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Шифр: ЕУ12/2017/39/3

Экспериментальная онкология [Текст]
2017р. Т. 39 № 3 . - 34.76, р.
Chekhun, V. F. On the 40th anniversary of the international symposium “The role of stem cells in leukemo-and carcinogenesis»: in Kyiv again / V. F. Chekhun. - С.162-163
Kalynychenko, T. O. Umbilical cord blood banking in the worldwide hematopoietic stem cell transplantation system: perspectives for Ukraine / T. O. Kalynychenko. - С.164-170. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Vasyliev, R. G. Large-scale expansion and characterization of human adult neural crest-derived multipotent stem cells from hair follicle for regenerative medicine applications / R. G. Vasyliev [та ін.]. - С.171-180. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Rodnichenko A. E., Gubar O. S., Zlatska A. V., Gordiienko I. M., Novikova S. N., Zubov D. O.
Kozub, M. M. Comparison of various tissue and cell therapy approaches when restoring ovarian, hepatic and kidney’s function after chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure / M. M. Kozub [та ін.]. - С.181-185. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Prokopiuk V. Y., Skibina K. R., Prokopiuk О. V., Kozub N. I.
Gubar, O. S. Postnatal extra-embryonic tissues as a source of multiple cell types for regenerative medicine applications / O. S. Gubar [та ін.]. - С.186-190. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Rodnichenko A. E., Vasyliev R. G., Zlatska A. V., Zubov D. O.
Vasyliev, R. G. Tissue-engineered bone for treatment of combat related limb injuries / R. G. Vasyliev [та ін.]. - С.191-196. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Oksymets V. M., Rodnichenko A. E., Zlatska A. V., Gubar O. S., Gordiienko I. M., Zubov D. O.
Zlatska, A. V. Endometrial stromal cells: isolation, expansion, morphological and functional properties / A. V. Zlatska [та ін.]. - С.197-202. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Rodnichenko A. E., Gubar O. S., Zubov D. O., Novikova S. N., Vasyliev R. G.
Chekhun, V. F. Association of CD44+CD24-/low with markers of aggressiveness and plasticity of cell lines and tumors of patients with breast cancer / V. F. Chekhun [та ін.]. - С.203-211. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Lukianova N. Y., Chekhun S. V., Bezdieniezhnykh N. O., Zadvomiy T. V., Borikun T. V., Polishchuk L. Z., Klyusov O. M.
Karlitepe, A. Anti-cancer efficiency of natural killer cells differentiated from human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and transfected with miRNA150 / A. Karlitepe [та ін.]. - С.212-218. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Kabadayi H., Vatansever S., Gurdal M., Gunduz C., Ercan G.
Lisyaniy, N. I. Content of stem tumor CD133+ cells in brain neoplasms of different histological type / N. I. Lisyaniy [та ін.]. - С.219-223. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Stanetskaya D. N., Lisyaniy A. N., Belskaya L. N.
Ryspayeva, D. E. Are CD44+CD24- cells the assumed cancer stem cells in breast cancer? / D. E. Ryspayeva [та ін.]. - С.224-228. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Інші автори: Smolanka I. I., Dudnichenko A. S., Lyashenko A. A., Grinevich Yu. A., Gurianov V. G., Koshubarova M. V., Seleznev A. A.
Bezdieniezhnykh, N. O. Scientific-practical and legal problems of implementation of the personalized medicine / N. O. Bezdieniezhnykh, V. V. Reznikova, O. V. Rossylna. - С.229-233
Normal and cancer stem cells: discovery diagnosis and therapy international scientific conference. R. E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology Oncology and Radiobiology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Kyiv October 5–6 2017. - С.234-256
Є примірники у відділах: всього 1
Вільні: 1

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    Kalynychenko, T. O.
    Umbilical cord blood banking in the worldwide hematopoietic stem cell transplantation system: perspectives for Ukraine [Текст] / T. O. Kalynychenko // Экспериментальная онкология. - 2017. - Т. 39, № 3. - С. 164-170. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

БЕЛКИ КРОВИ -- BLOOD PROTEINS (анализ, снабжение и распределение)
ПЛОДА КРОВЬ -- FETAL BLOOD (трансплантация)
Анотація: Significant progress in the promotion of procedural technologies associated with the transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells caused a rapid increase in activity. The exchange of hematopoietic stem cells for unrelated donor transplantations is now much easier due to the relevant international professional structures and organizations established to support cooperation and standard setting, as well as rules for the functioning of both national donor registries and cord blood banks. These processes are increasing every year and are contributing to the outpacing rates of development in this area. Products within their country should be regulated by the competent government authorities. This study analyzes the work of international and national levels of support for transplantation activity in the field of unrelated hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, the standardization order of technologies, as well as data that justify the need to create a network of donated umbilical cord blood banks in Ukraine as a factor in the development of allogeneic transplantation. This will promote the accessibility of international standards for the treatment of serious diseases for Ukrainian citizens
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