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 1-20    21-40   41-60   61-80   81-100   101-120      

Cellular fatty acid composition of Aeromonas genus – destructor of aromatic xenobiotics/T. V. Gudzenko [та ін.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 2019. т.Т. 91,N № 1.-С.86-91

Development and optimization of quantitative composition of rectal suppositories with diosmin and hesperidin by the method of mathematical planning of the experiment/Ye. A. Borko [et al.] // Фармацевтичний журнал. -київ, 2022. т.Том 77,N N 1.-С.74-85

Development of the composition and technology of a soap with sapropel/O. Y. Strus [et al.] // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2017,N № 4.-С.35-40

Kudrik B. T. Development of the composition and technology of the capsulated drug based on bee bread and honey powder. Report 2. The study of pharmacotechnological properties of the mixtures of active pharmaceutikal ingredients with excipients of “Api-immuno-vit” capsules/B. T. Kudrik, O. I. Tikhonov, O. S. Shpychak // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2016,N № 3.-С.43-48

Fedorovska M. Development of the composition of the gel base for treating telogen effluvium/M. Fedorovska, N. PoIovko // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2016,N № 4.-С.38-42

Litvinova O. M. Development of the laboratory technology of the combined pessaries with acyclovir and essential oils/O. M. Litvinova, Yu. V. Levachkova, V. M. Chushenko // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2017,N № 3.-С.28-33

Zaychenko V. S. Justification of surface-active substances choice in composition of suppositories for treatment of prostate gland benign diseases/V. S. Zaychenko, O. A. Ruban, Ju. S. Masliy , N. A. Gerbina // Український біофармацевтичний журнал. -Х., 2017,N № 6.-С.4-8

Methodical approach to the determination of the antioxidant activity of the echinacea purpurea and monarda fistulosa tinctures as a quality criterion of the development of their composition and laboratory technology/О. Yezerska [та ін.] // Львівський медичний часопис, 2022. т.Т. 28,N № 1/2.-С.89-98

Semchenko K. V. Methodological aspects of drug development in the form of chewable troches/K. V. Semchenko, L. I. Vyshnevska // Фармацевтичний часопис. -Тернопіль, 2020,N N 2.-С.25-31

Petrovska L. S. Peculiarities of thickening of the modern foam base in the acid medium/L. S. Petrovska, Yu. О. Bezpala, I. I. Baranova // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2017,N № 3.-С.34-38

Kovalevska I. Study of biopharmaceutical solubility of quercetin and its solid dispersions/I. Kovalevska, O. Ruban, V. Grudko // Український біофармацевтичний журнал. -Х., 2019,N № 1.-С.10-16

Yarnykh T. G. Study of the hyaluronic acid solubility for development of the vaginal gel composition/T. G. Yarnykh, O. І. Ivaniuk // Український біофармацевтичний журнал. -Х., 2017,N № 6.-С.19-23

Substantiation of auxiliary substances of in the composition of tablets with dry extract of zingiber officinale/Alkhalaf Malek Walid Ahmad [et al.] // Український біофармацевтичний журнал. -Х., 2019,N № 3.-С.23-27

Omelchenko I. O. Substantiation of the choice of excipients of “Corvalol” in the form of sublingual tablets/I. O. Omelchenko, T. G. Yamykh, H. I. Borshchevsky // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2016,N № 3.-С.49-50

Polova Zh. M. Substantiation of the film-forming agent selection in the composition of spray with copper and silver citrate/Zh. M. Polova, L. H. Almakayeva // Український біофармацевтичний журнал. -Х., 2018,N № 1.-С.4-8

Rybachuk V. D. The choice of fillers when creating natural zeolite tablets by the wet granulation method/V. D. Rybachuk // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2018,N № 4.-С.37-42

Rybachuk V. D. The choice of the quantitative composition of excipients when creating the natural zeolite paste/V. D. Rybachuk // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2018,N № 3.-С.39-43

Zujkina S. S. The pharmacotechnological studies of the phytospecies composition for the complex therapy of mastopathy/S. S. Zujkina, L. I. Vishnevska // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2017,N № 2.-С.43-47

Strus O. Ye. The studies on development of the composition of masks with the sapropel paste/O. Ye. Strus, O. G. Geyderikh, L. F. Silaeva // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2016,N № 3.-С.51-53

The studies on the pharmaceutical development of dosage forms with silver and gold nanoparticles for use in dentistry and surgery/S. B. Bilous [et al.] // Вісник фармації. -Х., 2018,N № 4.-С.28-36
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