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 1-10    11-20   21-30   31-40   41-50   51-60      

Adaptive capabilities of the body and aggressive personality manifestations of modern students at various stages of education in a higher education institution/N. V. Stoyan [та ін.] // Вісник морфології, 2023. т.Т. 29,N № 1.-С.25-34

Pavlyk A. S. Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning: a student survey/A. S. Pavlyk // Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал, 2022,N № 3 спецвип..-С.8

Assessment level of physical activity and psycho-emotional health status of the bogomolets national medical university students under conditions of distance learning organization/S. Kalashchenko [та ін.] // Український науково-медичний молодіжний журнал, 2021,N № 4.-С.116-123

Effective methods in foreign language teaching of medical students/N. I. Yelahina [et al.] // Медична освіта. -Тернопіль, 2019,N N 1.-С.48-54

Gura O. I. Enriching the content of foreign medical students’ independent work by on-line courses on the edX platform/O. I. Gura, Z. M. Ragrina // Медичні перспективи. -Д., 2021. т.Т. 26,N № 1.-С.63-68

Churpiy І. К. Features formation of professional morality and ethics in students of medical universities/І. К. Churpiy // Вісник Вінницького нац. мед. ун-ту, 2016. т.Т. 20,N № 2.-С.477-479

Moroz V. M. Features of changes of the functional state of higher nervous activity of the students of higher educational medical institutions in the dynamics of the academic year/V. M. Moroz, S. Yu. Makarov // Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, 2018,N № 31.-С.5-10

Vergeles T. M. Features of educational adaptation of young girls and young boys who are in institutions of higher medical education, using the distance format of the educational process/T. M. Vergeles // Вісник морфології, 2021. т.Т. 27,N № 1.-С.23-31

Serebrennikova O. A. Features of emotional burnout of students in the conditions of pre-examination and examination academic stress/O. A. Serebrennikova, S. Yu. Makarov // Biomedical and Biosocial Anthropology, 2019,N № 34.-С.26-32

Prokop I. A. Foreign language authentic text as a basis for the formation of future doctors’ professional communication/I. A. Prokop, H. Y. Kitura // Медична освіта. -Тернопіль, 2021,N N 4.-С.85-89
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