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    Biological characteristics of tumor cells at the different stages of EMT upon exposure to anticancer drugs and cytokines / N. Bezdieniezhnych [et al.] // Experimental Oncology. - 2017. - Том 39, N 1. - P89-90

ЦИТОКИНЫ -- CYTOKINES (действие лекарственных препаратов)
Анотація: Formation of a highly malignant metastatic tumor cell phenotype and resistance to anticancer drugs are associated with the implementation of epithelial- mesenchymal transition (EMT). Thus, monitoring of EMT and the possible inhibition of this process could be helpful to inhibit the tumor progression. It is quite often that anti-tumor treatment is not effective, so new modalities and new targets to combat cancer should be developed. Established cell lines, primary cultures of malignant cells obtained from biopsies or ascites of patients with epithelial cancers (breast, colorectal and ovarian), immunohistochemistry, and statistical methods were used
Дод.точки доступу:
Bezdieniezhnych, N.
Lykhova, O.
Kocherga, R.
Kudryavets, Yu.

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    Соколовская, А. А.
    CD - дефицитные клетки сублинии JURKAT/A4, устойчивые к лекарственно-индуцированному апоптозу [Текст] / А. А. Соколовская, Т. Н. Заботина, Д. Ю. Блохин // Экспериментальная онкология. - 2001. - Т. 23, № 3. - С. 175-180

Дод.точки доступу:
Заботина, Т. Н.
Блохин, Д. Ю.

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    CD150/SLAMF1 as a new potential target for anti-tumor therapy / S. P. Sidorenko [et al.] // Experimental Oncology. - 2017. - Том 39, N 1. - P90-91

НОВООБРАЗОВАНИЯ -- NEOPLASMS (лекарственная терапия, терапия)
Анотація: CD150/SLAMF1 is a prototype member of SLAM family within the immunoglobulin superfamily of surface receptors that are widely expressed on cells within hematopoietic system. Six of nine SLAMF receptors have a paired unique immunoreceptor tyrosine-based switch motif (ITSM) that serves as a docking site for SH2-containing proteins. In T and B lymphocytes, natural killer cells, macrophages and dendritic cells CD150 is a co-receptor molecule that mediates different signal transduction pathways depending on the availability of downstream signaling elements, especially, the adaptor protein SH2D1A/SAP. Due to highly glycosylated and sialylated extracellular Ig domains, CD150 is involved in homotypic interactions and could be considered as a pattern-recognizing receptor. It is a major entry receptor for several Morbilliviruses, including measles virus, and also a bacterial sensor that control the killing of Gram-negative bacteria. Functionally it serves as a bridge between innate and adaptive immunity
Дод.точки доступу:
Sidorenko, S.P.
Romanets-Korbut, O.
Gordiienko, I.
Kovalevska, L.
Shlapatska, L.

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    Complexes of palladium(II) with 1-phenyl-1-hydroxymethylene bisphosphonic acid and their antitumor activity / O. M. Kozachkova [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2017. - Том 89, N 2. - P106-115

ПАЛЛАДИЙ -- PALLADIUM (терапевтическое применение)
Анотація: Complex formation of K2[PdCl4] with 1-phenyl-1-hydroxymethylene bisphosphonic acid (PhHMBP, H4L) has been studied by pH potentiometry, electron and NMR spectroscopy. It was found that in aqueous solution with physiological concentration of chlorine anions (0.15 mol/l KCl), anionic complexes of the equimolar compositions [PdHLCl2]3- (lgβ = 24.51 (0.3)) and [PdLCl2]4- (lgβ = 20.74 (0.02)) are formed. In the first coordination sphere palladium was surrounded by two oxygen atoms of two phosphonic groups of the bidentately coordinated ligand with closure of six-membered [O, O] ring, and two chlorine anions. The formation of palladium(II) equimolar complexes with PhHMBP and bidentate coordination of the ligand to the central metal cation was confirmed by 31P NMR spectroscopy. Cytotoxic activity (IC50 based on metal content) of the synthesized Pd(II) complexes with PhHMBP against human MG-63 osteosarcoma and MCF-7 mammary tumor cells was compared with cisplatin on in vitro models. It was established that cytotoxic activity of the Pd complexes was lower than that of cisplatin. The acute toxicity (LD50 based on metal content) of solutions of Pd(II) complexes with PhHMBP was found to be lower compared to cisplatin. It was shown that the use of solutions of palladium(II) complexes with PhHMBP inhibited tumor growth in mice with sarcoma 180
Дод.точки доступу:
Kozachkova, O. M.
Tsaryk, N. V.
Trachevskyi, V. V.
Rozhenko, A. B.
Shermolovich, Yu. H.
Guzyr, O. I.
Sharykina, N. I.
Chekhun, V. F.
Pekhnyo, V. I.

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    Effect of antitumor drugs in low concentrations on the biological, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of human colon cancer cells in vitro / N. Bezdieniezhnych [et al.] // Experimental Oncology. - 2017. - Том 39, N 1. - P17-24 : цв. ил. - 27 ref.

Анотація: To estimate the impact of the low-dose anticancer drugs (ACD) with the different mechanisms of action and human interferon (IFN) alpha 2b on the biological properties, immunophenotypic and cytogenetic characteristics of colon cancer cells in vitro. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on human colon cancer cell lines COLO 205, HT-29 and 3C-P treated with ACD and IFN in subtoxic concentrations. Expression of CD44, N-cadherin, vimentin, β-catenin, ERCC1 and Slug was assessed by immunocytochemical method. Using cytogenetic analysis, the numbers of mitoses, cells with micronuclei, apoptotic cells and cells with nuclear protrusions were studied. Results: The prolonged exposure (up to 30 days) of colon cancer cells to low-dose ACD (0.2–0.5 µg/ml cisplatin and 0.1–0.2 µg/ml irinotecan) in combination with IFN (500–1000 IU/ml) led to 37-fold decreased colony-forming activity of these cell and 10-fold reduction of the number of cells expressing mesenchymal protein markers (N-cadherin, vimentin). Also, in COLO 205 cells treated with ACD and IFN the number of SLUG- and CD44-positive cells decreased by 92 and by 85%, respectively. Long-term cultivation of HT-29 cells in the presence of cisplatin and IFN resulted in 5-fold suppression of ERCC1 expression. The cytogenetic analysis has shown that the ACD, IFN and their combinations in subtoxic concentrations caused significant genotoxic effect, suppression of cell proliferation and accumulation of cells with micronuclei. The sensitivity of colon cancer cells to ACD in standard cytotoxic concentrations did not change after prolonged low-dose exposure. Conclusion: The data showed that the prolonged action of the low doses of ACD on human colon cancer cells resulted in the suppression of cell proliferation, colony-forming activity in soft agar, expression of epithelialmesenchymal transition-associated markers and significant cytogenetic changes
Дод.точки доступу:
Bezdieniezhnych, N.
Kovalova, O.
Lykhova, O.
Kocherga, R.
Vorontsova, A.
Zhylchuk, V.
Maksimyak, G.
Kudryavets, Yu.

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    Experience and prospects for the use of off-label drugs in oncology [Text] = Досвід та перспективи використання “off-label” препаратів в онкології / S. M. Drogovoz [та ін.] // Экспериментальная онкология. - 2021. - Т. 43, № 1. - P82-86. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

ПРОТИВООПУХОЛЕВЫЕ СРЕДСТВА -- ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS (терапевтическое применение, фармакология)
НАЛТРЕКСОН -- NALTREXONE (терапевтическое применение, фармакология)
Анотація: According to the World Health Organization, half of all drugs available on the global pharmaceutical market are sometimes used for indications that are not included in the instruction for use. This method of therapy has the term “off-label use” which means the use “out of instruction”. Today, off-label drugs are also prescribed for cancer treatment. For example, a drug developed to treat one type of tumor can sometimes be used to treat other types of cancer. The treatment of certain types of pain with tricyclic antidepressants is also an example of the off-label drugs used in oncology. An example of an off-label prescription is anxiolytic medicine lorazepam, which can be used off-label as an antiemetic in cancer patients. Low doses of naltrexone are applied to treat cancer and autoimmune diseases. A retrospective analysis of modern oncotherapy indicates that oncologists often use off-label drugs in combination therapy, especially in the treatment of patients with concomitant diseases, in case of progressive development of the tumor, or to reduce the toxicity and cost of treatment components. American oncologists are of the opinion that if all the drugs prescribed by the International Recommendations failed in the treatment of cancer, doctors can prescribe off-label medications, but only if their effectiveness and safety are clearly established. The problem of the off-label use of drugs in oncology has not yet been studied in detail, however, this direction has certain promising prospects
За даними Всесвітньої організації охорони здоров’я, половина всіх лікарських засобів, доступних на світовому фармацевтичному ринку, іноді використовується за показаннями, які не включені в інструкцію із застосування. Цей метод терапії відомий під терміном “використання не за призначенням (off-label)”, що означає використання “поза інструкцією”. Сьогодні для лікування раку також призначаються off-label препарати. Наприклад, препарат, розроблений для лікування одного типу пухлин, іноді може застосовуватися для лікування інших видів раку. Лікування певних видів болю трициклічними антидепресантами також є прикладом застосування off-label препаратів в онкології. Прикладом призначення off-label є анксіолітичний препарат лоразепам, який можна використовувати як протиблювотний засіб у хворих на рак. Низькі дози налтрексону застосовуються для лікування раку та аутоімунних захворювань. Ретроспективний аналіз сучасної онкотерапії вказує на те, що онкологи часто використовують комбіновану терапію off-label препаратами, особливо при лікуванні пацієнтів із супутніми захворюваннями, у разі прогресуючого розвитку пухлини або для зниження токсичності та вартості компонентів лікування. Американські онкологи дотримуються думки, що якщо всі препарати, передбачені міжнародними рекомендаціями, не дають результатів під час лікування раку, лікарі можуть призначати off-label лікарські засоби, але лише за умови чіткого встановлення їх ефективності та безпеки. Проблема використання off-label препаратів в онкології ще не вивчена детально, однак цей напрямок має певні перспективи
Дод.точки доступу:
Drogovoz, S. M.
Starikov, V. I.
Ivantsyk, L. B.
Shchokina, K. G.

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    FDA схвалено KEYTRUDA (пембролізумаб) як перший препарат для лікування пацієнтів із пухлинами будь-якої локалізації з наявним позитивним біомаркером високої мікросателітної нестабільності (MSI-H) [Текст] // Клиническая онкология. - 2017. - N 2. - С. 4-5

НОВООБРАЗОВАНИЯ -- NEOPLASMS (лекарственная терапия)
Анотація: Управлінням з контролю за якістю харчових продуктів і лікарських засобів США (Food and Drug Administration — FDA) схвалено за прискореною процедурою препарат KEYTRUDA®, призначений для лікування пацієнтів, у яких рак має специфічний генетичний компонент (біомаркер). Це перший випадок, коли FDA затверджено лікарський засіб для лікування раку, заснований на загальному біомаркері, а не на локалізації пухлини
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    Functional and dynamic state of inner mitochondrial membrane of sarcoma 37 in mice under administration of sodium dichloroacetate / S. V. Khyzhnyak [и др.] // Український біохімічний журнал : двоміс. наук.-теорет. журн. - 2014. - Т. 86, № 6. - С. 106-118. - Библиогр. в конце ст. . - ISSN 0201-8470

САРКОМА ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЬНАЯ -- SARCOMA, EXPERIMENTAL (лекарственная терапия, метаболизм)
Дод.точки доступу:
Khyzhnyak, S. V.
Sorokina, L. V.
Stepanova, L. I.
Kaplia, A. A.

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    In silico identification and biochemical validation of plausible molecular targets of 4-thiazolidinone derivative les-3833 as a potential anticancer agent / L. Kobylinska [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. - 2021. - Vol. 93, № 2. - P7-23

ПРОТИВООПУХОЛЕВЫЕ СРЕДСТВА -- ANTINEOPLASTIC AGENTS (анализ, выделение и очистка, фармакокинетика, фармакология)
ТИАЗОЛИДИНЫ -- THIAZOLIDINES (агонисты, выделение и очистка, фармакокинетика)
Анотація: Synthetic 4-thiazolidinone derivatives have a broad range of pharmacologic activities. Thus, 4-thiazolidinones are being investigated to create new molecules and develop active pharmaceutical substances for anticancer treatment. In our previous study, we investigated the pyrazoline-thiazolidinone-isatin conjugates, and determined that Les-3833 was the most active compound and might act through inhibition of PARP-, MAPK-, JNK-, Bcl-2-, CDK1/cyclin B, and/or the caspase family. The aim of this research was to perform molecular docking studies to enable the construction of a pharmacophore model for the Les-3833 compound and investigate probable biological targets. Pharmacophore modeling software packages performed molecular docking studies of probable biological targets and enabled the construction of a pharmacophore model. Docking models of Les-3833 with 11 enzymes involved in apoptotic mechanisms were studied. Based on the pharmacophore modeling results for all 11 enzymes, Les-3833 is predicted to be most active in Chk‑1, caspase-6, and caspase-8. Immunoblot analysis proved that the application of Les-3833 led to inhibition of Ser345 phosphorylation, which is induced by etoposide, the most important modification responsible for Chk‑1 activity. Taken together with the results of the docking studies, several mechanisms for the expression of antitumor activity by 4-thiazolidinones are suggested, and such multi-affinity is a characteristic feature of all these derivatives. The docking analysis confirmed the affinity of test compound Les-3833 for a topoisomerase II inhibitor and a high possibility of inhibitory interaction with Chk-1, caspase-6, and caspase-8
Дод.точки доступу:
Kobylinska, L.
Khylyuk, D.
Subtelna, I.
Kitsera, M.
Lesyk, R.

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    Indicators of oxidative and nitrosative stress and activity of enzymes of nitric oxide metabolism in rats treated with 4-thiazolidinone derivatives possessing antineoplastic activity / L. I. Kobylinska [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2017. - Том 89, N 5. - P77-83

ОКСИДАТИВНЫЙ СТРЕСС -- OXIDATIVE STRESS (действие лекарственных препаратов)
ФЕРМЕНТЫ -- ENZYMES (метаболизм)
Анотація: Principal ways of generation and function of free oxygen and nitrogen radical metabolites, as well as the ways of their bio-neutralization in rats treated with potential anticancer drugs have been discussed. Three isatin-pyrazoline 4-thiazolidinone conjugates – Les-3288, Les-3833 and Les-3882 – were selected as the most perspective antineoplastic agents. Since the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species are responsible for negative side effects of many anticancer drugs, we measured the indicators of the oxidative and nitrosative stress and the activity of enzymes of the nitric oxide metabolism in blood of rats treated with such compounds. It was found that both Les-3833 and doxorubicin used as a positive control increased the level of specific indicators of the oxidative and nitrosative stress, while Les-3288 and Les-3882 did not cause a significant elevation in ROS content. There were no big changes in the activity of either iNO-synthase or NO-reductase under the action of doxorubicin, while Les-3288 and Les-3882 induced a decrease in the activi­ty of iNO-synthase, and Les-3288 induced a decrease in the activity of NO-reductase. Thus, the content of low molecular weight indicators of the oxidative and nitrosative stress in blood of rats is of higher informative value than the level of activity of enzymes of the nitric oxide metabolism at the action of such toxic agents as anticancer drugs. These indicators should be used for assessment of toxic damage of tissues and organs by the anticancer drugs
Дод.точки доступу:
Kobylinska, L. I.
Panchuk, R. R.
Lesyk, R. B.
Zimenkovsky, B. S.
Stoika, R. S.

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