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    Mishchenko, T.
    Hypopinealism and arterial hypertension: chronobiological and age aspects [Text] / T. Mishchenko, L. Bondarenko // Пробл. ендокринної патології. - 2020. - N 1. - P105-110


Анотація: It is known that age hypopinealism, i.e. decrease in the pineal gland functioning characterised first of all by progressive melatonin deficiency, develops in mammals at the downward ontogeny stage. Since physiological fluctuations of the pineal gland hormone synthesis and secretion level is one of the conditions for the coherence of the daily rhythms of the or- gans/systems work, it is considered that pineal gland hypofunction plays an important role in the pathogenesis of age-associated diseases, in particular arterial hypertension (AH) [2]. It is known that apparently healthy elderly people have higher pineal gland melaton-forming function than the ones with AH. At the same time AH is not only an old people’s dis- ease, it is also disease of mature aged persons; thus the phrase «AH has looked younger» is established
Дод.точки доступу:
Bondarenko, L.

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