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Форма документа : Стаття із журналу
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Afanasieva K. S., Olefirenko V. V., Sivolob A. V.
Назва : DNA loops after cell lysis resemble chromatin loops in an intact nucleus
Місце публікування : The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - Київ, 2018. - Том 90, N 5. - С. 43-49 (Шифр УУ60/2018/90/5)
Анотація: The comet assay has proved itself to be not only a method of detection of DNA damages at the level of individual cells but also an approach for investigation of spatial organization of DNA loop domains in nucleoids. Usually, those nucleoids are obtained after cell lysis in high-salt buffer (e. g. 2.5 M NaCl) with a detergent: these conditions ensure the removal of cell membranes and most of the chromatin proteins, while supercoiled DNA loop domains remain untouched. In this work, we tested the comet assay applied to nucleoids obtained in low-salt solution (1 M NaCl). These nucleoids keep most of the histones and thus contain the loops resembling the chromatin loops to a greater extent. It was shown that, despite some quantitative differences, the most general features of the kinetics of DNA exit are about the same for nucleoids obtained in high- and low-salt conditions. It can be concluded that the DNA loops in high-salt nucleoids can be efficiently used to investigate the spatial DNA organization in chromatin
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Форма документа : Стаття із журналу
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Afanasieva K. S., Chopei M. I., Lozovik A. V., Rushkovsky S. R., Sivolob A. V.
Назва : Redistribution of DNA loop domains in human lymphocytes under blast transformation with interleukin 2
Паралельн. назви :Перерозподіл петельних доменів ДНК у лімфоцитах людини у разі бласттрансформації за впливу інтерлейкіну 2
Місце публікування : Український біохімічний журнал. - 2016. - Т. 88, № 6. - С. 45-51 (Шифр УУ1/2016/88/6)
Примітки : Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Анотація: At higher order levels chromatin fibers in interphase nuclei are organized into loop domains. Gene regulatory elements (promoters and enhancers) are often located near the sites of loop attachments. Therefore, loop domains play a key role in regulation of cell transcriptional activity. We investigated the kinetics of DNA loop exit during single cell gel electrophoresis (the comet assay) of nucleoids obtained from two cell types that differ in their synthetic activity – human lymphocytes and lymphoblasts. Lymphocyte activation and transformation into lymphoblasts (blast transformation) was performed with interleukin 2. The results obtained suggest that a rearrangement of the loops occurs after lymphocyte activation. After blast transformation we observed an increase of the amount of loop domains on the surface of nucleoids against a decrease of the inner loop fraction. Therefore, the comet assay can be used for detection of large-scale changes in the cell nucleus that follow changes in cell functional state
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Назва журналу :Український біохімічний журнал -2016р. т.88,N 6
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018р. т.90,N 5
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Osadchuk T. V. Influence of organic solvents on the furin activity/ T. V. Osadchuk [et al] (стр.28-33)
Veklich T. O. Calix[4]arene C-956 selectively inhibits plasma membrane Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in myometrial cells/ T. O. Veklich [et al.] (стр.34-42)
Afanasieva K. S. DNA loops after cell lysis resemble chromatin loops in an intact nucleus/ K. S. Afanasieva, V. V. Olefirenko, A. V. Sivolob (стр.43-49)
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