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Пошуковий запит: <.>II=УУ60/2020/92/2<.>
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 12
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Vari S. G. Homo scientist can lead HOMO SAPIENS to the next evolutionary stage, to HOMO ingenious/S. G. Vari // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.5-6

Korolyuk O. Ya. Hypertriclyceridemia is associated with long-term risk of cardiovascular events and specific comorbidity in very high-risk hypertensive patients/O. Ya. Korolyuk, O. M. Radchenko // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.8-19

Freezing influences, the exposure of IgG glycans in sera from multiple sclerosis patients/M. Bozhenko [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.21-31

Lectinocytochemical study of rat stomach mucosa under the conditions of cyclooxygenase-1/-2 blockage and pretreatment with H-GLU-ASP-GLY-OH/C. M. Nasadyuk [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.33-43

The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on the lipid composition of the rat testes and testosterone level during the early stages of streptozotocin-induced diabetes/O. V. Onopchenko [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.45-59

Protective action of N-stearoylethanolamine on blood coagulation and arterial changes in spontaneously hypertensive rats fed cholesterol-rich diet/O. S. Tkachenko [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.60-71

Aggregation of platelets, proliferation of endothelial cells and motility of cancer cells are mediated by the Bβ1(15)-42 residue of fibrin(ogen)/Y. M. Stohnii [et. al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.72-85

Exogenous hydrogen sulfide for the treatment of mesenteric damage associated with fructose-induced malfunctions via inhibition of oxidative stress/O. Revenko [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.86-98

Novel approach for discrimination of eosinophilic granulocytes and evaluation of their surface receptors in a multicolor fluorescent histological assessment/G. Bila [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.99-107

Synthesis and anti-leukemic activity of pyrrolidinedione-thiazolidinone hybrids/A. Kryshchyshyn [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.108-120

Effects of thiazole derivatives on intracellular structure and functions in murine lymphoma cells/V. P. Hreniukh [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.121-131

Development of effective anti-inflammatory drug candidates among novel thiazolopyridines/T. I. Chaban [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. -Київ, 2020. т.Vol. 92,N № 2.-С.132-139
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