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Назва журналу :Одеський медичний журнал -2012р.,N 5
Цікаві статті :
Zaporozhan V. M. Retrospective analysis, state and challenges of endoscopic and miniinvasive surgery in the Odessa National Medical University (1975-2012)/ V. M. Zaporozhan [и др.] (стр.8-12)
Zhang Yang-de. Expression of NY-ESO-1 gene in human hepatocellular carcinoma/ Yang-de Zhang, Fei Ren, Jian Peng (стр.13-18)
Grubnik V. V. Improving the methods of spontaneous pneumotorax treatment by videothoracoscopic operations/ V. V. Grubnik [и др.] (стр.19-22)
Zhang Xiu-zhen. Determination of organochlorine pesticides residues in broken rice for pharmaceutical glucose by GC/ Xiu-zhen Zhang [и др.] (стр.22-26)
Kashtalyan M. N. One-day surgery (short term department) in the treatment of patients suffering from cholelithiasis/ M. N. Kashtalyan, V. V. Pavlyshyn (стр.26-28)
Xin Gao. Transvesical single-port laparoscopic radical prostatectomy for organ-confined prostate cancer: tehnique and outcomes/ Gao Xin [и др.] (стр.29-34)
Serdyuk V. N. Choice of organ preserving treatment of sumbucous uterine myoma based on rational diagnostic criteria/ V. N. Serdyuk, Yu. A. Chekhanov, Yu. G. Drobot (стр.34-37)
Wang Qilu . Mapping the disease gene in two congenital motor nystagmus families/ Qilu Wang [и др.] (стр.38-42)
Nychytaylo M. Y. Endoscopic treatment of ampullary tumors/ M. Y. Nychytaylo, P. V. Ogorodnyk, A. G. Deynychenko (стр.43-45)
Tengcheng Li. Antibiotic prophylaxis on the time of catheter removal following laparoscopic radical prostatectomy/ Li Tengcheng [и др.] (стр.45-49)
Dubinina V. G. Our experience of colorectal cancer laparoscopic treatment/ V. G. Dubinina, D. M. Osadchyy, V. E. Maksymovskyy (стр.50-52)
Boychuk A. V. Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of various methods of surgical and conservative treatment of ectopic pregnancy/ A. V. Boychuk, Yu. B. Boychuk, O. M. Ischak (стр.52-55)
Chayka A. V. Management and endosurgical treatment of benign ovarian cystic formations in pregnancy/ A. V. Chayka, F. A. Khancha, O. G. Morhunets (стр.55-59)
Nazarenko O. Ya. Current approaches to diagnostics and treatment of ovarian apoplexy/ O. Ya. Nazarenko, V. L. Kozhakov (стр.60-65)
Ursol G. N. Oesophagel achalasia treatment efficacy by the metod of endoscopic introduction of the botulinic toxin/ G. N. Ursol [и др.] (стр.65-68)
Bereznytskyy Ya. S. Technical features of the implementation of sleeve gastrectomy and biliopancreatic diversion in the treatment of obese patients/ Ya. S. Bereznytskyy, R. V. Duka (стр.69-71)
Chetverikov S. G. Differentiated choice of the miniinvasive surgical approach in surgical treatment of cholelithiasis/ S. G. Chetverikov, A. A. Oleynik (стр.72-74)
Lysenko V. V. Comparison of the long-term results of monopolar and bipolar transurethral resection of the prostate/ V. V. Lysenko (стр.74-76)
Shapovalov V. Yu. Comparative assessment of the traditional and endoscopic appendectomy according to the results of performing first 1,000 laparoscopic appendectomies/ V. Yu. Shapovalov (стр.77-80)
Цікаві статті :
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Форма документа : Стаття із журналу
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Shapovalov V. Yu.
Назва : Comparative assessment of the traditional and endoscopic appendectomy according to the results of performing first 1,000 laparoscopic appendectomies
Місце публікування : Одеський медичний журнал: Наук.-практ.журн./ МОЗ України. Одес. держ. мед. ун-т. - Одеса, 2012. - № 5. - С. 77-80 (Шифр ОУ2/2012/5)
Примітки : Библиогр.: с.80
Предметні рубрики: Аппендэктомия-- методы
Лапароскопия-- методы
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