rare collections among Indian Publications which received rave reviews from top International Journals on Surgery. “This book, written and published by one of Calcutta’s senior surgeons, bears the stamp of a master teacher. It is illustrated by a set of remarkable photographs of clinical conditions and these monochrome and colour prints, along with reproductions of radiographs and line drawings, amount to nearly 600 illustrations. These will probably be the main source of interest to the western medical student who is unlikely to see such advance pathology in the clinics where he is taught. All in all, the author is to be congratulated for this book; it is one which will undoubtedly be highly regarded in India and a subject of interest elsewhere.” – The British Journal of Surgery. “It is directed at medical students beginning their surgical tuition and goes through the history-taking and examination of each part of the body in turn. It is copiously illustrated with photographs whose range in fascinating and stand up well in illustrating the text written in lively manner. Packed with information it should continue to sell well.” The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandThis book has maintained its legendary popularity and this has definitely encouraged me to bring out this edition. In planning this edition, a firm commitment has been made in assuring a thorough and complete text. The art and science of surgery have progressed considerably in recent times and every effort has been made to keep pace with the advancement in Clinical Surgery. In the last few years lot of improvements have been noticed in the techniques of investigation. Although the latest techniques of investigations are described in this edition, yet this book is based on the belief that sound surgical practice primarily depends on the skill and knowledge of the surgeon and secondarily on the strength of the special investigations. Emphasis continues to be placed on the importance of clinical observations and the need to elicit accurate physical signs to make a perfect diagnosis. Hence the belief that the newer, non-invasive methods are more reliable, often causes delay in the diagnosis besides increasing the costs unnecessarily. So indiscriminate use of these investigations must be avoided and more reliance should be laid on clinical diagnosis as far as practicable. Almost all the chapters have been thoroughly revised and updated. Launching of subsequent editions of a warmly received text is in some respects more of a challenge and I am fully aware of it. To what extent this goal has been met, only readers and time will tell. But at least I can assure that an ardent attempt was made. This book was originally brought out to guide the new entrants to the Surgical ward to answer the vexed question 'How to examine this case and come to a diagnosis?'. This original theme of the book has been maintained and adequate emphasis has been laid not only on 'what to do' but also on 'how to do’ the various examinations to arrive at the provisional clinical diagnosis. More methods of examinations have been included in this edition with more illustrations to make the subject more understandable. This manual has so far enjoyed zenith of popularity in Indian subcontinent and even abroad. For this I thank all the teachers who have so much recommended this book to their students and have confidently thought it to be helpful to their students in learning 'Clinical Surgery'. I am grateful to my colleagues and patients who voluntarily submitted themselves to the trouble of being photographed. I owe a deep debt of gratitude to the great mass of students of this country and abroad who have written to me and made me feel their difficulties in understanding this subject. This has helped me a lot to write this treatise in more understandable way. I assume that this book will be more helpful to them in learning 'Clinical Surgery'
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/D23
Автор(и) : Das S.
Назва : A Manual on Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations and Differential Diagnosis . -1st ed.
Вихідні дані : Calcutta, 1986
Кільк.характеристики :406 с
Ціна : 33.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/D 23
Автор(и) : Das S.
Назва : A Manual on Clinical Surgery : including special investigations and differential diagnosis . -4th ed.
Вихідні дані : Calcutta, 1996
Кільк.характеристики :470 p.
Ціна : 60.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники : всього : ІЛ(2)
Вільні : ІЛ(2)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/D23
Автор(и) : Das S.
Назва : A Manual on Clinical Surgery : Including Special Investigations and Differential Diagnosis . -14th ed.
Вихідні дані : Kolkata, 2019
Кільк.характеристики :648 p.: il.
Примітки : Index: p. 639-648
ISBN, Ціна 978-81-905681-0-4: 257.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: This book needs no introduction as it has attained a legendary popularity in Indian subcontinent and recommended by all the Universities and Medical Colleges. This book is considered to be the most valuable * book to the entrants of the Surgical Wards and at the same time an unparallel addition to the Surgeon’s armamentarium. It not only explains methods of elicitation of history and physical signs in surgical patients, but also includes special investigations and differential diagnosis at the end of each chapter, which are highly informative. This book is one of the rare collections among Indian Publications which received rave reviews from top International Journals on Surgery.“This book, written and published by one of Calcutta’s senior surgeons, bears the stamp of a master teacher. It is illustrated by a set of remarkable photographs of clinical conditions and these monochrome and colour prints, along with reproductions of radiographs and line drawings, amount to nearly 600 illustrations. These will probably be the main source of interest to the western medical student who is unlikely to see such advance pathology in the clinics where he is taught. All in all, the author is to be congratulated for this book; it is one which will undoubtedly be highly regarded in India and a subject of interest elsewhere,” - The British Journal of Surgery.“It is directed at medical students beginning their surgical tuition and goes through the history-taking and examination of each part of the body in turn. It is copiously illustrated with photographs whose range in fascinating and stand up well in illustrating the text written in lively manner. Packed with information it should continue to sell well.” - The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Автор(и) : Bailey, Hamilton, Love, McNeill R. J.
Назва : A Short Practice of Surgery : textbook . -10th ed.
Вихідні дані : London: H. K. Lewis & Co, 1956
Кільк.характеристики :1126 с
Ціна : 90.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Автор(и) : Bailey, Hamilton, Love, R. J. McNeill
Назва : A Short Practice of Surgery . -7th ed.
Вихідні дані : London: Lewis H. K. & Co., 1946
Кільк.характеристики :1097 с.: il.
Ціна : 50.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники :КСХ(1)
Вільні : КСХ(1)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/A22
Назва : Advances in Surgery. Vol. 31
Вихідні дані : St. Louis: Mosby, 1997
Кільк.характеристики :434 с
ISBN, Ціна 0-8151-8406-9: 30.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/A22
Назва : Advances in Surgery. Vol. 28
Вихідні дані : St. Louis: Mosby, 1995
Кільк.характеристики :421 с
ISBN, Ціна 0-8151-1493-1: 40.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/I-58
Назва : An Indepth Course In Reconstructive Microsurgery : the Proceedings of a CME Course
Вихідні дані : Oklahoma: Presbyterian Hospital, 1982
Кільк.характеристики :172 с
Ціна : 5.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089.844=111 + 617-089=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/G53
Автор(и) : Gliedman, Marvin L.
Назва : Atlas of Surgical Techniques
Вихідні дані : New York: McGraw-Hill Information Services Company, 1990
Кільк.характеристики :548 с
ISBN, Ціна 0-07-023491-4: 60.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(084.4)=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Назва : Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery . -24th ed.
Вихідні дані : London: Hodder Arnold, 2004
Кільк.характеристики :XIV, 1522 p.: il.
Серія: International students’ edition
Примітки : Appendix: p. 1450-1452. - Index: p. 1453-1522
ISBN, Ціна 978-0-340-80820-7: 350.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery is one of the world’s pre-eminent medical textbooks with worldwide sales of over one million copies. To keep the book at the forefront of the market, this new edition introduces several innovations based on findings from market research, while retaining those essential features that are the hallmark of the "Bailey & Love" style. The text presents a comprehensive coverage of general surgery, with new key information boxes in addition to core material. Extensive 4-color illustration reinforces clinical messages, and the book’s famous aphorisms and biographies of prominent pioneers of surgery are entirely updated for the new edition. The book’s readership has always represented a dilemma to classify; in India, Bailey and Love is used by undergraduate medical students, and by postgraduate MS candidates as a revision text; in the UK it is used by MRCS candidates. A new constituency will be formed by the FRCSInt examination being produced by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. All research carried out to date suggests that, as edited by Russell, Williams and Bulstrode, the book will continue to successfully bridge these readership groups
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Назва : Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery : textbook . -20th ed.
Вихідні дані : London: English Language Book Society, 1990
Кільк.характеристики :620 с
ISBN, Ціна 0-7186-0502-0: 40.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Автор(и) :
Назва : Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery/ eds.: Norman S. Williams, Roman P. O'Connell, Andrew W. McCaskie. - (International student edition). - 27th ed. V. 1
Вихідні дані : Boca Raton [USA]: CRC Press, 2018
Кільк.характеристики :797 p.: il.
Серія: International student edition
Примітки : Bibliogr. at the end of the chap.
ISBN, Ціна 978-1-138-03164-7: 280.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery is the world-famous textbook of surgery. It has been in continuous publication since 1932, and is now fully updated and available in this 27th edition. The content is divided into 13 sections: Basic Principles - Investigation and Diagnosis - Perioperative Care - Trauma - Elective Orthopaedics - Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue - Head and Neck - Breast and Endocrine - Cardiothoracic - Vascular - Abdominal - Genitourinary - Transplantation – Appendices The user-friendly format includes photographs, line diagrams, learning objectives, summary boxes, biographical footnotes, memorable anecdotes and a highly-structured, full-colour page design. This book’s reputation for unambiguous advice make it the first point of reference for medical students and surgeons in training and in practice worldwide
Примірники : всього : ІЛ(2)
Вільні : ІЛ(2)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Назва : Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery : textbook . -20th ed.
Вихідні дані : London: English Language Book Society, 1990
Кільк.характеристики :786 с
ISBN, Ціна 0-7186-0502-0: 40.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Багатотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B16
Автор(и) :
Назва : Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery/ eds.: Norman S. Williams, Roman P. O'Connell, Andrew W. McCaskie. - (International student edition). - 27th ed. V. 2
Вихідні дані : Boca Raton [USA]: CRC Press, 2018
Кільк.характеристики :810 p.: il.
Серія: International student edition
Примітки : Bibliogr. at the end of the chap. - Appendix: p. 1560-1566. - Index: p. 1567-1610
ISBN, Ціна 978-1-138-03164-7: 280.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Анотація: Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery is the world-famous textbook of surgery. It has been in continuous publication since 1932, and is now fully updated and available in this 27th edition. The content is divided into 13 sections: Basic Principles - Investigation and Diagnosis - Perioperative Care - Trauma - Elective Orthopaedics - Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue - Head and Neck - Breast and Endocrine - Cardiothoracic - Vascular - Abdominal - Genitourinary - Transplantation - Appendices The user-friendly format includes photographs, line diagrams, learning objectives, summary boxes, biographical footnotes, memorable anecdotes and a highly-structured, full-colour page design. This book’s reputation for unambiguous advice make it the first point of reference for medical students and surgeons in training and in practice worldwide
Примірники : всього : ІЛ(2)
Вільні : ІЛ(2)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B 16
Назва : Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery : [textbook] . -22nd ed.
Вихідні дані : London: Chapman & Hall Medical, 1995
Кільк.характеристики :1041 с
Примітки : Index: p. 1028-1041
ISBN, Ціна 0-412-49490-6: 250.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники :ІЛ(1)
Вільні : ІЛ(1)
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Форма документа : Однотомне видання
Шифр видання : 617-089/B29
Назва : Basic Science Review for Surgeons
Вихідні дані : Philadelphia [etc.]: Saunders W. B., 1992
Кільк.характеристики :448 с
ISBN, Ціна 0-7216-2984-9: 30.00 р.
УДК : 617-089 + 617-089(075.8)=111
Примірники : всього : ІЛ(2)
Вільні : ІЛ(2)
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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      
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