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    Volkovа, N. A.
    Comparative study of the effect of bFGF and plasma rich in growth factors on cryopreserved mulipotent mesenhymal stromal cells from bone marrow and tendon of rats [Text] / N. A. Volkovа, M. S. Yukhta, A. N. Goltsev // Клітинна та органна трансплантологія. - 2017. - Том 5, N 2. - P170-175. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

СУХОЖИЛИЯ -- TENDONS (ультраструктура)
Анотація: The purpose of study was to investigate in vitro effects of growth factors, known as cell proliferation stimulants, to determine the most suitable agent for enhancing the proliferation and migration activity of cryopreserved multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) derived from bone marrow and tendon tissue
Materials and methods. MMSCs were obtained from bone marrow and tendon tissues of rats. Cryopreservation was carried out under the protection of 10 % DMSO with the addition of 20 % fetal bovine serum at a cooling rate of 1°C/min to -80°C and subsequent freeze in liquid nitrogen. During the cultivation of the cryopreserved MMSCs, basis fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and plasma rich in growth factors were used. The ability to proliferation (MTT assay), migration (in vitro scratch assay), and the synthesis of collagen type I (immunocytochemical study of collagen type I expression) were evaluated.
Results. The use of plasma rich in growth factors contributes to increasing the ability of cryopreserved MMSCs from bone marrow to proliferate and migrate, associated with decreasing in the relative number of cells that express collagen type I. Cultures of cryopreserved MMSCs from the tendon tissue exhibit greater sensitivity to the bFGF compared to the plasma rich in growth factors that have a manifestation in the increasing of cell proliferation and migration ability
Conclusions. bFGF and plasma rich in growth factors can be used as stimulants for stromal cell cultures
Дод.точки доступу:
Yukhta, M. S.
Goltsev, A. N.

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Є примірники у відділах: всього 1
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