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Search inquiry: (<.>A=Moazeni-Roodi, A.$<.>)
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Title of magazine :Экспериментальная онкология -2019year т.41,N 4
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Karaman O. M. Macrophages - a perspective target for antineoplastic immunotherapy/ O. M. Karaman, A. V. Ivanchenko, V. F. Chekhun (стр.282-290)
Orel V. E. Nоn-linear dynamics theory and malignant melanoma/ V. E. Orel [et al.] (стр.291-299)
Lisyany N. I. Cytomegaloviruses and malignant brain tumors/ N. I. Lisyany [et al.] (стр.300-303)
Woksepp H. Proteomics of transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) signaling in 184A1 human breast epithelial cells suggests the involvement of casein kinase 2α in TGF β1-dependent p53 phosphorylation at Ser392/ H. Woksepp [et al.] (стр.304-311)
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Albuquerque A. P. B. Fut3 expression in human breast cancer cells under hypoxia and serum deprivation/ A. P. B. Albuquerque [et al.] (стр.318-322)
Skuja E. Deletions in metastatic colorectal cancer with chromothripsis/ E. Skuja [et al.] (стр.323-327)
Burlaka A. P. Molecular mechanisms of oxidation damage and liver cell dysfunction in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer/ A. P. Burlaka [et al.] (стр.328-334)
Buchynska L. G. Morphological characteristics and expression of adhesion markers in cells of low differentiated endometrial carcinoma/ L. G. Buchynska, L. A. Naleskina, I. P. Nesina (стр.335-341)
Zelinskaya A. Immunocytochemical characteristics of thyrocytes in radioiodine refractory metastases of papillary thyroid cancer/ A. Zelinskaya (стр.342-345)
Moazeni-Roodi A. Association bewtween XPO5 rs 1 1077 polymorphism and cancer susceptibility: a meta-analysis of 7284 cases and 85 1 1 controls/ A. Moazeni-Roodi, M. Taheri, M. Hashemi (стр.346-352)
Skrypnyk I. How to improve quality of life in patients with acute leukemia and comorbid ischemic heart disease treated with anthracycline-based induction chemotherapy/ I. Skrypnyk [et al.] (стр.353-356)
Gavars D. Association of elevated vitamin B12 with oncohematological diseases in a cohort of 79, 524 patients from Lanvia/ D. Gavars [et al.] (стр.357-362)
Prylutskyi M. P. Detection of polyamines using immunobiosensor based on zinc oxide nanoparticles/ M. P. Prylutskyi, M. F. Starodub (стр.363-365)
Shkatula P. M. International scientific conference "Tumor and Host: novel aspects of old problem"/ P. M. Shkatula (стр.366-367)
To the 120th birthday anniversary of academician R. E. Kavetsky (стр.368-369)
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Type of document : Magazine article
Edition cipher :
Author(s) : Moazeni-Roodi A., Taheri M., Hashemi M.
Title : Association bewtween XPO5 rs 1 1077 polymorphism and cancer susceptibility: a meta-analysis of 7284 cases and 85 1 1 controls
Place of publication : Experimental Oncology. - К., 2019. - Том 41, N 4. - С. 346-352 (Cipher ЕУ12/2019/41/4)
Key words (''Своб.индексиров.''): полиморфизм rs11077 xpo5
Annotation: Several studies evaluated the association between rs11077 polymorphism located in the 3’UTR of the XPO5 gene and cancer susceptibility. We conducted a meta-analysis to assess the impact of XPO5 rs11077 polymorphism on cancer risk. Materials and Methods: The online databases were searched for relevant case-control studies published up to July 2018. 15 articles of 16 studies, with totally 7284 cancer cases and 8511 healthy controls, were eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis. The data were extracted from the eligible studies and were processed using Stata 14.1 and Revman 5.3 software. Pooled estimates of odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals were used to evaluate the strength of association between XPO5 rs11077 and cancer risk. Results: Overall, our finding showed no significant association between XPO5 rs11077 variant and overall cancer risk, either performed subgroup analysis by cancer types and ethnic groups in all genetic model. Conclusion: The findings did not support an association between rs11077 variant and cancer risk. Due to small sample sizes particularly in stratified analysis, further large-scale well designed studies between this polymorphism and cancer risk are warranted
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