
    Faruqi, Nafis Ahmad.
    Handbook of Osteology [Text] / Nafis Ahmad Faruqi. - 2nd ed. - New Delhi : CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2012. - 312 p. : il. - Index: p. 311-315. - ISBN 978-81-239-2057-3

ОСТЕОЛОГИЯ -- OSTEOLOGY (методы, обучение)
Annotation: It was the need of time. With the reduction of 1 st professional MBBS curriculum in basic sciences to one year, students could hardly afford presently available textbook of osteology. The idea behind the present contribution was to minimise the description, without compromising with essential informations, in lucid manner. The unique feature of this book is its diagrams, which have been independently drawn by author himself, to minimise the factual inaccuracies. Coloured line diagrams have been included to provide support to the textual description. Clarity in the language and way of presentation further enhance the value of the book
The popular demand of the book ‘Handbook of Osteology’ has persuaded the author to bring out its new edition. Addition of new chapter ‘The Bony Pelvis’ has made this book further attractive. ‘Sexual Dimorphism’ has been added to the chapter of ‘Hip Bone’ after getting feedback from my beloved students. I am highly obliged to my medical students and some of the teachers like Prof. Dr. Khursheed Alam, PMC, Patna, for their encouraging remarks and suggestions. I wish them all a bright future in the field of Medicine
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