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Search inquiry: (<.>S=Кверцетин<.>)
Total number of found documents : 188
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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

Corvitin modulates the content of lipids in rat liver bile/T. V. Vovkun [та ін.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2019. т.Т. 91,N № 6.-С.112-121

Demkovych A. Ye. Necrotic and apoptotic changes of neutrophils and mononocy tes of blood in experimental periodontitis and their corrections by quercetin/A. Ye. Demkovych // Фізіологічний журнал. -К., 2018. т.Том 64,N N 4.-С.33-40

Effect of quercetin administration on electron microscopic changes in testicular interstitial endocrinocytes during long-term central blockade of luteinising hormone in rats/Ye. V. Stetsuk [та ін.] // Вісник морфології, 2024. т.Т. 30,N № 1.-С.68-75

Ivanova O. V. The impact of quercetin on the functional state of cardiovascular system and hemostase in rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus/O. V. Ivanova // Проблеми ендокринної патології. -Харьков, 2021,N N 3.-С.105-110

Kovalevska I. Study of biopharmaceutical solubility of quercetin and its solid dispersions/I. Kovalevska, O. Ruban, V. Grudko // Український біофармацевтичний журнал. -Х., 2019,N № 1.-С.10-16

Quercetin and histamine effects on free radical reactions in rat erythrocytes/N. P. Harasym [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2021. т.Vol. 93,N № 1.-С.96-103

The effect of quercetin on oxidative stress markers and mitochondrial permeability transition in the heart of rats with type 2 diabetes/N. I. Gorbenko [та ін.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2019. т.Т. 91,N № 5.-С.46-54

The effect of quercetin on the morphogenesis of the interstitial space in the testes of rats after 90 days with central blockade of luteinizing hormone/Ye. V. Stetsuk, V. I. Shepytko, N. V. Boruta // Вісник морфології, 2023. т.Т. 29,N № 2.-С.45-50

The features of bile acids exchange in rats under the influence of corvitin/T. V. Vovkun [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. -Київ, 2017. т.Том 89,N N 5.-С.106-116

The role of quercetin in the treatment of liver diseases: the review based on experimental and clinical investigations/V. P. Prysyazhnyuk [та ін.] // Буковинський медичний вісник, 2022. т.Т. 26,N № 3.-С.97-102
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