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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018р. т.90,N 4
Цікаві статті :
Veklich T. O. Pathways and mechanisms of transmembrane calcium ions exchange in the cell nucleus/ T. O. Veklich, Yu. V. Nikonishyna, S. O. Kosterin (стр.5-24)
Zaiets I. V. The P60-S6K1 isoform of ribosomal protein S6 kinaze 1 is a product of alternative mRNA translation/ I. V. Zaiets [et al.] (стр.25-35)
Shymanskyi I. O. Liver cytochrome P450-hydroxylation system of tumor-bearing rats under the influence of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D3/ I. O. Shymanskyi [et al.] (стр.36-44)
Ajilore B. S. Gentamicin and magnesium chloride normalizes cholinesterase and ATPase activities in rats acutely exposed to dichlorvos (DDVP) pesticide/ B. S. Ajilore, A. E. Adewuyi, T. O. Oluwadairo (стр.45-51)
Makarchikov A. F. Adenosine thiamine triphosphate and adenosine thiamine triphosphate hydrolase activity in animal tissues/ A. F. Makarchikov [et al.] (стр.52-63)
Kaplia A. A. Assessment of the effect of monohydroxy alcohols, unsaturated fatty acids, organophosphate compounds on the enzymatic ATP-hydrolysis in the cell membranes of the smooth muscle of the rat colon/ A. A. Kaplia, S. V. Midyk, S. V. Khyzhnyak (стр.64-73)
Yukalo V. G. Isolation of к-CN-1P and β-CN-5P fractions from native casein micelles/ V. G. Yukalo, L. A. Storozh (стр.74-79)
Bobrovnik S. A. Effect of trifluoroethanol on antibody reactivity against corresponding and nonrealated antigens/ S. A. Bobrovnik, M. O. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko (стр.80-89)
Sierra-Campos E. Nitrate and nitrite in drinking water affect antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes of rats/ E. Sierra-Campos [et al.] (стр.90-101)
Salyha N. O. Effects of L-glutamic acid and pyridoxine on glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation generated by epinephrine-induced stress in rats/ N. O. Salyha (стр.102-110)
Asadi A. Evaluation of serum adenosine deainase and its isoenzymes in patients with ovarian cancer/ A. Asadi [et al.] (стр.111-114)
Ozbolat. Hematologic features of beta-globin gene mutation type (??) with homozygous beta thalassemia/ Guluzar Ozbolat, Abdullah Tuli (стр.115-120)
Данилова В. М. Альфред Бернгард Нобель і Нобелівська премія/ В. М. Данилова, Р. П. Виноградова, С. В. Комісаренко (стр.121-134)
Danylova T. V. Scientific investigation of Nobel prize winner Emil Fischer as a launching pad for the development of biochemistry: a brief overview/ T. V. Danylova, S. V. Komisarenko (стр.135-142)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018р. т.90,N 3
Цікаві статті :
Trakhtenberg I. M. Biochemical mechanisms of free-radical damage to the nuclear genome by cadmium/ I. M. Trakhtenberg [et al.] (стр.5-16)
Moshynets O. V. Examining c-di-GMP and possible quorum sensing regulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25: links between intra- and inter-cellular regulation benefits community cooperative activities such as biofilm formation/ O. V. Moshynets [et al.] (стр.17-31)
Babich L. G. The relation between the availability of neonatal intensive care and neonatal mortality./ L. G. Babich [et al.] (стр.32-40)
Franskevych D. V. Activation of store - operated Ca2+ entry in cisplatin resistant leukemic cells after treatment with photoexcited fullerene C60 and cisplatin/ D. V. Franskevych [et al.] (стр.41-48)
Minchenko O. H. ERN1 modifies the effect of glutamine deprivation on tumor growth related factors expression in U87 glioma cells/ O. H. Minchenko [et al.] (стр.49-61)
Gerush I. V. The effect of melationin on lipid peroxide oxidation, oxidative modification of proteins and mitochondria swelling in the skeletal muscle tissue of rats under alloxan diabetes/ I. V. Gerush, V. V. Bevzo, Ye. O. Ferenchuk (стр.62-69)
Galkin O. Yu. Development and characterization of highly informative elisa for the detection of IgG and IgA antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis/ O. Yu. Galkin [et al.] (стр.70-83)
Ohiri R. C. Nutriceutical potential of Pleurotus tuber-regium sclerotium/ R. C. Ohiri (стр.84-93)
Horak I. R. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 modulates resistance to doxorubicin of murine 4T1 breast cancer cells/ I. R. Horak, D. S. Geraschenko, L. B. Drobot (стр.94-100)
Modern aspects of biochemistry and biotechnology - 2018 (стр.101-147)
Horak I. R. Cellular plasticity as a driving force in cancer progression: the regulatory role of adaptor protein RuK/CIN85/ I. R. Horak [et al.] (стр.102-103)
Mazanova A. O. Modulating effect of cholecalciferol on vitamin D endo/para/autocrine system in type 1 diabetes/ A. O. Mazanova [et al.] (стр.104-105)
Uspenska K. R. Biological role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in mitochondria/ K. R. Uspenska (стр.106)
Chukova A. M. G-quadruplex DNA binding and telomerase inhibition by pheophorbides/ A. M. Chukova [et al.] (стр.107)
Demenko D. Computer modeling of direct factor Xa inhibitors/ D. Demenko, V. Hurmach, V. Chernyshenko (стр.108)
Dziuba O. S. The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on age-related and diet-induced changes of fatty acid profile of rat adipocytes/ O. S. Dziuba [et al.] (стр.109)
Garmash I. A. Regulation of glycolysis-related genes expression in U87 ERN1 knockdown glioma cells/ I. A. Garmash (стр.110)
Gerashchenko D. S. Deficiency of adaptor protein RuK/CIN85 in lewis lung carcinoma cells inhibits malignancy hallmarks in vitro as well as tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis in vivo/ D. S. Gerashchenko [et al.] (стр.111)
Gorshkova O. G. Effective method for cleaning of ore of ore-ferrous factory from ions of heavy metals based on bacteria association of the genus Pseudomonas/ O. G. Gorshkova (стр.112)
Gritsenko M. Analyses of the expression and products accumulation of CD-marker genes in cultures of lung and skin rats fibroblasts in ontogenesis/ M. Gritsenko (стр.113)
Halkin O. V. Expression of protease genes in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells upon glutamine deprivation/ O. V. Halkin, D. O. Minchenko, D. О. Tsymbal (стр.114)
Holiar V. V. P60-S6K1 mRNA transcript expression profile in a panel of cell lines and breast cancer tissue samples/ V. V. Holiar, A. S. Sivchenko, I. V. Zaiets (стр.115)
Kalmukova O. O. Central serotonin and tryptophan levels in rats with diet-induced obesity at the different time of melatonin administration/ O. O. Kalmukova, A. V. Yurchenko, V. M. Kyryk (стр.116)
Kharchenko T. The cytotoxicity of cadmium ions small doses in long-term culture of bone marrow cells/ T. Kharchenko [et al.] (стр.117)
Kharchuk M. S. The composition of isolated volutin granules of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UCM Y-517/ M. S. Kharchuk (стр.118)
Klymets H. V. The effect of vanadium citrate on the biochemical parameters of the blood plasma of pregnant female rats/ H. V. Klymets (стр.119)
Kolesnikov Ya. S. The role of brassinosteroids in regulation of phospholipid signaling in plant cells/ Ya. S. Kolesnikov, S. V. Kretynin (стр.120)
Korchevska V. V. Expression profile of fatty acids in the liver and guerin’s carcinoma of rats under conditions of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids administration/ V. V. Korchevska, O. V. Ketsa, V. M. Klimashevskyi (стр.121)
Kovalchuk Y. P. The myelin basic protein and S100b level in the different brain areas of rats affected by pituitrin and izadrin/ Y. P. Kovalchuk (стр.122)
Labudzynskyi D. O. Effects of cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles on RAW 264.7 cells activity and rankl-stimulated osteoclastogenesis/ D. O. Labudzynskyi (стр.123)
Luzina O. Y. Effect of glutamine deprivation on the expression of DEK, TPD52, BRCA1, ADGRE5, LIF, GNPDA1, and COL6A1 genes in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells/ O. Y. Luzina (стр.124)
Marenkov O. N. The effect of manganese, nickel and lead ions on LDH activity of the Procambarus virginalis (LYKO, 2017)/ O. N. Marenkov, Y. P. Kovalchuk (стр.125)
Melnyk T. Hepatoprotective effects of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on rats with transplanted guerin’s carcinoma/ T. Melnyk, O. Ketsa (стр.126)
Muraviova D. V. The neural cell adhesion molecules in the rat brain after water-immobilization stress and after the recovery period/ D. V. Muraviova, O. O. Dovban (стр.127)
Paliienko K. O. Dose-dependent action of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride on release of L-[14C]glutamate from rat brain nerve terminals/ K. O. Paliienko, A. O. Pastukhov (стр.128)
Pankiv T. M. Effects of intermittent fasting on respiratory capacity of mitochondria and activity of aconitase in cerebral cortex of C57BL/6 mice/ T. M. Pankiv (стр.129)
Revka O. V. Biochemical mechanisms of fibrin clot formation and subsequent lysis regulation by platelets/ O. V. Revka (стр.130)
Riabovol O. O. The expression of cox and NDUF genes in U87 glioma cells with IRE1 knockdown/ O. O. Riabovol (стр.131)
Rutska A. V. The influence of monosodium glutamate on reactive oxygen species production in rats/ A. V. Rutska (стр.132)
Rybak M. Yu. The role of 2’- and 3’-hydroxyl groups of A76 tRNATyr at the first steps of translation quality control/ M. Yu. Rybak (стр.133)
Gorshkova O. G. Features of fatty strength profile of strain Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 - destructor of phenolic compounds/ O. G. Gorshkova [et al.] (стр.134)
Si W. The hemolytic effect of oxidative stress caused by chronic exposure to low concentrations of cadmium on the body/ W. Si (стр.135)
Sishchuk L. O. The activity of glycolytic and antiglycative enzymes in mouse brain under intermittent fasting/ L. O. Sishchuk, A. O. Semchuk (стр.136)
Spirina V. A. Biochemical parameters of blood with increasing concentration of nitric oxide/ V. A. Spirina, O. O. Galinskij (стр.137)
Stohniy Y. M. The development of new method of the determination of bacterial transglutaminase activity using fibrinogen as a substrate/ Y. M. Stohniy [et al.] (стр.138)
Stravska M. Redox balance in white rats’ spleen in the dynamics of experimentally developed carcinogenesis/ M. Stravska [et al.] (стр.139)
Suleimanova R. R. Fatty acids composition in blood serum lipids of sterlets of different age/ R. R. Suleimanova (стр.140)
Sushko O. Glutathione status in rat’s liver experimentally induced under influence chromium citrate/ O. Sushko, L. Ponkalo (стр.141)
Tsap P. Y. Mapping of residues of fibribogen ?C-region cleaved by protease from the venom of Agkistrodon halys halys/ P. Y. Tsap [et al.] (стр.142)
Umanska A. O. Changes of the performance parameters of the heart of rats for artificial hypobyosis/ A. O. Umanska (стр.143)
Vasheniuk O. S. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells/ O. S. Vasheniuk [et al.] (стр.144)
Zhuk V. V. Signal function of endogenous hydrogen peroxide in response of plants to ultraviolet radiation/ V. V. Zhuk (стр.145)
Zhuk I. V. The combination of no donor and ferulic acid effect on the elicitation of wheat tolerance against biotic stress/ I. V. Zhuk, L. O. Kucherova (стр.146)
Zhyvolozhnyi A. Y. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 is a novel molecular component of extracellular vesicles produced by tumor cells/ A. Y. Zhyvolozhnyi [et al.] (стр.147)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2019р. т.91,N 6
Цікаві статті :
Mazur H. M. Dependence of the mitochondrial adaptive capacity of hepatocytes on the oxidative substrates availability/ H. M. Mazur [та ін.] (стр.5-14)
Mankovska O. Analysis of Aurora kinases genes expression points on their distinct roles in prostate cancer development/ O. Mankovska [та ін.] (стр.15-26)
Pyrogova L. V. Comparative analysis of the influence of chlorine and fluorine anions on the fibrin polymerization/ L. V. Pyrogova [та ін.] (стр.27-37)
Grinenko T. Fibrinolysis regulation by platelets retaining plasminogen and tissue-type plasminogen activator on their surface/ T. Grinenko [та ін.] (стр.38-48)
Korotkyi O. Effect of probiotic composition on oxidative/antioxidant balance in blood of rats under experimental osteoarthritis/ O. Korotkyi [та ін.] (стр.49-58)
Masoumi-Ardakani Y. Carnitine effects on serum and pancreas inflammatory response in diabetic rats/ Y. Masoumi-Ardakani, H. Fallah, B. Shahouzehi (стр.59-66)
Falfushynska H. I. Oxidative stress and thiols depletion impair tibia fracture healing in young men with type 2 diabetes/ H. I. Falfushynska [та ін.] (стр.67-78)
Hrabovska O. I. The concentration of ceruloplasmin in blood of tumor-bearing rats after administration of a dirhenium(III) compound and cisplatin/ O. I. Hrabovska [та ін.] (стр.79-85)
Shafaee M.M.A. Effect of selenium and nano-selenium on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in albino rats/ M. M.A. Shafaee [та ін.] (стр.86-95)
Gudzenko T. V. Fatty acids composition of Bacillus subtilis ONU551 lipids/ T. V. Gudzenko [та ін.] (стр.96-102)
Kolupaev Yu. E. Hydrogen peroxide as a signal mediator at inducing heat resistance in wheat seedlings by putrescine/ Yu. E. Kolupaev [та ін.] (стр.103-111)
Vovkun T. V. Corvitin modulates the content of lipids in rat liver bile/ T. V. Vovkun [та ін.] (стр.112-121)
Andrushchenko T. A. Allelic polymorphisms of DNA repairing genes as markers of resistance to asbestos-containing aerosols/ T. A. Andrushchenko [та ін.] (стр.122-128)
Matyshevska O. P. The contribution of the Nobel laureates to the study of lipid metabolism and its regulation. F. Lynen, K. Bloch, S. Bergström, B. Samuelsson, J. Vane, M. Brown, J. Goldstein/ O. P. Matyshevska, V. M. Danilova, S. V. Komisarenko (стр.129-143)
Kosterin S. O. XIІ Ukrainian Biochemical Congress (30 September – 4 October 2019, Ternopil/ S. O. Kosterin [та ін.] (стр.144-149)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2019 (стр.150)
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 (стр.151)
In memory of O. S. Mikosha (стр.152)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2019р. т.91,N 3
Цікаві статті :
Babenko L. M. Phenolic compounds in plants: biogenesis and functions/ L. M. Babenko [та ін.] (стр.5-18)
Ferenchuk Ye. O. Glutathione influence on energy metabolism in rat liver mitochondria under experimental nephropathy/ Ye. O. Ferenchuk, I. V. Gerush (стр.19-24)
Sevastyanov О. V. Kinetics of casein hydrolysis by peptidase from Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis IMB B-7465/ О. V. Sevastyanov [та ін.] (стр.25-33)
Manko В. O. Adaptive respiratory response of rat pancreatic acinar cells to mitochondrial membrane depolarization/ В. O. Manko, Ο. Ο. Bilonoha, V. V. Manko (стр.34-45)
Shlykov S. G. Calix[4]arene chalcone amides effects on myometrium mitochondria/ S. G. Shlykov [та ін.] (стр.46-55)
Fafula R. V. Kinetic properties of Na+,K+-ATPase of spermatozoa from fertile and infertile men under effect of calix[4]arene C-107/ R. V. Fafula [та ін.] (стр.56-64)
Minchenko O. H. Insulin resistance in obese adolescents and adult men modifies the expression of proliferation related genes/ O. H. Minchenko [та ін.] (стр.65-77)
Metelytsia L. O. New anti-candida active nitrogen-containing bisphosphonates as inhibitors of farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase Candida albicans/ L. O. Metelytsia [та ін.] (стр.78-89)
Galkin O.Yu. New monoclonal antibodies to the Chlamydia trachomatis main outer membrane protein and their immunobiological properties/ O. Yu. Galkin [та ін.] (стр.90-98)
Sokolenko V. L. Lipid profile parameters and oxidative processes intensity in the persons who have been affected by small doses of radiation/ V. L. Sokolenko, S. V. Sokolenko (стр.99-106)
Виноградова Р. П. Розвиток знань з біохімії гормонів у роботах Нобелівських лауреатів першої половини XX ст. Ф. Г. Бантинг, Д. Дж. Р. Маклеод, Г. О. Віланд, А. О. Віндаус, А. Бутенандт, Л. Ружичка, Е. Кендалл, Ф. Хенч, Т. Рейхштейн/ Р. П. Виноградова, В. М. Данилова, С. В. Комісаренко (стр.107-126)
Danylova T. V. Born in Ukraine: Nobel prize Winners Ilya Mechnikov, Selman Waksman, Roald Hoffmann, and Georges Charpak/ T. V. Danylova, S. V. Komisarenko (стр.127-137)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2019р. т.91,N 4
Цікаві статті :
Osadchuk T. V. 1,3-Oxazol-4-ylphosphonium salts as new non-peptide inhibitors of furin/ T. V. Osadchuk [та ін.] (стр.5-16)
Zaiets I. V. p60-S6K1 represents a novel kinase active isoform with the mode of regulation distinct from p70/p85-S6K1 isoforms/ I. V. Zaiets [та ін.] (стр.17-25)
Krynina O. I. Role of the heparin-binding domain in intracellular trafficking of sHB-EGF/ O. I. Krynina [та ін.] (стр.26-32)
Danylovych H. V. Sources and regulation of nitric oxide synthesis in uterus smooth muscle cells/ H. V. Danylovych [та ін.] (стр.33-40)
Pavlova O. S. High thiamine dose restores levels of specific astroglial proteins in rat brain astrocytes affected by chronic ethanol consumption/ O. S. Pavlova [та ін.] (стр.41-49)
Ekeigwe I. B. Curcuma longa aqueous extract prevents myocardial injury in hypercholesterolaemic albino rat/ I. B. Ekeigwe [та ін.] (стр.50-57)
Falfushynska H. I. Carassius auratus as a novel model for the hyperglycemia study/ H. I. Falfushynska [та ін.] (стр.58-69)
Kustovska A. D. Calculations of supramolecular structures of peptidylboronic acid (bortezomib) with ABO blood system antigen/ A. D. Kustovska [та ін.] (стр.70-77)
Kosterin S. O. Consideration of the contribution of chemical (non-enzymatic) conversion of substrate in the general mechanism of enzyme reaction/ S. O. Kosterin, S. O. Karakhim, P. F. Zhuk (стр.78-87)
Bobrovnik S. A. Kinetics of interaction between polyreactive immunoglobulins and antigen. The theory/ S. A. Bobrovnik, M. O. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko (стр.88-94)
Данилова В. М. Внесок лауреатів Нобелівської премії в розвиток знань з біохімії вітамінів: Х. Ейкман, Ф. Г. Гопкінс, А. Сент-Дьорді, У. Хоуорс, П. Каррер, Р. Кун, Х. Дам, Е. А. Дойзі, Дж. Майнот У. Мерфі, Дж. Віпл, Д. Ходжкін, Р. Вудворд/ В. М. Данилова, Р. П. Виноградова, С. В. Комісаренко (стр.95-117)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018р. т.90,N 5
Цікаві статті :
Pushkarev V. M. Biochemical aspects of the combined use of taxanes, irradiation and other antineoplastic agents for the treatment of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma/ V. M. Pushkarev [et al.] (стр.5-18)
Borzova N. V. Influence of chemical reagents and UV irradiation on the activity of Penicillium canescens α-galactosidase/ N. V. Borzova, L. D. Varbanets (стр.19-27)
Osadchuk T. V. Influence of organic solvents on the furin activity/ T. V. Osadchuk [et al] (стр.28-33)
Veklich T. O. Calix[4]arene C-956 selectively inhibits plasma membrane Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in myometrial cells/ T. O. Veklich [et al.] (стр.34-42)
Afanasieva K. S. DNA loops after cell lysis resemble chromatin loops in an intact nucleus/ K. S. Afanasieva, V. V. Olefirenko, A. V. Sivolob (стр.43-49)
Yastreb T. O. Action of methyl jasmonate and salt stress on antioxidant system of Arabidopsis plants defective in jasmonate signaling genes/ T. O. Yastreb [et al.] (стр.50-59)
Storozhuk B. G. Overall hemostasis potential of the blood plasma and its relation to some molecular markers of the hemostasis system in patients with chronic renal disease of stage VD/ B. G. Storozhuk [et al.] (стр.60-70)
Falfushynska H. I. Evaluation of metallothioneins, oxidative stress and signs of cytotoxicity in young obese women/ H. I. Falfushynska [et al.] (стр.71-80)
Dziuba O. S. The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on adipocytes free cholesterol content and phospholipid composition in rats with obesity-induced insulin resistance/ O. S. Dziuba [et al.] (стр.81-90)
Krynytska I. Ya. The indices of nitrogen (II) oxide system in experimental hepatopulmonary syndrome/ I. Ya. Krynytska, M. I. Marushchak (стр.91-97)
Gudkova O. O. Purification procedure and assay for the activity of lysyl oxidase/ O. O. Gudkova [et al.] (стр.98-105)
Kosterin S. O. Founder of molecular immunology in Ukraine, well-known political and public figure. On the 75th birthday of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine S. V. Komisarenko/ S. O. Kosterin, V. M. Danilova (стр.106-116)
Matyshevska O. P. The FEBS3+ Meeting - XIth Parnas Conference - Young Scientists Forum ’Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Innovative Medicine’/ O. P. Matyshevska (стр.117-119)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018 (стр.120)
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018 (стр.121)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018р. т.90,N 1
Цікаві статті :
Danylovych G. V. The biosynthesis of nitric oxide from L-arginine. Nitric oxide formation features and its functional role in mitochondria/ G. V. Danylovych, T. V. Bohach, Yu. V. Danylovych (стр.3-24)
Danylovych G. V. Calix[4]arene C-956 is effective inhibitor of H+-Ca2+-exchanger in smooth muscle mitochondria/ G. V. Danylovych [et al.] (стр.25-33)
Shahouzehi B. Effects of Pistacia atlantica resin oil on the level of VEGF, hydroxyproline, antioxidant and wound healing activity in STZ-induced diabetic rats/ B. Shahouzehi [et al.] (стр.34-41)
Voloshchuk O. M. Activity of the mitochondrial isoenzymes of endogenous aldehydes catabolism under the conditions of acetaminophen-induced hepatitis/ O. M. Voloshchuk, G. P. Kopylchuk, Y. I. Mishyna (стр.42-47)
Fafula R. V. Responsiveness to progesterone and potassium channel blockers 4-aminopyridine, tetraethylammonium and free Ca2+ contentration in spermatozoa of patients with oligozoospermia/leucocytospermia/ R. V. Fafula [et al.] (стр.48-57)
Yusova O. I. Determination of plasminogen/plasmin system components and indicators of lipoproteins oxidative modification under arterial hypertension/ O. I. Yusova [et al.] (стр.58-67)
Salmanian Tabasi N. Designing, docking and heterologous expression of an anti-her2 affibody molecule/ N. Salmanian Tabasi, A. Gholizadeh, B. Baghban Kohnehrouz (стр.68-76)
Луговська Г. Г. Інноваційна діяльність інституту біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України: проблеми і перспективи/ Г. Г. Луговська, В. М. Данилова, С. В. Комісаренко (стр.77-99)
Цікаві статті :
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Назва журналу :Український біохімічний журнал -2016р. т.88,N 4
Цікаві статті :
Babich L. G. Ca2+-dependent regulation of the Ca2+ concentration in the myometrium mitochondria. I. trifluoperazine effects on mitochondria membranes polarization and [Ca2+]m/ L. G. Babich [и др.] (стр.5-11)
Nikolaienko T. V. The mechanism of VEGF-mediated endothelial cells survival and proliferation in conditions of unfed-culture/ T. V. Nikolaienko [и др.] (стр.12-19)
Kaplia A. A. The influence of heavy metal ions, spermine and sodium nitroprusside on ATP-hydrolases of cell membranes of rat colon smooth muscle/ A. A. Kaplia (стр.20-28)
Shamelashvili K. L. Changes in oxidative stress intensity in blood of tumor-bearing rats following different modes of administration of rhenium-platinum system/ K. L. Shamelashvili [и др.] (стр.29-39)
Sydor R. I. The effect of perioperative analgesic drugs omnopon and dexketoprofen on the functional activity of immune cells in murine model of tumor surgery/ R. I. Sydor [и др.] (стр.40-47)
Marchenko M. M. Monooxygenase system in Guerin’s carcinoma of rats under conditions of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids administration/ M. M. Marchenko [и др.] (стр.48-56)
Trush M. M. QSAR studies and antimicrobial potential of 1,3-thiazolylphosphonium salts/ M. M. Trush [и др.] (стр.57-65)
Danylovych Yu. V. The use of the Petri net method in the simulation modeling of mitochondrial swelling/ Yu. V. Danylovych [и др.] (стр.66-74)
Grytsay V. I. A mathematical model of the metabolic process of atherosclerosis/ V. I. Grytsay (стр.75-84)
Тези доповідей конференції молодих учених «Актуальні проблеми біохімії та біотехнології – 2016» (стр.85-128)
Винахідницька діяльність відділів хімії і біохімії ферментів та структури і функції білка Інституту біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України. Частина ІІІ. Діагностичні тест-системи для аналізу фібринолітичної системи крові та нові підходи до лікування тромбозів (стр.129-137)
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Назва журналу :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2020р. т.92,N 1
Цікаві статті :
Geraschchenko G. V. Pattern of expression of immune- and stroma-associated genes in blood of mice with experimental B16 melanoma/ G. V. Geraschchenko [et al.] (стр.5-11)
Moghadam F. H. Proline dehydrogenase (prodh) gene polymorphisms and the risk of schizophrenia in iranian populations/ F. H. Moghadam [et al.] (стр.12-20)
Veklich T. O. Inhibition of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and activation of myosin ATPase by CALIX[4]A RENE C-107 cause stimulation of isolated smooth muscle contractile activity/ T. O. Veklich [et al.] (стр.21-30)
Tykhomyrov A. A. Plasminogen modulates formation and release of platelet angiogenic regulators/ A. A. Tykhomyrov, D. D. Zhernosekov, T. V. Grinenko (стр.31-40)
Korotkov S. M. Influence of Tl(+) on the Ca(2+) and Na(+) movement across rat neonatal cardiomyocytes and rat heart mitochondria membranes/ S. M. Korotkov [et al.] (стр.41-55)
Ali F. Profiling of metabolic biomarkers in the serum of prostate cancer patients/ F. Ali [et al.] (стр.56-65)
Fedota O. M. Methotrexate effect on biochemical indices of psoriasis patients depends on MTHFR gene polymorphism/ O. M. Fedota [et al.] (стр.66-74)
Yaremchuk O. Z. Indexes of nitric oxide system in experimental antiphospholipid syndrome/ O. Z. Yaremchuk [et al.] (стр.75-83)
Gudzenko T. V. Phenol-oxidizing activity and fatty acid profile of Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 strain/ T. V. Gudzenko [et al.] (стр.84-91)
Moravej R. Production and physicochemical characterization of xanrhan gum by native lactose consuming isolates of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri/ R. Moravej [et al.] (стр.92-102)
Sehin T. B. Biochemical indicators of green photosynthetic bacteria Chlorobium limicola response to Cu2+ action/ T. B. Sehin [et al.] (стр.103-112)
Kopylchuk H. P. Indexes of citrulline metabolism in rat liver under the toxic injury against the background of alimentary protein deficiency/ H. P. Kopylchuk, I. M. Nykolaichuk, I. S. Lylyk (стр.113-119)
Polokhina K. V. Cytotoxic activity of the cluster rhenium compound with β-alanine ligands/ K. V. Polokhina [et al.] (стр.120-126)
Ketsa O. V. Free radical oxidation in liver mitochondria of tumor-bearing rats and its correction by essential lipophilic nutrients/ O. V. Ketsa, M. M. Marchenko (стр.127-134)
Виноградова Р. П. Внесок Нобелівських лауреатів в дослідження метаболізму вуглеводів і його регуляцію. А. Гарден, Х. Ейлер-Гельпін, К. Ф. Корі, Г. Т. Корі, Е. Сазерленд, Л. Ф. Лелуар, Г. Кребс, Ф. Ліпман, П. Мітчелл/ Р. П. Виноградова, В. М. Данилова, С. В. Комісаренко (стр.135-163)
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Назва журналу :Український біохімічний журнал -2013р. т.85,N 6
Цікаві статті :
Арчаков А. И. Хромосомоцентричный подход к преодолению трудностей в реализации международного проэкта "Протеом человека"/ А. И. Арчаков [и др.] (стр.8-17)
Ткачук В. А. Роль мультидоменной структуры урокиназы в регуляции роста и ремоделирования сосудов/ В. А. Ткачук [и др.] (стр.18-45)
Skorokhod O. Identification of Tudor domain containing 7 protein as a novel partner and a substrate for ribosomal protein S6 kinases - S6K1 and S6K2/ O. Skorokhod [и др.] (стр.46-52)
Киселев О. И. Иммуносупрессия при беременности и риски при вирусных инфекциях/ О. И. Киселев (стр.53-74)
Novossiolova T. The creation of a contagious H5N1 influenza virus: implications for the education of life scientists/ T. Novossiolova, M. Minehata, M. Dando (стр.84-93)
Lishko V. K. A novel mechanism controlling the growth of hemostatic thrombi/ V. K. Lishko [и др.] (стр.94-105)
Komisarenko S. V. Calixarene methylene bisphosphonic acids as promising effectors of biochemical processes/ S. V. Komisarenko [и др.] (стр.106-128)
Burdyga T. Seeing is believing! Live confocal imaging of microvascular networks in situ: morphology, Ca{\up\fs10 2+} signalling and tone/ T. Burdyga, L. Borysova (стр.129-133)
Skok M. V. Nicotinic actylcholine receptors: specific antibodies and functions in humoral immunity/ M. V. Skok [и др.] (стр.134-143)
Lebedev T. D. Specific silencing of leukemic oncogenes using RNA-interference approch/ T. D. Lebedev [и др.] (стр.144-150)
Halytskiy V. A. Non-coding RNAs and epigenome: de novo DNA methylation, allelic exclusion and X-inactivation/ V. A. Halytskiy, S. V. Komisarenko (стр.151-165)
Sibirny A. A. Sensing and signaling for peroxisome autophagic degradation (pexophagy) in yeasts/ A. A. Sibirny (стр.166-182)
Bilyy R. Sweet taste of cell death: role of carbohydrate recognition systems/ R. Bilyy, R. Stoika (стр.183-196)
Саатов Т. С. Биологические эффекты гормонов щитовидной железы/ Т. С. Саатов, А. А. Абдувалиев (стр.197-208)
Drobot L. B. Reactive oxygen species in signal transduction/ L. B. Drobot [и др.] (стр.209-217)
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