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Cipher: ЕУ12/2019/41/3

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2019year Т. 41 № 3 . - 45.41, р.
R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: 25 years with the OECI. - С.187
Chekhun, V. F. MicroRNAs are a key factor in the globalization of tumor-host relationships / V. F. Chekhun. - С.188-194. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Shlyakhovenko, V. O. The dual role of ribonucleases in tumor-host relationship / V. O. Shlyakhovenko, O. A. Samoylenko. - С.195-199. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Shuba, Ya. M. Ca2+ channel-forming ORAI proteins: cancer foes or cancer allies? / Ya. M. Shuba. - С.200-206. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Ivanivska, T. S. Immunophenotypic features of leukemic stem cells and bulk of blasts in acute myeloid leukemia / T. S. Ivanivska [та ін.]. - С.207-209. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Sklyarenko L. M., Zavelevich M. P., Philchenkov A. A., Koval S. V., Polishchuk A. S., Gluzman D. F.
Holotiuk, V. V. Role of nitric oxide in pathogenesis of tumor growth and its possible application in cancer treatment / V. V. Holotiuk [та ін.]. - С.210-215. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Kryzhanivska A. Y., Churpiy I. K., Tataryn B. B., Ivasiutyn D. Ya.
Oshyvalova, O. Modern view on epidermal dysplasia carcinogenesis / O. Oshyvalova, Z. Rossokha. - С.216-223. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Bazalytska, S. V. Моlecular mechanisms of initiation of carcinogenesis in the testis / S. V. Bazalytska, Y. Persidsky, A. M. Romanenko. - С.224-234. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Bogdanova, T. Histopathological characteristics and post-operative follow-up of patients with potentially radiogenic papillary thyroid carcinoma depending on oncocytic changes availability in the tumor cells / T. Bogdanova [та ін.]. - С.235-241. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Zurnadzhy L., Masiuk S., Burko S., Degtyaryova T., Kovalenko A., Bolgov M., Chernyshov S., Gulevatyi S., Thomas G., Tronko M.
Lukianova, N. Yu. Tumor microenvironment-derived miRNAs as prognostic markers of breast cancer / N. Yu. Lukianova, T. V. Borikun, V. F. Chekhun. - С.242-247. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Patysheva, M. Cytostatic cancer therapy modulates monocyte-macrophage cell functions: how it impacts on treatment outcomes / M. Patysheva [та ін.]. - С.248-253. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Stakheyeva M., Larionova I., Fedorov A., Kzhyshkowska J., Cherdyntseva N.
Sakhno, L. A. Adsorptive therapy as a modificator for tumor-host interaction / L. A. Sakhno [та ін.]. - С.254-257. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Sarnatskaya V. V., Yushko L. A., Snezhkova E. A., Bardakhivskaya K. I., Shevchuk O. O., Sidorenko A. S., Nikolaev V. G.
Materials of the II International Conference “Tumor and Host: Novel Aspects of Old Problem” (November 21–22, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine). - С.258-280
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2021/43/3

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2021year Т. 43 № 3
To the thirties anniversary of the independence of Ukraine priorities in cancer research: retrospective and prospective aspects. - С.194-196
Chumak, A. V. Influence of bacterial lectin on key regulatory links of functional activity of macrophages in mice with Ehrlich carcinoma / A. V. Chumak [et al.]. - С.197-203
Other authors: Fedosova N. I., Shcherbina V. M., Cheremshenko N. L., Karaman O. M., Chekhun V. F.
Kovalevska, L. M. Expression pattern of MRPS 18 family genes in gliomas / L. M. Kovalevska [et al.]. - С.204-208
Other authors: Malysheva T. A., Kalman S. S., Rozumenko A. V., Verbova L. V., Rozumenko V. D., Kashuba E. V.
Roomi, M. W. A nutrient mixture reduced tumor growth of SK-UT-1 human leiomyosarcoma cells IN VIVO and IN VITRO by inhibiting MMPS and inducing apoptosis / M. W. Roomi [et al.]. - С.209-216
Other authors: Bhanap B., Niedzwiecki A., Rath M.
Khranovska, N. Magnetically sensitive nanocomplex enhances antitumor efficacy of dendritic cell-based immunotherapy / N. Khranovska [et al.]. - С.217-223
Other authors: Shachkova O., Gorbach O., Inomistova M., Orel V.
Abramenko, I. Association of lipoprotein lipase expression with TP53 gene polymorphisms in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells / I. Abramenko [et al.]. - С.224-228
Other authors: Bilous N., Chumak A., Dyagil I., Martina Z.
Zotova, O. V. 11q23/MLL rearrangements in adult acute leukemia / O. V. Zotova [et al.]. - С.229-233
Other authors: Lukianova A. S., Valchuk M. O., Karol Yu. S., Dhalay O. O., Novak V. L., Loginsky V. E.
Horacek, J. M. Evaluation of serum levels of selected cytokine receptors in adult B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia and their association with prognostic factors and survival / J. M. Horacek [et al.]. - С.234-236
Other authors: Kupsa T., Vanek J., Jakl M., Stajer M., Jebavy L., Zak P.
Konovalenko, V. F. Experimental substantiation of the use of hydroxyapatite - tricalcium phosphate bioceramics for replacing bone defects after tumor removal / V. F. Konovalenko [et al.]. - С.237-241
Other authors: Ternovyi N. K., Tuz E. V., Protsenko V. V., Solonitsyn E. O., Udai A., Drobotun O. V., Ulianchych N. V.
Ivankova, V. S. Effects of brachytherapy on cytogenetic parameters and oxidative status in peripheral blood lymphocytes of gynecologic cancer patients / V. S. Ivankova [et al.]. - С.242-246
Other authors: Domina E. A., Khrulenko T. V., Makovetska L. I., Hrinchenko O. O., Baranovska L. M.
Rawoot, S. Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio as a prognostic marker for non-metastatic renal cell carcinoma - does it add to what we already know? / S. Rawoot [et al.]. - С.247-251
Other authors: Punatar C., Singh V., Anand A., Shah B., Nagaonkar S., Joshi V.
Vlachou, M. S. Plasma ctDNA ras status selects patients for anti-EGER treatment rechallenge in metastatic colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis / M. S. Vlachou [et al.]. - С.252-256
Other authors: Mauri D., Zarkavelis G., Ntellas P., Tagkas C., Gkoura S., Pentheroudakis G.
Kukushkina, M. Safety profile and clinical outcome of adjuvant radiation therapy and intermediate-dose interferon in comparison with intermediate dose interferon alone in patients with melanoma metastases in regional lymph nodes and unfavorable prognostic factors / M. Kukushkina [et al.]. - С.252-260
Other authors: Korovin S., Diedkov S., Ostafiichuk V., Diedkov A.
Burlaka, A. P. Redox dependent features of tumors, adipose tissue. neutrophiles and platelets in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer / A. P. Burlaka [et al.]. - С.261-265
Other authors: Virko S. V., Burlaka A. A., Krupnyk K. L.
Kornatska, A. G. ESR1 gene variants affect FSHR-depended risk of fibrocystic mastopapthy in infertile women / A. G. Kornatska [et al.]. - С.266-269
Other authors: Rossokha Z. I., Fishchuk L. Ye., Dubenko O. D., Medvedieva N. I., Haksemberg M. A., Chubei G. V., Popova O. F., Gorovenko N. G.
Solyanik, G. I. Oxamate, an inhibitor of lactate dehydrogenase, can stimulate M2 polarization of peritoneal macrophages in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma / G. I. Solyanik [et al.]. - С.270-276
Other authors: Karaman O. M., Yakshibaeva Y. R., Pyaskovskaya O. N., Kolesnyk D. I.
Chekhun, V. F. Can SARS-CJV-2 change individual radiation sensitivity of the patients recovered from COVID-19? (experimental and theoretical background) / V. F. Chekhun, E. A. Domina. - С.277-280
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2020/42/3

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2020year Т. 42 № 3 . - 51.52, р.
Chekhun, V. F. Association of circulating miR-21, -205, and -182 with response of luminal breast cancers to neoadjuvant FAC and AC treatment / V. F. Chekhun [та ін.]. - С.162-166. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Borikun T. V., Bazas V. M., Andriiv A. V., Klyusov O. М., Yalovenko T. М., Lukianova N. Yu.
Kirkilevsky, S. I. Prognostic significance of microRNA-200b and ERCC1 expression in tumor cells of patients with esophageal cancer / S. I. Kirkilevsky [та ін.]. - С.167-171. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Krakhmalev P. S., Malyshok N. V., Zadvornyi T. V., Borikun T. V., Yalovenko T. M.
Abramenko, I. V. Analysis of immunoglobulin heavy variable chain rearrangement in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients among Chornobyl clean-up workers / I. V. Abramenko [та ін.]. - С.172-177. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Bilous N. I., Chumak A. A., Dyagil I. S., Martina Z. V.
Ghosh, S. K. Antiproliferative and apoptotic effect of ethanolic extract of Calocybe indica on PANC-1 and MIAPaCa2 cell lines of pancreatic cancer / S. K. Ghosh, T. Sanyal. - С.178-182. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Sanaei, M. Effect of valproic acid and zebularine on SOCS-1 and SOCS-3 gene expression in colon carcinoma SW48 cell line / M. Sanaei, F. Kavoosi, H. Behjoo. - С.183-187. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Mehri, S. Osteopontin siRNA does not confer resistance to toxic effects of parthenolide in Jurkat cells / S. Mehri [та ін.]. - С.188-191. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Mohammadi S., Nikbakht M., Sahmani M., Zahedpanah M.
Pyaskovskaya, O. N. Tumor microenvironment changes tumor cell sensitivity to action of energy metabolism modifiers / O. N. Pyaskovskaya [та ін.]. - С.192-196. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Kolesnik D. L., Pyaskovskaya O.N., Prokhorova I. V., Burlaka A. P., Gorbach O. I., Solyanik G. I.
Symchych, T. V. Functions of tumor-associated macrophages and macrophages residing in remote anatomical niches in Ehrlich carcinoma bearing mice / T. V. Symchych [та ін.]. - С.197-203. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Fedosova N. I., Chumak A. V., Cheremshenko N. L., Karaman O. M., Burlaka A. P., Voyeykova I. M., Chekhun V. F.
Todor, I. N. Biomagnetism of tumor in rats with Guerin’s carcinoma after injection of ferromagnetic nanocomposite (Ferroplat): contactless measurement / I. N. Todor [та ін.]. - С.204-207. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Lukianova N. Yu., Primin M. А., Nedayvoda I. V., Chekhun V. F.
Çavuş, B. Assessment of prognostic and diagnostic value of some biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma / B. Çavuş [та ін.]. - С.208-214. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Akyuz F., İliaz R., Akyuz U., Duranyıldız D., Serilmez M., Tekin D., Evirgen S., Karaca Ç., Demir K., Beşışık F., Kaymakoğlu S.
Babkina, T. M. Detection of breast cancer presenting as a mass in women with dense breasts — digital breast tomosynthesis versus full-field digital mammography / T. M. Babkina [та ін.]. - С.215-219. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Dykan I. M., Gurando A. V., Suleimenova D. M., Kozarenko T. M., Bozhok Ye. M., Stuley V. A.
Dumanskiy, Y. V. Comparative evaluation of purine dysmetabolism in gastric and pulmonary adenocarcinomas / Y. V. Dumanskiy [та ін.]. - С.220-223. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Stoliarova O. Y., Syniachenko O. V., Aliev R. F., Iermolaeva М. V., Sokrut О. P.
Stakhovskyi, O. E. Quality of life in patients after radical cystectomy with modified ureterocutaneostomy and Bricker urinary diversion / O. E. Stakhovskyi [та ін.]. - С.224-227. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Semko S. L., Pikul M. V., Grechko B. O., Voylenko O. A., Kononenko O. A., Vitruk I. V., Stakhovsky E. O.
Kravets, O. V. Comparative analysis of the efficacy of definitive chemoradiation therapy and surgery followed by adjuvant radiation therapy in advanced-stage oral tongue cancer / O. V. Kravets [та ін.]. - С.228-232. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Protsyk V. S., Burtyn O. V., Hurianov V. G.
Baranovska, V. V. Histological differential diagnostics of renal oncocytoma / V. V. Baranovska, A. M. Romanenko, L. M. Zakhartseva. - С.233-237. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Trociukas, I. Progressive multifocal encephalopathy in a patient with non-Hodgkin follicular lymphoma / I. Trociukas [та ін.]. - С.238-241. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Zirnis A. E., Beļajeva L., Rivkina A., Lejniece S.
Golovko, A. Thyroid metastasis of vaginal leiomyosarcoma: a case report and review of the literature / A. Golovko [та ін.]. - С.242-244. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Kuryk O., Tkachenko R., Mendel N.
Filenko, B. M. Clinicomorphological observation of refractory hepatoblastoma: a case report / B. M. Filenko [та ін.]. - С.245-247. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Other authors: Starchenko I. I., Royko N. V., Vynnyk N. I., Dyachenko L. V.
Zinovkin, D. A. Water clear cell adenoma of parathyroid gland: a rare lesion / D. A. Zinovkin, M. Yu. Zhandarov, M. Z .I. Pranjol. - С.248. - Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2018/40/4

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2018year Т. 40 № 4
Oncology in the mainstream of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine: to the 100th anniversary of the academy / ed. V. F Chekhun. - С.258-260
Tari, K. The role of the genetic abnormalities, epigenetic and microRNA in the prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia / K. Tari [et al.]. - С.261-267
Other authors: Shamsi Z., Ghafari H. R., Atashi A., Shahjahani M., Abroun S.
Chekhun, V. F. Influence of ferromagnetic nanocomposite (ferroplat) on human breast cancer cells of different malignancy degrees: pro/antioxidant balance and energy metabolism / V. F. Chekhun [et al.]. - С.268-274
Other authors: Todor I. N., Lukianova N. Yu., Horbyk D. M., Lozovskaya Yu. V., Burlaka A. P., Borikun T. V.
Symchych, T. V. The effects of early postoperative immunization with xenogeneic embryo proteins on Lewis lung carcinoma model / T. V. Symchych [et al.]. - С.275-281
Other authors: Fedosova N. I., Karaman O. M., Voyeykova I. M., Didenko G. V.
Yakymenko, I. Oxidative and mutagenic effects of low intensity GSM 18OO MHz microwave radiation / I. Yakymenko [et al.]. - С.282-287
Other authors: Burlaka A., Tsybulin O., Brieieva O., Buchynska L., Tsehmistrenko S., Chekhun V.
Smal, M. P. Ber gene polymorphisms associated with key molecular events in bladder cancer / M. P. Smal [et al.]. - С.288-298
Other authors: Kuzhir T. D., Savina N. V., Nikitchenko N. V., Rolevich A. I., Krasny S. A., Goncharova R. I.
Abooshahab, R. Serum level dipeptidyl peptidase-4 as a potential biomarker for medullary thyroid cancer / R. Abooshahab [et al.]. - С.299-302
Other authors: Niyazi E., Yaghmaie P., Chadaksaz H. G., Hedayati M.
Buchynska, L. G. Overexpression of the mitochondrial ribosomal protein S 18-2 in the invasive breast carcinomas / L. G. Buchynska [et al.]. - С.303-308
Other authors: Iurchenko N. P., Kashuba E. V., Brieieva O. V., Glushchenko N. M., Mints M., Lukianova N. Yu., Chekhun V. F.
Arabpour, F. FoxP3 gene polymorphism is associated with breast cancer in iranian patients / F. Arabpour [et al.]. - С.309-314
Other authors: Shafizad A., Rahimzadeh M., Norouzian M., Naderi N.
Gerashchenko, G. V. Expression pattern of genes associated with tumor microenvironment in prostate cancer / G. V. Gerashchenko [et al.]. - С.315-322
Other authors: Grygoruk O. V., Kononenko O. A., Gryzodub O. P., Stakhovsky E. O., Kashuba V. I.
Tas, F. Clinical significance of serum caveolin-1 levels in gastric cancer patients / F. Tas [et al.]. - С.323-327
Other authors: Karabulut S., Erturk K., Duranyildiz D.
Shvachko, L. P. Vitamin E activates expression of C/EBP alpha transcription factor and G-CSF receptor in leukemic K562 cells / L. P. Shvachko [et al.]. - С.328-331
Other authors: Zavelevich M. P., Gluzman D. F., Kravchuk I. V., Telegeev G. D.
Kuzyk, P. V. Rare case of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of left lung in the patient with previous pulmonary tuberculosis / P. V. Kuzyk, M. A. Savchyna, S. G. Gychka. - С.332-335
Zakhartseva, L. M. Metastatic cardiac tumors: literature review and own observation of testicular tumor metastasis in the right ventricle of the heart / L. M. Zakhartseva [et al.]. - С.336-342
Other authors: Zakharova L. P., Shatrova K. M., Chitaeva G. E., Vitovsky R. M.
Langabeer, S. E. The JAK2 V617F mutation in lung cancer: caveat emptor / S. E. Langabeer. - С.343-344
Professor Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Shlyakhovenko (on the 80th birth anniversary). - С.345
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2019/41/1

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2019year Т. 41 № 1 . - 45.41, р.
Solyanik, G. I. Quinazoline compounds for antitumor treatment / G. I. Solyanik. - С.3-6. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Mahmoudian, J. Expression profiling of plac1 in murine cancer cell lines / J. Mahmoudian [та ін.]. - С.7-13. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Ghods R., Nazari M., Jeddi-Tehrani M., Ghahremani M. H., Ostad S. N., Zarnani A. H.
Kolesnik, D. L. Time-dependent cytotoxicity of dichloroacetate and metformin against Lewis lung carcinoma / D. L. Kolesnik [та ін.]. - С.14-19. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Pyaskovskaya O. N., Yakshibaeva Yu. R., Solyanik G. I.
Lozovska, Yu. V. The influence of lactoferrin on elemental homeostasis and activity of metal-containing enzymes in rats with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma / Yu. V. Lozovska [та ін.]. - С.20-25. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Andrusishina I. M., Lukianova N. Yu., Burlaka A. P., Naleskina L. A., Todor I. N., Chekhun V. F.
Burlaka, A. A. DNA oxidation in patients with metastastic colorectal cancer: clinical significance of 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine as an independent prognostic factor / A. A. Burlaka [та ін.]. - С.26-31. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Vovk A. V., Burlaka A. P., Kolesnik O. O.
Stakheyeva, M. Integral characteristic of the immune system state predicts breast cancer outcome / M. Stakheyeva [та ін.]. - С.32-38. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Eidenzon D., Slonimskaya E., Patysheva M., Bogdashin I., Kolegova E., Grigoriev E., Choinzonov E., Cherdyntseva N.
Bilous, N. Analysis of LPL gene expression in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia / N. Bilous [та ін.]. - С.39-45. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Abramenko I., Chumak A., Dyagil I., Martina Z.
Alghamdi, S. Evaluation of dose calculation algorithms using different density materials for in-field and out-of-field conditions / S. Alghamdi, A. Tajaldeen. - С.46-52. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Poluben, L. Copy number alterations and copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity in Ukrainian patients with primary myelofibrosis / L. Poluben [та ін.]. - С.53-56. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Bryke Ch. R., Hsu Y., Shumeiko O., Neumerzhitska L., Klimuk B., Rybchenko L., Klymenko S., Balk S. P., Fraenkel P. G.
Bakai, O. A. Radiation research to determine local tumor invasion in patients with cervical cancer / O. A. Bakai [та ін.]. - С.57-60. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Golovko T. S., Ganich A. V., Gavriluk O. N., Ashykhmin A. V.
Zabolotnyi, D. I. Aggregated proteins in malignant and benign neoplasms / D. I. Zabolotnyi [та ін.]. - С.61-68. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Belousova A. A., Zabolotna D. D., SavchenkoT. D., Voroshylova N. M., Timchenko M. D., Tsvirinko I. R., Verevka S. V.
Shirin, V. Assessment of trace elements in serum of acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia patients / V. Shirin [та ін.]. - С.69-71. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Sayfidin J., Mina E. -R., Shohren K., Reza S.
Tkachenko, R. Parathyroid carcinoma: a case report / R. Tkachenko [та ін.]. - С.72-75. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Zakhartseva L., Golovko A., Golovko A., Kuryk O., Lazarenko G.
Semko, S. A case of synchronous bilateral calyx urothelial carcinoma: combined treatment approach / S. Semko [та ін.]. - С.76-79. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Pikul M., Voylenko O., Stakhovskyi O., Kononenko O., Vitruk Yu., Stakhovsky E.
De, Giorgi V. Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma: a clinical, dermoscopic, pathologic case study / Giorgi V. De [та ін.]. - С.80-81. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Scarfì F., Silvestri F., Maida P., Gori A., Trane L., Massi D.
Langabeer, S. E. Suboptimal molecular response to tyrosine kinase inhibition associated with acquisition of a T240A ABL1 kinase domain mutation in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia / S. E. Langabeer [та ін.]. - С.82-83. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Haslam K., Crampe M., MacDonagh B., McHugh J.
Brieieva, O. Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Fundamental Medicine: Integrated Approaches to Cancer Therapy” / O. Brieieva. - С.84-86. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Tumor and Host: Novel Aspects of Old Problem. - С.87
Ludmyla Zakharivna Polishchuk (1937–2019). - С.88
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2018/40/3

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2018year Т. 40 № 3
Akbarzadeh, A. Role of dendrimers in advanced drug delivery and biomedical applications: a review / A. Akbarzadeh [та ін.]. - С.178-183. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Khalilov R., Mostafavi E., Annabi N., Abasi E., Kafshdooz T., Herizchi R., Kavetskyy T., Saghfi S., Nasibova A., Davaran S.
Zadvornyi, T. V. Effects of exogenous lactoferrin on phenotypic profile and invasiveness of human prostate cancer cells (DU145 and LNCaP) in vitro / T. V. Zadvornyi [та ін.]. - С.184-189. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Lukianova N. Y., Borikun T. V., Chekhun V. F.
Harper, P. The impact of morphine treatment on bladder cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis: in vitro studies / P. Harper [та ін.]. - С.190-193. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Hald O., Lwaleed B. A., Kyyaly A., Johnston D., Cooper A. J., Birch B.
Apykhtina, О. L. Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles / О. L. Apykhtina [та ін.]. - С.194-199. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Dybkova S. M., Sokurenko L. M., Chaikovsky Yu. B.
Chekhun, V. F. Antitumor and genotoxic effects of lactoferrin in Walker-256 tumor-bearing rats / V. F. Chekhun [та ін.]. - С.200-204. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Storchai D. M., Todor I. N., Borikun T. V., Lukianova N. Yu.
Prokhorova, I. V. Influence of metformin, sodium dichloroacetate and their combination on the hematological and biochemical blood parameters of rats with gliomas C6 / I. V. Prokhorova [та ін.]. - С.205-210. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Pyaskovskaya O. N., Kolesnik D. L., Solyanik G. I.
Abramenko, I. V. Analysis of the 3′UTR region of the NOTCH1 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients / I. V. Abramenko [та ін.]. - С.211-217. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Bilous N. I. , Chumak A. A., Dyagil I. S., Martina Z. V.
Nesina, I. P. Markers of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cells of endometrial carcinoma / I. P. Nesina, N. P. Iurchenko, L. G. Buchynska. - С.218-222. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Vernygorodskyi, S. Comparative histochemical evaluation of mucins expression in fetal esophagus and adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction / S. Vernygorodskyi, T. Rekun, P. Zhuchenko. - С.223-227. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Gerashchenko, T. S. Different morphological structures of breast tumors demonstrate individual drug resistance gene expression profiles / T. S. Gerashchenko [та ін.]. - С.228-234. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Denisov E. V., Novikov N. M., Tashireva L. A., Kaigorodova E. V., Savelieva O. E., Zavyalova M. V., Cherdyntseva N. V., Perelmuter V. M.
Agishev, T. T. Determination of oxygen perfusion in the area of radiation-induced fibrosis of the skin in patients with breast cancer and its role in pathogenesis of late radiation injury / T. T. Agishev [та ін.]. - С.235-238. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Topuzov E. E., Кrasnozhon D. A., Petrachkov A. O., Pavlov R. V., Doniyarov S. H.
Dumansky, Yu. V. Paraneoplastic syndrome in lung cancer / Yu. V. Dumansky [та ін.]. - С.239-242. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Syniachenko O. V., Stepko P. A., Yehudina Ye. D., Stoliarova O. Yu.
Grybach, S. M. Analysis of the survival of patients with breast cancer depending on age, molecular subtype of tumor and metabolic syndrome / S. M. Grybach, L. Z. Polishchuk, V. F. Chekhun. - С.243-248. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Chrysanthakopoulos, N. A. ABO blood group and the risk of lung cancer in Greek adults: a case — control study / N. A. Chrysanthakopoulos, N. S. Dareioti. - С.249-250. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Tkachenko, R. A case report of late local relapse of adrenocortical carcinoma 18 years after adrenalectomy / R. Tkachenko, A. Golovko, O. Kuryk. - С.251-253
Svitlana Pavlivna Sidorenko (1953–2018). - С.254-255
Yurii Yosypovych Kudryavets (1946–2018). - С.256-257
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2018/40/1

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2018year Т. 40 № 1
Kian, R. Role of components of microRNA machinery in carcinogenesis / R. Kian, S. Moradi, S. Ghorbian. - С.2-9. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Patel, K. R. Clinical implications of p53 alterations in oral cancer progression: a review from India / K. R. Patel [та ін.]. - С.10-18. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Vajaria B. N., Singh R. D., Begum R., Patel P. S.
Varela-Castillo, O. Characterization of the cytotoxic effects of the combination of cisplatin and flavanol (-)-epicatechin on human lung cancer cell line A549. An isobolographic approach / O. Varela-Castillo [та ін.]. - С.19-23. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Cordero P., Gutierrez-Iglesias G., Palma I., Rubio-Gayosso I., Meaney E., Ramirez-Sanchez I., Villarreal F., Ceballos G., Najera N.
Chaves, K. C. B. Impact of endostatin gene therapy on myeloid-derived suppressor cells from a metastatic renal cell carcinoma / K. C. B. Chaves [та ін.]. - С.24-32. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Costa E. M., Teixeira L. F., Bellini M. H.
Sarnatskaya, V. V. Highly activated carbon enterosorbent mediates the suppression of paraneoplastic syndrome associated with lewis lung carcinoma in mice / V. V. Sarnatskaya [та ін.]. - С.33-41. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Sakhno L. A., Paziuk L. M., Yushko L. A., Rodionova N. K., Maslenny V. N., Sydorenko A. S., Nikolaev V.G.
Boroday, N. V. Morphological features of doxorubicin-resistant Walker 256 carcinosarcoma and response of mast cells / N. V. Boroday, V. F. Chekhun. - С.42-47. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Kurtenkov, O. Signatures of anti-Thomsen — friedenreich antigen antibody diversity in colon cancer patients / O. Kurtenkov, M. Bubina, K. Klaamas. - С.48-58. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Paliychuk, O. V. Molecular-genetic models for prognosis of development of tumors of reproductive system in women with family history of cancer / O. V. Paliychuk [та ін.]. - С.59-67. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Polishchuk L. Z., Rossokha Z. I., Chekhun V. F.
Buchynska, L. G. Sensitivity to 4-hydroxyestradiol and dna repair efficiency in peripheral blood lymphocytes of endometrial cancer patients / L. G. Buchynska, O. V. Brieieva. - С.68-72. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Lozynska, L. Y. Variant of rare hermansky — pudlak syndrome associated with granulomatous colitis: diagnostics clinical course and treatment / L. Y. Lozynska [та ін.]. - С.73-78. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Plawski A., Lozynska M. R., Vytvytskyi I., Lozynskyi R. Y., Prokopchuk N., Tretiak B.
Zubenko, O. S. Effect of cytostatic agents on expression levels of human beta-defensins-1-4 in A431 and MCF-7 cell lines / O. S. Zubenko [та ін.]. - С.79-81. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Semeniuk D. O., Starenka I. O., Pogribnyy P. V.
Imaniar, R. Mediastinal yolk sac tumor infiltrating the heart / R. Imaniar [та ін.]. - С.82-84. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Syahruddin E., Soepandi P. Z., Putra A. C., Nurwidya F.
Ben, Kridis W. A long survival of a patient with brain metastasis of unknown site of the primary tumor / Kridis W. Ben [та ін.]. - С.85-87. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Sghaier S., Toumi N., Boudawara Z., Khanfir A., Daoud J., Frikha M.
Symposium and Summer School “Fundamental principles of cancer biotherapy” Kyiv Ukraine May 21-24 2018. - С.88
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2021/43/1

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2021year Т. 43 № 1 . - 51.32, р.
Cavalli, M. A non-coding cancer mutation disrupting an HNF4α binding motif affects an enhancer regulating genes associated to the progression of liver cancer / M. Cavalli [та ін.]. - С.2-7. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Diamanti K.1., Pan G., Dabrowski M. J., Komorowski J., Wadelius C.
Yakovlev, P. G. Changes in expression of TLR-4, TGF-β, INF-γ, TNF-α in cultured T24/83 cells of invasive bladder cancer treated with cisplatin and/or polyphenolic adjuvant melanin / P. G. Yakovlev [та ін.]. - С.7-14. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Gorbach O. I., Khranovska N. M., Beliayeva A. V., Skachkova O. V., Skaterna T. D., Kalachniuk L. G., Ostapchenko L. I., Garmanchuk L. V.
Chumak, A. V. Macrophage polarization in dynamics of Lewis lung carcinoma growth and metastasis / A. V. Chumak [та ін.]. - С.15-20. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Fedosova N.I., Cheremshenko N. L., Symchych T. V., Voyeykova I. M., Chekhun V. F.
Yushko, L. A. Comparative study of biochemical and morphological parameters in rats with Walker 256 and Walker 256/DOX carcinosarcoma / L. A. Yushko [та ін.]. - С.21-25. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Sarnatskaya V. V., Sakhno L. A., Hudenko N. V., Paziuk L. M., Maslenny V. N., Melnyk V. O., Nikolaev V. G.
Prokhorova, I. V. ROS production by circulating phagocytes and Guerin carcinoma resistance to cisplatin / I. V. Prokhorova [та ін.]. - С.26-30. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Gorbach O. I., Yakshibaeva Yu. R., Shliakhtova N. А., Solyanik G. I.
Elemam, O. Emergency oncology admissions during COVID-19 pandemic: a major institution experience from Saudi Arabia / O. Elemam [та ін.]. - С.31-35. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Tashkandi E., Abdelkhalek S., Shalaby I., Baraka R.
Kravets, O. V. Significance of expression of tumor-associated microRNA-21 and -375 for predicting the course of cancer of oral cavity / O. V. Kravets [та ін.]. - С.36-40. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Burtyn O. V., Borikun T. V., Zadvornyi T. V., Yalovenko T. M., Kolesnik O. O.
Boyko, O. Erythropoietin as an independent prognostic factor in myelodysplastic syndromes / O. Boyko [та ін.]. - С.41-45. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Simonova M., Knysh N., Danysh O., Vygovska Y., Masliak Z.
Samoylenko, O. A. Ornithine decarboxylase activity in prostate cancer / О. А. Samoylenko [та ін.]. - С.46-51. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Stakhovsky E. O., Vitruk Y. V., Shlyakhovenko V. O.
Gervas, P. New germline mutations in BRCA1, ATM, MUTYH, and RAD51D genes in Tuvans early-onset breast cancer patients / P. Gervas [та ін.]. - С.52-55. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Molokov A., Ivanova A., Panferova Ye., Kiselev A., Chernyshova A., Pisareva L., Choynzonov E., Cherdyntseva N.
Lobanova, O. E. Prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes promoter hypermethylation in breast cancer tissue / O. E. Lobanova [та ін.]. - С.56-60. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Rossokha Z. I., Medvedieva N. L., Cheshuk V. E., Vereshchako R. I., Vershyhora V. O., Fishchuk L. Ye., Zakhartseva L. M., Gorovenko N. G.
Hergebue, K. Therapeutic results and prognostic factors of stage III NSCLC: a population-based study in Tunisia / K. Hergebue [та ін.]. - С.61-66. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Mejri N., Berrazega Y., Rachdi H., El Benna H., Labidi S., Boussen H.
Tsip, N. P. Experience with the use of HIPEC in advanced serous ovarian cancer after complete and optimal cytoreduction / N. P. Tsip [та ін.]. - С.67-72. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Kopetskiy V. I., Polentsov Yu. O., Yegorov M. Yu., Vakulenko G. O., Svintsitskiy V. S.
Gurianov, D. S. Nuclear localization of BCR and cortactin indicates their potential role in regulation of actin branching in nucleus / D. S. Gurianov, S. V. Antonenko, G. D. Telegeev. - С.73-76. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Yanish, Yu. V. Application of gold and silver nanoparticles for selective assay of spermine in mixture with spermidine / Yu. V. Yanish [та ін.]. - С.77-81. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Zaletok S. P., Vityuk N. V., Mukha Yu. P.
Drogovoz, S. M. Experience and prospects for the use of off-label drugs in oncology / S. M. Drogovoz [та ін.]. - С.82-86. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Starikov V. I., Ivantsyk L. B., Shchokina K. G.
Gluzman, D. F. Immunodeficiency-associated lymphoproliferative disorders and lymphoid neoplasms in post-COVID-19 pandemic era / D. F. Gluzman [та ін.]. - С.87-91. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Zavelevich M. P., Philchenkov A. A., Koval S. V., Bezhenar T. O.
Moreno, M. An uncommon case of vulvar cancer metastatic to breast / M. Moreno [та ін.]. - С.92-95. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Matschinski G. N., Czarnobai I., Oliveira A., Boff T. C.
Ada Leonidivna Vorontsova (1934–2020). - С.96
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2017/39/3

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2017year Т. 39 № 3 . - 34.76, р.
Chekhun, V. F. On the 40th anniversary of the international symposium “The role of stem cells in leukemo-and carcinogenesis»: in Kyiv again / V. F. Chekhun. - С.162-163
Kalynychenko, T. O. Umbilical cord blood banking in the worldwide hematopoietic stem cell transplantation system: perspectives for Ukraine / T. O. Kalynychenko. - С.164-170. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Vasyliev, R. G. Large-scale expansion and characterization of human adult neural crest-derived multipotent stem cells from hair follicle for regenerative medicine applications / R. G. Vasyliev [та ін.]. - С.171-180. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Rodnichenko A. E., Gubar O. S., Zlatska A. V., Gordiienko I. M., Novikova S. N., Zubov D. O.
Kozub, M. M. Comparison of various tissue and cell therapy approaches when restoring ovarian, hepatic and kidney’s function after chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure / M. M. Kozub [та ін.]. - С.181-185. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Prokopiuk V. Y., Skibina K. R., Prokopiuk О. V., Kozub N. I.
Gubar, O. S. Postnatal extra-embryonic tissues as a source of multiple cell types for regenerative medicine applications / O. S. Gubar [та ін.]. - С.186-190. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Rodnichenko A. E., Vasyliev R. G., Zlatska A. V., Zubov D. O.
Vasyliev, R. G. Tissue-engineered bone for treatment of combat related limb injuries / R. G. Vasyliev [та ін.]. - С.191-196. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Oksymets V. M., Rodnichenko A. E., Zlatska A. V., Gubar O. S., Gordiienko I. M., Zubov D. O.
Zlatska, A. V. Endometrial stromal cells: isolation, expansion, morphological and functional properties / A. V. Zlatska [та ін.]. - С.197-202. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Rodnichenko A. E., Gubar O. S., Zubov D. O., Novikova S. N., Vasyliev R. G.
Chekhun, V. F. Association of CD44+CD24-/low with markers of aggressiveness and plasticity of cell lines and tumors of patients with breast cancer / V. F. Chekhun [та ін.]. - С.203-211. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Lukianova N. Y., Chekhun S. V., Bezdieniezhnykh N. O., Zadvomiy T. V., Borikun T. V., Polishchuk L. Z., Klyusov O. M.
Karlitepe, A. Anti-cancer efficiency of natural killer cells differentiated from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and transfected with miRNA150 / A. Karlitepe [та ін.]. - С.212-218. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Kabadayi H., Vatansever S., Gurdal M., Gunduz C., Ercan G.
Lisyaniy, N. I. Content of stem tumor CD133+ cells in brain neoplasms of different histological type / N. I. Lisyaniy [та ін.]. - С.219-223. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Stanetskaya D. N., Lisyaniy A. N., Belskaya L. N.
Ryspayeva, D. E. Are CD44+CD24- cells the assumed cancer stem cells in breast cancer? / D. E. Ryspayeva [та ін.]. - С.224-228. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Other authors: Smolanka I. I., Dudnichenko A. S., Lyashenko A. A., Grinevich Yu. A., Gurianov V. G., Koshubarova M. V., Seleznev A. A.
Bezdieniezhnykh, N. O. Scientific-practical and legal problems of implementation of the personalized medicine / N. O. Bezdieniezhnykh, V. V. Reznikova, O. V. Rossylna. - С.229-233
Normal and cancer stem cells: discovery diagnosis and therapy international scientific conference. R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology Oncology and Radiobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv October 5–6 2017. - С.234-256
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Cipher: ЕУ12/2020/42/2

Экспериментальная онкология [Text]
2020year Т. 42 № 2
Shvets, Yu. V. Human microbiota and effectiveness of cancer chemotherapy / Yu. V. Shvets, N. Yu. Lukianova, V. F. Chekhun. - С.82-93
Zadvornyi, T. V. Nanog as prognostic factor of prostate cancer course / T. V. Zadvornyi [et al.]. - С.94-100
Other authors: Lukianova N. Yu., Borikun T. V., Vitruk Yu. V., Stakhovsky E. O., Chekhun V. F.
Lamdan, H. Anti-proliferative effects of a blueberry extract on a panel of tumor cell lines of different origin / H. Lamdan [et al.]. - С.101-108
Other authors: Garcia-Lazaro R. S., Lorenzo N., Galigiuri L. G., Alonso D. F., Farina H. G.
Antonenko, S. V. Inhibition of USP1, a new partner of Bcr-Abl, results in decrease of Bcr-Abl level in K562 cells / S. V. Antonenko, G. D. Telegeev. - С.109-114
Onyshchenko, K. V. Expression of micro-RNA hsa-miR-30c-5p and hsa-miR-138-1 in renal cell carcinoma / K. V. Onyshchenko [et al.]. - С.115-119
Other authors: Voitsitskyi T. V., Grygorenko V. M., Saidakova N. O., Pereta L. V., Onyschuk A. P., Skrypkina I. Ya.
Stegantseva, M. V. Conjugation of new DNA vaccine with polyethylenimine induces cellular immune response and tumor regression in neuroblastoma mouse model / M. V. Stegantseva [et al.]. - С.120-125
Other authors: Shinkevich V. A., Tumar E. M., Meleshko A. N.
Andreieva, S. V. Peculiarities of abnormal karyotypes formation in therapy-related acute leukemias / S. V. Andreieva [et al.]. - С.126-129
Other authors: Kyselova O. A., Serbin I. M., Alkhimova O. G.
Bialik, P. HRM screening of the UBC9 gene encoding the SUMO-E2-conjugating enzyme - case-control study in breast cancer / P. Bialik [et al.]. - С.130-134
Other authors: Wysokinski D., Slomka M., Morawiec Z., Strapagiel D., Wozniak K.
Pankaj, D. Clinicopathological correlation of the expression of excision repair cross complementation group 1 (ERCC1) in oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas: an immunohistochemical study / D. Pankaj, V. Guddattu, M. C. Solomon. - С.135-139
Lyalkin, S. A. Prognostic role of androgen receptor expression in patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer / S. A. Lyalkin [et al.]. - С.140-143
Other authors: Verevkina N. O., Alekseyenko O. O., Syvak L. A.
Perekhrestenko, T. Expression of Ki-67 and CD34 on blood and bone marrow cells of CML patients with different response to imatinib and nilotinib therapy / T. Perekhrestenko [et al.]. - С.144-147
Other authors: Melnyk U., Goryainova N., Diagil I.
Glavatskyi, O. Ya. Temozolomide in glioblastoma treatment: 15-year clinical experience and analysis of its efficacy / O. Ya. Glavatskyi [et al.]. - С.148-156
Other authors: Zemskova O. V., Khmelnytskyi H. V., Kardash K. A., Shuba I. M., Stuley V. A.
Kliusov, O. M. Specialized care provided to patients with rectal cancer in Kyiv city / O. M. Kliusov. - С.157-160
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