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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2018year т.40,N 4
Interesting articles :
Chekhun V. F. Oncology in the mainstream of the National academy of sciences of Ukraine: to the 100th anniversary of the academy/ ed. V. F Chekhun (стр.258-260)
Tari K. The role of the genetic abnormalities, epigenetic and microRNA in the prognosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/ K. Tari [et al.] (стр.261-267)
Chekhun V. F. Influence of ferromagnetic nanocomposite (ferroplat) on human breast cancer cells of different malignancy degrees: pro/antioxidant balance and energy metabolism/ V. F. Chekhun [et al.] (стр.268-274)
Symchych T. V. The effects of early postoperative immunization with xenogeneic embryo proteins on Lewis lung carcinoma model/ T. V. Symchych [et al.] (стр.275-281)
Yakymenko I. Oxidative and mutagenic effects of low intensity GSM 18OO MHz microwave radiation/ I. Yakymenko [et al.] (стр.282-287)
Smal M. P. Ber gene polymorphisms associated with key molecular events in bladder cancer/ M. P. Smal [et al.] (стр.288-298)
Abooshahab R. Serum level dipeptidyl peptidase-4 as a potential biomarker for medullary thyroid cancer/ R. Abooshahab [et al.] (стр.299-302)
Buchynska L. G. Overexpression of the mitochondrial ribosomal protein S 18-2 in the invasive breast carcinomas/ L. G. Buchynska [et al.] (стр.303-308)
Arabpour F. FoxP3 gene polymorphism is associated with breast cancer in iranian patients/ F. Arabpour [et al.] (стр.309-314)
Gerashchenko G. V. Expression pattern of genes associated with tumor microenvironment in prostate cancer/ G. V. Gerashchenko [et al.] (стр.315-322)
Tas F. Clinical significance of serum caveolin-1 levels in gastric cancer patients/ F. Tas [et al.] (стр.323-327)
Shvachko L. P. Vitamin E activates expression of C/EBP alpha transcription factor and G-CSF receptor in leukemic K562 cells/ L. P. Shvachko [et al.] (стр.328-331)
Kuzyk P. V. Rare case of nodular lymphoid hyperplasia of left lung in the patient with previous pulmonary tuberculosis/ P. V. Kuzyk, M. A. Savchyna, S. G. Gychka (стр.332-335)
Zakhartseva L. M. Metastatic cardiac tumors: literature review and own observation of testicular tumor metastasis in the right ventricle of the heart/ L. M. Zakhartseva [et al.] (стр.336-342)
Langabeer S. E. The JAK2 V617F mutation in lung cancer: caveat emptor/ S. E. Langabeer (стр.343-344)
Professor Volodymyr Oleksiiovych Shlyakhovenko (on the 80th birth anniversary) (стр.345)
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Title of magazine :Фізіологічний журнал -2019year т.65,N 6
Interesting articles :
Полякова Л. І. Андрогенна функція сім’яників і стан сперматозоїдів молодих і старіючих щурів після тривалого інгібування ароматази стероїдів та його відміни/ Л. І. Полякова [та ін.] (стр.3-11)
Струтинська Н. А. Аміногуанідин відновлює ендогенний синтез сірководню, конститутивний синтез оксиду азоту, ендотелійзалежну вазодилатацію та пригнічує відкривання мітохондріальної пори у серці старих щурів/ Н. А. Струтинська [та ін.] (стр.12-21)
Телька М. В. Вплив норадреналіну на електричну активність культивованих нейронів ганглія трійчастого нерва/ М. В. Телька [та ін.] (стр.22-29)
Котлярова А. Б. Функціонування катіонних каналів великої провідності ядерної мембрани під впливом модуляторів нікотинових холінорецепторів/ А. Б. Котлярова [та ін.] (стр.30-37)
Драчук К. О. Ендотеліальний моноцитактивуючий фактор II відновлює ендотелійзалежне розслаблення судин при старінні/ К. О. Драчук [та ін.] (стр.38-42)
Грушка Н. Г. Протективна дія цитрату германію на функціональний стан імунокомпетентних клітин та активність нейтрофілів при запаленні, індукованому ліпополісахаридом/ Н. Г. Грушка [та ін.] (стр.43-50)
Ісаєнко О. Ю. Протидифтерійні властивості структурно-метаболітних комплексів пробіотичних штамів лактобактерій і сахароміцетів у тестах in vitro та in vivo/ О. Ю. Ісаєнко (стр.51-60)
Деген А. С. Розподіл FOXP3+- та ROR?t+-лімфоцитів у кишковоасоційованій лімфоїдній тканині щурів при цукровому діабеті та введенні неселективних блокаторів фактора некрозу пухлин ?/ А. С. Деген, О. М. Камишний (стр.61-69)
Lozovska Yu. V. Relationship aggressiveness of prostate cancer with tumor-associated serum markers/ Yu. V. Lozovska [et al.] (стр.70-80)
Chernenko O. Papillary thyroid cancer and thyroid stimulating hormone: does sex matter?/ O. Chernenko, O. Sulaieva (стр.81-87)
Бредун О. Ю. Фактори природженого і антивірусного імунітету в ротоглотковому секреті, екстрактах тканин та лізатах клітин піднебінних мигдаликів дітей при їхній гіпертрофії та хронічному запаленні/ О. Ю. Бредун [та ін.] (стр.88-93)
Натрус Л. В. Роль NF-κβ у диференціюванні та активації нейтрофілів під час загоєння опікової рани шкіри щурів/ Л. В. Натрус [та ін.] (стр.94-104)
Прудніков І. М. Сучасні уявлення про міжклітинну везикулярну сигналізацію/ І. М. Прудніков [та ін.] (стр.105-125)
Про XX з’їзд Українського фізіологічного товариства ім. П.Г. Костюка, з міжнародною участю, присвяченого 95-річчю від дня народження академіка П.Г. Костюка (Київ, 27-30 травня 2019 р.) (стр.126-130)
До ювілею Олександра Григоровича Резнікова (стр.131-132)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2018year т.40,N 3
Interesting articles :
Akbarzadeh A. Role of dendrimers in advanced drug delivery and biomedical applications: a review/ A. Akbarzadeh [та ін.] (стр.178-183)
Zadvornyi T. V. Effects of exogenous lactoferrin on phenotypic profile and invasiveness of human prostate cancer cells (DU145 and LNCaP) in vitro/ T. V. Zadvornyi [та ін.] (стр.184-189)
Harper P. The impact of morphine treatment on bladder cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis: in vitro studies/ P. Harper [та ін.] (стр.190-193)
Apykhtina О. L. Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of cadmium sulfide nanoparticles/ О. L. Apykhtina [та ін.] (стр.194-199)
Chekhun V. F. Antitumor and genotoxic effects of lactoferrin in Walker-256 tumor-bearing rats/ V. F. Chekhun [та ін.] (стр.200-204)
Prokhorova I. V. Influence of metformin, sodium dichloroacetate and their combination on the hematological and biochemical blood parameters of rats with gliomas C6/ I. V. Prokhorova [та ін.] (стр.205-210)
Abramenko I. V. . Analysis of the 3′UTR region of the NOTCH1 gene in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients/ I. V. Abramenko [та ін.] (стр.211-217)
Nesina I. P. Markers of the epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cells of endometrial carcinoma/ I. P. Nesina, N. P. Iurchenko, L. G. Buchynska (стр.218-222)
Vernygorodskyi S. Comparative histochemical evaluation of mucins expression in fetal esophagus and adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction/ S. Vernygorodskyi, T. Rekun, P. Zhuchenko (стр.223-227)
Gerashchenko T. S. Different morphological structures of breast tumors demonstrate individual drug resistance gene expression profiles/ T. S. Gerashchenko [та ін.] (стр.228-234)
Agishev T. T. Determination of oxygen perfusion in the area of radiation-induced fibrosis of the skin in patients with breast cancer and its role in pathogenesis of late radiation injury/ T. T. Agishev [та ін.] (стр.235-238)
Dumansky Yu. V. Paraneoplastic syndrome in lung cancer/ Yu. V. Dumansky [та ін.] (стр.239-242)
Grybach S. M. Analysis of the survival of patients with breast cancer depending on age, molecular subtype of tumor and metabolic syndrome/ S. M. Grybach, L. Z. Polishchuk, V. F. Chekhun (стр.243-248)
Chrysanthakopoulos N. A. ABO blood group and the risk of lung cancer in Greek adults: a case — control study/ N. A. Chrysanthakopoulos, N. S. Dareioti (стр.249-250)
Tkachenko R. A case report of late local relapse of adrenocortical carcinoma 18 years after adrenalectomy/ R. Tkachenko, A. Golovko, O. Kuryk (стр.251-253)
Svitlana Pavlivna Sidorenko (1953–2018) (стр.254-255)
Yurii Yosypovych Kudryavets (1946–2018) (стр.256-257)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2019year т.41,N 3
Interesting articles :
R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: 25 years with the OECI (стр.187)
Chekhun V. F. MicroRNAs are a key factor in the globalization of tumor-host relationships/ V. F. Chekhun (стр.188-194)
Shlyakhovenko V. O. The dual role of ribonucleases in tumor-host relationship/ V. O. Shlyakhovenko, O. A. Samoylenko (стр.195-199)
Shuba Ya. M. Ca2+ channel-forming ORAI proteins: cancer foes or cancer allies?/ Ya. M. Shuba (стр.200-206)
Ivanivska T. S. Immunophenotypic features of leukemic stem cells and bulk of blasts in acute myeloid leukemia/ T. S. Ivanivska [та ін.] (стр.207-209)
Holotiuk V. V. Role of nitric oxide in pathogenesis of tumor growth and its possible application in cancer treatment/ V. V. Holotiuk [та ін.] (стр.210-215)
Oshyvalova O. Modern view on epidermal dysplasia carcinogenesis/ O. Oshyvalova, Z. Rossokha (стр.216-223)
Bazalytska S. V. Моlecular mechanisms of initiation of carcinogenesis in the testis/ S. V. Bazalytska, Y. Persidsky, A. M. Romanenko (стр.224-234)
Bogdanova T. Histopathological characteristics and post-operative follow-up of patients with potentially radiogenic papillary thyroid carcinoma depending on oncocytic changes availability in the tumor cells/ T. Bogdanova [та ін.] (стр.235-241)
Lukianova N. Yu. Tumor microenvironment-derived miRNAs as prognostic markers of breast cancer/ N. Yu. Lukianova, T. V. Borikun, V. F. Chekhun (стр.242-247)
Patysheva M. Cytostatic cancer therapy modulates monocyte-macrophage cell functions: how it impacts on treatment outcomes/ M. Patysheva [та ін.] (стр.248-253)
Sakhno L. A. Adsorptive therapy as a modificator for tumor-host interaction/ L. A. Sakhno [та ін.] (стр.254-257)
Materials of the II International Conference “Tumor and Host: Novel Aspects of Old Problem” (November 21–22, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine) (стр.258-280)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2019year т.41,N 1
Interesting articles :
Solyanik G. I. Quinazoline compounds for antitumor treatment/ G. I. Solyanik (стр.3-6)
Mahmoudian J. Expression profiling of plac1 in murine cancer cell lines/ J. Mahmoudian [та ін.] (стр.7-13)
Kolesnik D. L. Time-dependent cytotoxicity of dichloroacetate and metformin against Lewis lung carcinoma/ D. L. Kolesnik [та ін.] (стр.14-19)
Lozovska Yu. V. The influence of lactoferrin on elemental homeostasis and activity of metal-containing enzymes in rats with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma/ Yu. V. Lozovska [та ін.] (стр.20-25)
Burlaka A. A. DNA oxidation in patients with metastastic colorectal cancer: clinical significance of 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine as an independent prognostic factor/ A. A. Burlaka [та ін.] (стр.26-31)
Stakheyeva M. Integral characteristic of the immune system state predicts breast cancer outcome/ M. Stakheyeva [та ін.] (стр.32-38)
Bilous N. Analysis of LPL gene expression in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia/ N. Bilous [та ін.] (стр.39-45)
Alghamdi S. Evaluation of dose calculation algorithms using different density materials for in-field and out-of-field conditions/ S. Alghamdi, A. Tajaldeen (стр.46-52)
Poluben L. Copy number alterations and copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity in Ukrainian patients with primary myelofibrosis/ L. Poluben [та ін.] (стр.53-56)
Bakai O. A. Radiation research to determine local tumor invasion in patients with cervical cancer/ O. A. Bakai [та ін.] (стр.57-60)
Zabolotnyi D. I. Aggregated proteins in malignant and benign neoplasms/ D. I. Zabolotnyi [та ін.] (стр.61-68)
Shirin V. Assessment of trace elements in serum of acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia patients/ V. Shirin [та ін.] (стр.69-71)
Tkachenko R. Parathyroid carcinoma: a case report/ R. Tkachenko [та ін.] (стр.72-75)
Semko S. A case of synchronous bilateral calyx urothelial carcinoma: combined treatment approach/ S. Semko [та ін.] (стр.76-79)
De Giorgi V. Cutaneous leiomyosarcoma: a clinical, dermoscopic, pathologic case study/ Giorgi V. De [та ін.] (стр.80-81)
Langabeer S. E. Suboptimal molecular response to tyrosine kinase inhibition associated with acquisition of a T240A ABL1 kinase domain mutation in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia/ S. E. Langabeer [та ін.] (стр.82-83)
Brieieva O. Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Fundamental Medicine: Integrated Approaches to Cancer Therapy”/ O. Brieieva (стр.84-86)
Tumor and Host: Novel Aspects of Old Problem (стр.87)
Ludmyla Zakharivna Polishchuk (1937–2019) (стр.88)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2020year т.42,N 2
Interesting articles :
Shvets Yu. V. Human microbiota and effectiveness of cancer chemotherapy/ Yu. V. Shvets, N. Yu. Lukianova, V. F. Chekhun (стр.82-93)
Zadvornyi T. V. Nanog as prognostic factor of prostate cancer course/ T. V. Zadvornyi [et al.] (стр.94-100)
Lamdan H. Anti-proliferative effects of a blueberry extract on a panel of tumor cell lines of different origin/ H. Lamdan [et al.] (стр.101-108)
Antonenko S. V. Inhibition of USP1, a new partner of Bcr-Abl, results in decrease of Bcr-Abl level in K562 cells/ S. V. Antonenko, G. D. Telegeev (стр.109-114)
Onyshchenko K. V. Expression of micro-RNA hsa-miR-30c-5p and hsa-miR-138-1 in renal cell carcinoma/ K. V. Onyshchenko [et al.] (стр.115-119)
Stegantseva M. V. Conjugation of new DNA vaccine with polyethylenimine induces cellular immune response and tumor regression in neuroblastoma mouse model/ M. V. Stegantseva [et al.] (стр.120-125)
Andreieva S. V. Peculiarities of abnormal karyotypes formation in therapy-related acute leukemias/ S. V. Andreieva [et al.] (стр.126-129)
Bialik P. HRM screening of the UBC9 gene encoding the SUMO-E2-conjugating enzyme - case-control study in breast cancer/ P. Bialik [et al.] (стр.130-134)
Pankaj D. Clinicopathological correlation of the expression of excision repair cross complementation group 1 (ERCC1) in oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas: an immunohistochemical study/ D. Pankaj, V. Guddattu, M. C. Solomon (стр.135-139)
Lyalkin S. A. Prognostic role of androgen receptor expression in patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer/ S. A. Lyalkin [et al.] (стр.140-143)
Perekhrestenko T. Expression of Ki-67 and CD34 on blood and bone marrow cells of CML patients with different response to imatinib and nilotinib therapy/ T. Perekhrestenko [et al.] (стр.144-147)
Glavatskyi O. Ya. Temozolomide in glioblastoma treatment: 15-year clinical experience and analysis of its efficacy/ O. Ya. Glavatskyi [et al.] (стр.148-156)
Kliusov O. M. Specialized care provided to patients with rectal cancer in Kyiv city/ O. M. Kliusov (стр.157-160)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2017year т.39,N 1
Interesting articles :
Circulating tumor cells in breast cancer (стр.2-11)
Kashuba E. Do MRPS 18-2 and RB proteins cooperate to control cell stemness and differentiation, preventing cancer development?/ E. Kashuba, M. Mushtag (стр.12-16)
Effect of antitumor drugs in low concentrations on the biological, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of human colon cancer cells in vitro (стр.17-24)
Artemisinin modulating effect on human breast cancer cell lines with different sensitivity to cytostatics (стр.25-29)
Parthenolide reduces gene transcription of prosurvival mediators in U937 cells (стр.30-35)
Anti-histone H1 IgGs prossess proliferative activity towards human T-leukemia CEM cells (стр.36-41)
Anticancer effect and immunologic response to xenogeneic embryonic proteins in mice bearing Ehrlich solid carcinoma (стр.42-48)
EPR spectroscopy studies of changes in erythrocyte membranes in patients with laryngeal cancer (стр.49-52)
Auzina D. Prognostic value of the bone turnover markers in multiple myeloma/ D. Auzina, R. Erts, S. Lejniece (стр.53-56)
Aberrant promoter hypermethylation of selected apoptotic genes in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia among North Indian population (стр.57-64)
Chekhun V.F. Significance of iodine symporter for prognosis of the disease course and efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer of luminal and basal subtypes/ V. F. Chekhun, A. V. Andriiv, N. Yu. Lukianova (стр.65-68)
Satinder K. Impact of single nucleotide polymorphism in chemical metabolizing genes and exposure to wood smoke on risk of cervical cancer in North-Indian women/ K. Satinder, R. C. Sobti, K. Pushpinder (стр.69-74)
The impact of coloregional treatment on survival of patients with primary metastatic breast cancer (стр.75-77)
Diagnostic challenges with intraoral myeloid sarcoma (стр.78-85)
Trichilemmal cystis in metastatic melanoma (стр.86-87)
Materials of international vactrain/ 3-rd Swedish-Ukrainian conference on cancer diseases, January 16-17, 2017, Stockholm, Sweden (стр.88-93)
Endoplasmic reticulum stress as a key factor of genome reprogramming in cancer cells (стр.88-89)
The adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 paradoxically enhances EMT of triple negative mouse breast adenocarcinoma 4T1 cells (стр.89)
Biological characteristics of tumor cells at the different stages of EMT upon exposure to anticancer drugs and cytokines (стр.89-90)
Alternative direction of inhibition of malignant properties in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by gene therapy with INF-beta gene in recombinant baculovirus vector (стр.90)
CD150/SLAMF1 as a new potential target for anti-tumor therapy (стр.90-91)
CD150/SLAMF1 antigen in molecular pathobiology of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (стр.91-92)
Borikun T. Changes in expression of miRNA-122, -200b, and -320a as prognostic biomarkers for breast cancer/ T. Borikun, N. Lukianova, V. Chekhun (стр.92)
The MRPS 18-2 protein as a putative marker of carcinogenesis (стр.92)
High expression levels of MRPS 18-2 and presence of the RB protein are required for the maintenance of stem cell phenotype (стр.92-93)
Mankovska O. Identification of novel molecular and genetic markers for early detection and prognosis of epithelial tumors/ O. Mankovska, V. Kashuba (стр.93)
Brieieva O. Genotoxic sensitivity to 4-hydroxyestradiol in peripheral blood lymphocytes of endometrial cancer patients/ O. Brieieva, I. Nesina, L. Buchynska (стр.93)
Kyiv, May 11-12, 2017 Workshop with international participation. New trends in cancer research and innovative tumor vaccines (стр.94)
International scientific conference "Normal and and cancer stem cells: discovery, diagnosis and therapy", October 5-6, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine (стр.95)
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Lozovska Yu. V., Andrusishina I. M., Lukianova N. Yu., Burlaka A. P., Naleskina L. A., Todor I. N., Chekhun V. F.
Title : The influence of lactoferrin on elemental homeostasis and activity of metal-containing enzymes in rats with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma
Place of publication : Экспериментальная онкология. - 2019. - Т. 41, № 1. - С. 20-25 (Cipher ЕУ12/2019/41/1)
Notes : Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Annotation: To investigate the content of essential elements (EE): copper, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium and the evaluation of the activity of metal-containing enzymes — ceruloplasmin (CP), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and the content of transferrin (TF) in blood plasma (BP) and tumor tissue (TT) of animals with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma treated with lactoferrin (LF). Materials and Methods: The study of the EE content and the activity of the abovementioned enzymes was carried out on rats with Walker-256 carcinosarcoma treated with LF at the doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg of body weight. The quantitative content of EE in BP and TT of animals was determined using the inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Determination of CP activity, content of TF and hemochromes was performed using the method of electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and MPO — by unified biochemical method. Results: The introduction of LF at the doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg resulted in a decrease in the ratio of Cu/Zn in BP and even more expressed decrease of Ca/Mg ratio in TT. Administration of LF, especially at a dose of 10 mg/kg, affected the increase in CP and MPO activity in BP. It has been shown that administration of LF at a dose of 10 mg/kg led to an increase in oxidative products of destruction of the hemoglobin-hemochrom system in the TT, against the background of lowering the TF content. Conclusions: The administration of LF, especially at a dose of 10 mg/kg, led to metabolic alterations associated with inhibition of the tumor process. The detected modulating effect of LF on the content of the EE and the activity of the CP and MPO may be a basis for correction of the elemental balance in carcinogenesis
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Chekhun V.F., Andriiv A.V., Lukianova N.Yu.
Title : Significance of iodine symporter for prognosis of the disease course and efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer of luminal and basal subtypes
Place of publication : Experimental Oncology. - К., 2017. - Том 39, N 1. - С. 65-68: табл. (Cipher ЕУ12/2017/39/1)
Notes : 16 ref.
Annotation: The aim of the research was to study the relation between expression of Na⁺/I⁻symporter (NIS) in breast cancer (BC) of different molecular subtypes and sensitivity of BC cells to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) and to assess whether NIS expression may be used as a predictive marker of treatment efficacy. Materials and Methods: The study included 148 women with BC of stage II–III who were treated at the Precarpathian Clinical Oncology Center during 2012–2017. All patients were treated with NACT that included 2–6 cycles of chemotherapy by FAC, AC scheme with 21 day intervals. NACT efficacy was evaluated every 2 cycles by mammography according to RECIST criteria. Morphological and immunohistochemical study of NIS expression was performed by the standard methods on paraffin sections of surgically resected tumors. Results: The heterogeneity of different molecular BC subtypes regarding response to the NACT has been found. Her2/neu-positive and basal BC subtypes were the least susceptible to the NACT (p 0.05). It was shown that NIS expression is related to the sensitivity of luminal B and basal BC subtypes to the NACT. The highest expression of NIS and impairment of its functional activity was registered in the group of patients with tumors resistant to NACT (stabilization of the disease or its progression) of luminal B (220 ± 8.6 points) and basal subtypes (290 ± 11.3 points) (p 0.05). It was revealed that the disease-free survival of patients with BC of luminal B and basal subtypes was higher in the absence of NIS expression in tumor cells (p 0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that NIS can be used as an objective criterion for predicting the sensitivity of luminal B and basal BC subtypes to NACT, which will provide improved treatment outcomes in this group of patients
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Lukianova N. Yu., Borikun T.V., Chekhun V. F.
Title : Tumor microenvironment-derived miRNAs as prognostic markers of breast cancer
Place of publication : Экспериментальная онкология. - 2019. - Т. 41, № 3. - С. 242-247 (Cipher ЕУ12/2019/41/3)
Notes : Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Annotation: To study expression of miRNA derived from tumor microenvironment in patients with breast cancer (BC) as the aspect of tumor-host interaction. Materials and Methods: The expression levels of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2/neu) were analyzed in tissue of BC using immunohistochemical method. Relative expression levels of the miR-155, -320a, and -205 were examined in tissue and sera from BC patients using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: Serum and tissue miR-155, -320a, and -205 levels in patients with BC are of low diagnostic value as such for differentiation of malignant and non-malignant breast neoplasms. Nevertheless, we established the relation of circulating and tissue miR-155, -320a, and -205 to lymph node metastases and basal breast cancer subtype. Conclusions: Changes of miR-155, -320a, and -205 expression in tumor tissue and sera of BC patients provide information about major clinical-pathological characteristics of BC
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