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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Chekhun V. F., Lozovska Yu. V., Burlaka A. P., Ganusevich I. I., Shvets Yu. V., Lukyanova N. Yu., Todor I. M., Tregubova N. A., Naleskina L. A.
Title : Remodulating effect of doxorubicin on the state of iron-containing proteins, and redox characteristics of tumor with allowance for its sensitivity to cytostatic agents
Parallel titles :Ремодулювальний вплив доксорубіцину на кількісні показники залізовмісних протеїнів та редоксзалежні характеристики пухлини з урахуванням її чутливості до цитостатика
Place of publication : Український біохімічний журнал. - 2016. - Т. 88, № 1. - С. 99-108 (Cipher УУ1/2016/88/1)
Notes : Бібліогр.: в кінці ст.
Annotation: The study was aimed at determining the changes of metal-containing proteins in blood serum and tumor tissue of animals with parental and doxorubicin-resistant strains of Walker-256 carcinosarcoma before and after the cytostatic administration. It has been shown that upon doxorubicin action the levels of total iron and transferrin in the tissues from the both groups of animals decreased while that offerritine simultaneously increased with more pronounced pattern in the group of animals with resistant tumor strain. It has been shown that upon the action of doxorubicin in tumor tissue of animals with different sensitivity to the cytostatic there could be observed oppositely directed changes in the redox state of these cells that in turn determined the content of “free iron” complexes, ROS generation and concentration of active forms of matrix metalopro- teinase-2 and matrix metaloproteinase-9, namely, the increase of these indexes in animals with parental strain and their decrease in animals with the resistant one. So, our study has demonstrated the remodulating effect of doxorubicin on the state of metal-containing proteins and redox characteristics of tumor dependent on its sensitivity to cytostatic, at the levels of the tumor and an organism. These data may serve as a criterion for the development of programs for the correction of malfunction of iron metabolism aimed at elevating tumor sensitivity to cytostatic agents
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Title of magazine :Український біохімічний журнал -2016year т.88,N 1
Interesting articles :
Uspenska K. R. The effect of amixin and agmatine on cytochrome c release from isolated mitochondria/ K. R. Uspenska [и др.] (стр.5-10)
Minchenko O. H. Hypoxic regulation of the expression of cell proliferation related genes in U87 glioma cells upon inhibition of IRE1 signaling enzyme/ O. H. Minchenko [и др.] (стр.11-21)
Sandeep S. Multiple parametric approaches to assess acute radiation lung injury of rats/ S. Sandeep [и др.] (стр.22-30)
Danylovych H. V. Evaluation of functioning of mitochondrial electron transport chain with NADH and FAD autofluorescence/ H. V. Danylovych (стр.31-43)
Franskevych D. V. Modulation of cisplatin-induced reactive oxygen species production by fullerene C(60) in normal and transformed lymphoid cells/ D. V. Franskevych [и др.] (стр.44-50)
Kоbylinska L. I. Biochemical indicators of nephrotoxicity in blood serum of rats treated with novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives or their complexes with polyethylene glycol-containing nanoscale polymeric carrier/ L. I. Kоbylinska [и др.] (стр.51-60)
Rakhmetov A. D. Prx II and CKBB proteins interaction under physiological and thermal stress conditions in A549 and HeLa cells/ A. D. Rakhmetov [и др.] (стр.61-68)
Olkhovych N. V. Chitotriosidase activity as additional biomarker in the diagnosis of lysosomal storage diseases/ N. V. Olkhovych (стр.69-78)
Gudkova O. O. Amine oxidases as important agents of pathological processes of rhabdomyolysis in rats/ O. O. Gudkova, N. V. Latyshko, S. G. Shandrenko (стр.79-87)
Korneeva K. L. Expression of genes, encoding the enzymes of cysteine metabolism in human placenta in the first and third trimesters of uncomplicated pregnancy/ K. L. Korneeva [и др.] (стр.88-98)
Chekhun V. F. Remodulating effect of doxorubicin on the state of iron-containing proteins, and redox characteristics of tumor with allowance for its sensitivity to cytostatic agents/ V. F. Chekhun [и др.] (стр.99-108)
Sokolik V. V. Effect of β-amyloid peptide 42 on the dynamics of expression and formation of Аβ(40), IL-1β, TNFα, IL-6, IL-10 by peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro and its correction by curcumin / V. V. Sokolik, O. K. Koliada, S. M. Shulga (стр.109-118)
Bazalii A. V. Transcriptional regulation of NOX genes expression in human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells is modulated by adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85/ A. V. Bazalii [и др.] (стр.119-125)
Данилова В. М. Аналіз винахідницької діяльності відділу біохімії вітамінів і коензимів Інституту біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України в 1980–2015 рр./ В. М. Данилова [и др.] (стр.126-140)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2017year т.39,N 3
Interesting articles :
Chekhun V. F. On the 40th anniversary of the international symposium “The role of stem cells in leukemo-and carcinogenesis»: in Kyiv again/ V. F. Chekhun (стр.162-163)
Kalynychenko T. O. Umbilical cord blood banking in the worldwide hematopoietic stem cell transplantation system: perspectives for Ukraine/ T. O. Kalynychenko (стр.164-170)
Vasyliev R. G. Large-scale expansion and characterization of human adult neural crest-derived multipotent stem cells from hair follicle for regenerative medicine applications/ R. G. Vasyliev [та ін.] (стр.171-180)
Kozub M. M. Comparison of various tissue and cell therapy approaches when restoring ovarian, hepatic and kidney’s function after chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure/ M. M. Kozub [та ін.] (стр.181-185)
Gubar O. S. Postnatal extra-embryonic tissues as a source of multiple cell types for regenerative medicine applications/ O. S. Gubar [та ін.] (стр.186-190)
Vasyliev R. G. Tissue-engineered bone for treatment of combat related limb injuries/ R. G. Vasyliev [та ін.] (стр.191-196)
Zlatska A. V. Endometrial stromal cells: isolation, expansion, morphological and functional properties/ A. V. Zlatska [та ін.] (стр.197-202)
Chekhun V. F. Association of CD44+CD24-/low with markers of aggressiveness and plasticity of cell lines and tumors of patients with breast cancer/ V. F. Chekhun [та ін.] (стр.203-211)
Karlitepe A. Anti-cancer efficiency of natural killer cells differentiated from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and transfected with miRNA150/ A. Karlitepe [та ін.] (стр.212-218)
Lisyaniy N. I. Content of stem tumor CD133+ cells in brain neoplasms of different histological type/ N. I. Lisyaniy [та ін.] (стр.219-223)
Ryspayeva D. E. Are CD44+CD24- cells the assumed cancer stem cells in breast cancer?/ D. E. Ryspayeva [та ін.] (стр.224-228)
Bezdieniezhnykh N. O. Scientific-practical and legal problems of implementation of the personalized medicine/ N. O. Bezdieniezhnykh, V. V. Reznikova, O. V. Rossylna (стр.229-233)
Normal and cancer stem cells: discovery diagnosis and therapy international scientific conference. R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology Oncology and Radiobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv October 5–6 2017 (стр.234-256)
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Kozachkova O. M., Tsaryk N. V., Trachevskyi V. V., Rozhenko A. B., Shermolovich Yu. H., Guzyr O. I., Sharykina N. I., Chekhun V. F., Pekhnyo V. I.
Title : Complexes of palladium(II) with 1-phenyl-1-hydroxymethylene bisphosphonic acid and their antitumor activity
Place of publication : The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - Київ, 2017. - Том 89, N 2. - С. 106-115 (Cipher УУ1/2017/89/2)
Annotation: Complex formation of K2[PdCl4] with 1-phenyl-1-hydroxymethylene bisphosphonic acid (PhHMBP, H4L) has been studied by pH potentiometry, electron and NMR spectroscopy. It was found that in aqueous solution with physiological concentration of chlorine anions (0.15 mol/l KCl), anionic complexes of the equimolar compositions [PdHLCl2]3- (lgβ = 24.51 (0.3)) and [PdLCl2]4- (lgβ = 20.74 (0.02)) are formed. In the first coordination sphere palladium was surrounded by two oxygen atoms of two phosphonic groups of the bidentately coordinated ligand with closure of six-membered [O, O] ring, and two chlorine anions. The formation of palladium(II) equimolar complexes with PhHMBP and bidentate coordination of the ligand to the central metal cation was confirmed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. Cytotoxic activity (IC50 based on metal content) of the synthesized Pd(II) complexes with PhHMBP against human MG-63 osteosarcoma and MCF-7 mammary tumor cells was compared with cisplatin on in vitro models. It was established that cytotoxic activity of the Pd complexes was lower than that of cisplatin. The acute toxicity (LD50 based on metal content) of solutions of Pd(II) complexes with PhHMBP was found to be lower compared to cisplatin. It was shown that the use of solutions of palladium(II) complexes with PhHMBP inhibited tumor growth in mice with sarcoma 180
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Chekhun V. F., Lukianova N. Y., Chekhun S. V., Bezdieniezhnykh N. O., Zadvomiy T. V., Borikun T. V., Polishchuk L. Z., Klyusov O. M.
Title : Association of CD44+CD24-/low with markers of aggressiveness and plasticity of cell lines and tumors of patients with breast cancer
Place of publication : Экспериментальная онкология. - 2017. - Т. 39, № 3. - С. 203-211 (Cipher ЕУ12/2017/39/3)
Notes : Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Annotation: To search for additional molecular-biological markers of cancer stem cell (CSC) involved in the development of intra-tumor heterogeneity for the detection of features of the breast cancer (BC) pathogenesis. Materials and methods: Expression of estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), Her2/neu, E- and N-cadherin, CD24, CD44, Bcl-2, Bax, Slug, P-gp, glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and metallothionein in cell lines was determined by the immunocytochemical method. Expression of ER, PR, Her2/neu, CD24 and CD44 in the surgical material of BC patients were determined by the immunohistochemical method. The levels of the miRNA were determined using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results: Cells of high-grade malignancy (HGM), MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-468 are characterized by high expression of stem cell markers compared to the cells of low-grade malignancy (LGM), T47D and MCF-7: CD44 levels in T47D and MCF-7 cells were in range of 72-79 points, which is significantly lower than in HGM cells (p 0.05). Also, HGM cells with the properties of CSC were characterized by high expression of antiapoptotic proteins, the transcription factor Slug, and low levels of proapoptotic protein Bax (p 0.05) compared to LGM cells. In cells with CSC characteristics an increased expression of transferrin and its receptor, ferritin, fentorin and hepcidin was revealed indicating activation of the endogenous iron metabolism. The characteristic feature of HGM cells with CSC phenotype were the increased levels of oncogenic miR-221, -155 and -10b by 60%, 92% and 78%, respectively, and decreased levels of oncosuppressive miR-29b, -34a and -200b by 8.4 ± 0.3, 4.6 ± 0.2, and 3.4 ± 0.6 times compared to MCF-7 line cells. It has been established that the development of resistance to cytostatics is accompanied by increased aggressiveness of tumor cells, loss of expression of hormonal receptors and acquiring of stem phenotype. In particular, increased expression of P-gp was observed in BC cells during the development of resistance to doxorubicin, of GST during the development of resistance to cisplatin along with increased CD44 expression (p 0.05). We have revealed the relation between the presence of cells with the CSC phenotype (CD44+CD24-/low) and clinical and pathological characteristics of BC patients, their survival and BC sensitivity to neoadjuvant therapy (p > 0.05). Conclusions: The dependence between the expression of CSC markers and the degree of malignancy of tumor cells, development of resistance to cytostatics in vitro was established as well as the predictive value of the detection of the CSC for the individual prognosis of the BC course and sensitivity of the tumors to the treatment
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Chekhun V. F.
Title : On the 40th anniversary of the international symposium “The role of stem cells in leukemo-and carcinogenesis»: in Kyiv again
Place of publication : Экспериментальная онкология. - 2017. - Т. 39, № 3. - С. 162-163 (Cipher ЕУ12/2017/39/3)
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Chekhun V.F., Lukianova N.Y., Borikun T.V., Zadvornyi T.V., Mokhir A.
Title : Artemisinin modulating effect on human breast cancer cell lines with different sensitivity to cytostatics
Place of publication : Experimental Oncology. - К., 2017. - Том 39, N 1. - С. 25-29: табл. (Cipher ЕУ12/2017/39/1)
Notes : 21 ref.
Annotation: To explore effects of Artemisinin on a series of breast cancer cells with different sensitivity to typical cytotoxic drugs (doxorubicin — Dox; cisplatin — DDP) and to investigate possible artemisinin-induced modification of the mechanisms of drug resistance. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on wild-type breast cancer MCF-7 cell line (MCF-7/S) and its two sublines MCF-7/Dox and MCF-7/DDP resistant to Dox and DDP, respectively. The cells were treated with artemisinin and iron-containing magnetic fluid. The latter was added to modulate iron levels in the cells and explore its role in artemisinin-induced effects. The MTT assay was used to monitor cell viability, whereas changes of expression of selected proteins participating in regulation of cellular iron homeostasis were estimated using immunocytochemical methods. Finally, relative expression levels of miRNA-200b, -320a, and -34a were examined by using qRT-PCR. Results: Artemisinin affects mechanisms of the resistance of breast cancer cells towards both Dox and DDP at sub-toxic doses. The former drug induces changes of expression of iron-regulating proteins via different mechanisms, including epigenetic regulation. Particularly, the disturbances in ferritin heavy chain 1, lactoferrin, hepcidin (decrease) and ferroportin (increase) expression (р ≤ 0.05) were established. The most enhanced increase of miRNA expression under artemisinin influence were found for miRNA-200b in MCF-7/DDP cells (7.1 ± 0.98 fold change), miRNA-320a in MCF-7/Dox cells (2.9 ± 0.45 fold change) and miRNA-34a (1.7 ± 0.15 fold change) in MCF-7/S cells. It was observed that the sensitivity to artemisinin can be influenced by changing iron levels in cells. Conclusions: Artemisinin can modify iron metabolism of breast cancer cells by its cytotoxic effect, but also by inducing changes in expression of iron-regulating proteins and microRNAs (miRNAs), involved in their regulation. This modification affects the mechanisms that are implicated in drug-resistance, that makes artemisinin a perspective modulator of cell sensitivity towards chemotherapeutic agents in cancer treatment
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Chekhun V.F., Andriiv A.V., Lukianova N.Yu.
Title : Significance of iodine symporter for prognosis of the disease course and efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer of luminal and basal subtypes
Place of publication : Experimental Oncology. - К., 2017. - Том 39, N 1. - С. 65-68: табл. (Cipher ЕУ12/2017/39/1)
Notes : 16 ref.
Annotation: The aim of the research was to study the relation between expression of Na⁺/I⁻symporter (NIS) in breast cancer (BC) of different molecular subtypes and sensitivity of BC cells to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and to assess whether NIS expression may be used as a predictive marker of treatment efficacy. Materials and Methods: The study included 148 women with BC of stage II–III who were treated at the Precarpathian Clinical Oncology Center during 2012–2017. All patients were treated with NACT that included 2–6 cycles of chemotherapy by FAC, AC scheme with 21 day intervals. NACT efficacy was evaluated every 2 cycles by mammography according to RECIST criteria. Morphological and immunohistochemical study of NIS expression was performed by the standard methods on paraffin sections of surgically resected tumors. Results: The heterogeneity of different molecular BC subtypes regarding response to the NACT has been found. Her2/neu-positive and basal BC subtypes were the least susceptible to the NACT (p 0.05). It was shown that NIS expression is related to the sensitivity of luminal B and basal BC subtypes to the NACT. The highest expression of NIS and impairment of its functional activity was registered in the group of patients with tumors resistant to NACT (stabilization of the disease or its progression) of luminal B (220 ± 8.6 points) and basal subtypes (290 ± 11.3 points) (p 0.05). It was revealed that the disease-free survival of patients with BC of luminal B and basal subtypes was higher in the absence of NIS expression in tumor cells (p 0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that NIS can be used as an objective criterion for predicting the sensitivity of luminal B and basal BC subtypes to NACT, which will provide improved treatment outcomes in this group of patients
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Title of magazine :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2017year т.89,N 2
Interesting articles :
Shtemenko A. V. Rhenium-platinum antitumor systems/ A. V. Shtemenko, N. I. Shtemenko (стр.5-30)
Minchenko O. H. Effect of chromium disilicide and titanium nitride nanoparticles on the expression of NAMPT, E2F8, FAS, TBX3, IL13RA2, and UPS7 genes in mouse liver/ О. Н. Minchenko [et al.] (стр.31-42)
Tykhomyrov A. A. Plasminogen and its fragments in rat brain: a plausible role for astrocytes in angiostatin generation/ A. A. Tykhomyrov [et al.] (стр.43-54)
Minchenko O. H. IRE1 knockdown modifies hypoxic regulation of cathepsins and LONP1 genes expression in U87 glioma cells/ О. Н. Minchenko [et al.] (стр.55-69)
Kaplia A. A. Different sensitivity of Na+,K+-ATPase and Mg2+-ATPase to ethanol and arachidonic acid in rat colon smooth muscle under pretreatment of cellular membranes with Ds-Na/ A. A. Kaplia (стр.70-77)
Biliavska L. O. Sterols biosynthesis by soil streptomycetes/ L. O. Biliavska [et al.] (стр.78-84)
Kosyk O. I. Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity and anthocyanin content in different varieties of lettuce under the cadmium influence/ O. I. Kosyk [et al.] (стр.85-91)
Kopylchuk H. P. Rat liver arginase system under acetaminophen-induced toxic injury and protein deprivation/ H. P. Kopylchuk, I. M. Nykolaichuk, O. M. Zhuretska (стр.92-98)
Korol L. V. Intensity of oxidative stress and activity of angiotensin converting enzyme in blood of patients with uncomplicated pyelonephritis/ L. V. Korol, L. Ya. Mygal, N. M. Stepanova (стр.99-105)
Kozachkova O. M. Complexes of palladium(II) with 1-phenyl-1-hydroxymethylene bisphosphonic acid and their antitumor activity/ O. M. Kozachkova [et al.] (стр.106-115)
Ellidag H. Y. A novel method for negating cold agglutination interference by dithiothreitol during complete blood count and peripheral blood smear: a case study/ H. Y. Ellidag [et al.] (стр.116-120)
Данилова В. М. Науково-практична діяльність відділу нейрохімії Інституту біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України/ В. М. Данилова, Р. П. Виноградова, Г. Г. Луговська (стр.121-134)
Вельмишановна та дорога Валентино Михайлівно! (до 80-річчя від дня народження) (стр.135)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2017year т.39,N 1
Interesting articles :
Circulating tumor cells in breast cancer (стр.2-11)
Kashuba E. Do MRPS 18-2 and RB proteins cooperate to control cell stemness and differentiation, preventing cancer development?/ E. Kashuba, M. Mushtag (стр.12-16)
Effect of antitumor drugs in low concentrations on the biological, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of human colon cancer cells in vitro (стр.17-24)
Artemisinin modulating effect on human breast cancer cell lines with different sensitivity to cytostatics (стр.25-29)
Parthenolide reduces gene transcription of prosurvival mediators in U937 cells (стр.30-35)
Anti-histone H1 IgGs prossess proliferative activity towards human T-leukemia CEM cells (стр.36-41)
Anticancer effect and immunologic response to xenogeneic embryonic proteins in mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma (стр.42-48)
EPR spectroscopy studies of changes in erythrocyte membranes in patients with laryngeal cancer (стр.49-52)
Auzina D. Prognostic value of the bone turnover markers in multiple myeloma/ D. Auzina, R. Erts, S. Lejniece (стр.53-56)
Aberrant promoter hypermethylation of selected apoptotic genes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia among North Indian population (стр.57-64)
Chekhun V.F. Significance of iodine symporter for prognosis of the disease course and efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer of luminal and basal subtypes/ V. F. Chekhun, A. V. Andriiv, N. Yu. Lukianova (стр.65-68)
Satinder K. Impact of single nucleotide polymorphism in chemical metabolizing genes and exposure to wood smoke on risk of cervical cancer in North-Indian women/ K. Satinder, R. C. Sobti, K. Pushpinder (стр.69-74)
The impact of coloregional treatment on survival of patients with primary metastatic breast cancer (стр.75-77)
Diagnostic challenges with intraoral myeloid sarcoma (стр.78-85)
Trichilemmal cystis in metastatic melanoma (стр.86-87)
Materials of international vactrain/ 3-rd Swedish-Ukrainian conference on cancer diseases, January 16-17, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (стр.88-93)
Endoplasmic reticulum stress as a key factor of genome reprogramming in cancer cells (стр.88-89)
The adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 paradoxically enhances EMT of triple negative mouse breast adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells (стр.89)
Biological characteristics of tumor cells at the different stages of EMT upon exposure to anticancer drugs and cytokines (стр.89-90)
Alternative direction of inhibition of malignant properties in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by gene therapy with INF-beta gene in recombinant baculovirus vector (стр.90)
CD150/SLAMF1 as a new potential target for anti-tumor therapy (стр.90-91)
CD150/SLAMF1 antigen in molecular pathobiology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (стр.91-92)
Borikun T. Changes in expression of miRNA-122, -200b, and -320a as prognostic biomarkers for breast cancer/ T. Borikun, N. Lukianova, V. Chekhun (стр.92)
The MRPS 18-2 protein as a putative marker of carcinogenesis (стр.92)
High expression levels of MRPS 18-2 and presence of the RB protein are required for the maintenance of stem cell phenotype (стр.92-93)
Mankovska O. Identification of novel molecular and genetic markers for early detection and prognosis of epithelial tumors/ O. Mankovska, V. Kashuba (стр.93)
Brieieva O. Genotoxic sensitivity to 4-hydroxyestradiol in peripheral blood lymphocytes of endometrial cancer patients/ O. Brieieva, I. Nesina, L. Buchynska (стр.93)
Kyiv, May 11-12, 2017 Workshop with international participation. New trends in cancer research and innovative tumor vaccines (стр.94)
International scientific conference "Normal and and cancer stem cells: discovery, diagnosis and therapy", October 5-6, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine (стр.95)
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