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Заглавие журнала :The Ukrainian biochemical journal -2018г. т.90,N 3
Интересные статьи :
Trakhtenberg I. M. Biochemical mechanisms of free-radical damage to the nuclear genome by cadmium/ I. M. Trakhtenberg [et al.] (стр.5-16)
Moshynets O. V. Examining c-di-GMP and possible quorum sensing regulation in Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25: links between intra- and inter-cellular regulation benefits community cooperative activities such as biofilm formation/ O. V. Moshynets [et al.] (стр.17-31)
Babich L. G. The relation between the availability of neonatal intensive care and neonatal mortality./ L. G. Babich [et al.] (стр.32-40)
Franskevych D. V. Activation of store - operated Ca2+ entry in cisplatin resistant leukemic cells after treatment with photoexcited fullerene C60 and cisplatin/ D. V. Franskevych [et al.] (стр.41-48)
Minchenko O. H. ERN1 modifies the effect of glutamine deprivation on tumor growth related factors expression in U87 glioma cells/ O. H. Minchenko [et al.] (стр.49-61)
Gerush I. V. The effect of melationin on lipid peroxide oxidation, oxidative modification of proteins and mitochondria swelling in the skeletal muscle tissue of rats under alloxan diabetes/ I. V. Gerush, V. V. Bevzo, Ye. O. Ferenchuk (стр.62-69)
Galkin O. Yu. Development and characterization of highly informative elisa for the detection of IgG and IgA antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis/ O. Yu. Galkin [et al.] (стр.70-83)
Ohiri R. C. Nutriceutical potential of Pleurotus tuber-regium sclerotium/ R. C. Ohiri (стр.84-93)
Horak I. R. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 modulates resistance to doxorubicin of murine 4T1 breast cancer cells/ I. R. Horak, D. S. Geraschenko, L. B. Drobot (стр.94-100)
Modern aspects of biochemistry and biotechnology - 2018 (стр.101-147)
Horak I. R. Cellular plasticity as a driving force in cancer progression: the regulatory role of adaptor protein RuK/CIN85/ I. R. Horak [et al.] (стр.102-103)
Mazanova A. O. Modulating effect of cholecalciferol on vitamin D endo/para/autocrine system in type 1 diabetes/ A. O. Mazanova [et al.] (стр.104-105)
Uspenska K. R. Biological role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in mitochondria/ K. R. Uspenska (стр.106)
Chukova A. M. G-quadruplex DNA binding and telomerase inhibition by pheophorbides/ A. M. Chukova [et al.] (стр.107)
Demenko D. Computer modeling of direct factor Xa inhibitors/ D. Demenko, V. Hurmach, V. Chernyshenko (стр.108)
Dziuba O. S. The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on age-related and diet-induced changes of fatty acid profile of rat adipocytes/ O. S. Dziuba [et al.] (стр.109)
Garmash I. A. Regulation of glycolysis-related genes expression in U87 ERN1 knockdown glioma cells/ I. A. Garmash (стр.110)
Gerashchenko D. S. Deficiency of adaptor protein RuK/CIN85 in lewis lung carcinoma cells inhibits malignancy hallmarks in vitro as well as tumor growth and pulmonary metastasis in vivo/ D. S. Gerashchenko [et al.] (стр.111)
Gorshkova O. G. Effective method for cleaning of ore of ore-ferrous factory from ions of heavy metals based on bacteria association of the genus Pseudomonas/ O. G. Gorshkova (стр.112)
Gritsenko M. Analyses of the expression and products accumulation of CD-marker genes in cultures of lung and skin rats fibroblasts in ontogenesis/ M. Gritsenko (стр.113)
Halkin O. V. Expression of protease genes in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells upon glutamine deprivation/ O. V. Halkin, D. O. Minchenko, D. О. Tsymbal (стр.114)
Holiar V. V. P60-S6K1 mRNA transcript expression profile in a panel of cell lines and breast cancer tissue samples/ V. V. Holiar, A. S. Sivchenko, I. V. Zaiets (стр.115)
Kalmukova O. O. Central serotonin and tryptophan levels in rats with diet-induced obesity at the different time of melatonin administration/ O. O. Kalmukova, A. V. Yurchenko, V. M. Kyryk (стр.116)
Kharchenko T. The cytotoxicity of cadmium ions small doses in long-term culture of bone marrow cells/ T. Kharchenko [et al.] (стр.117)
Kharchuk M. S. The composition of isolated volutin granules of Saccharomyces cerevisiae UCM Y-517/ M. S. Kharchuk (стр.118)
Klymets H. V. The effect of vanadium citrate on the biochemical parameters of the blood plasma of pregnant female rats/ H. V. Klymets (стр.119)
Kolesnikov Ya. S. The role of brassinosteroids in regulation of phospholipid signaling in plant cells/ Ya. S. Kolesnikov, S. V. Kretynin (стр.120)
Korchevska V. V. Expression profile of fatty acids in the liver and guerin’s carcinoma of rats under conditions of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids administration/ V. V. Korchevska, O. V. Ketsa, V. M. Klimashevskyi (стр.121)
Kovalchuk Y. P. The myelin basic protein and S100b level in the different brain areas of rats affected by pituitrin and izadrin/ Y. P. Kovalchuk (стр.122)
Labudzynskyi D. O. Effects of cerium (IV) oxide nanoparticles on RAW 264.7 cells activity and rankl-stimulated osteoclastogenesis/ D. O. Labudzynskyi (стр.123)
Luzina O. Y. Effect of glutamine deprivation on the expression of DEK, TPD52, BRCA1, ADGRE5, LIF, GNPDA1, and COL6A1 genes in IRE1 knockdown U87 glioma cells/ O. Y. Luzina (стр.124)
Marenkov O. N. The effect of manganese, nickel and lead ions on LDH activity of the Procambarus virginalis (LYKO, 2017)/ O. N. Marenkov, Y. P. Kovalchuk (стр.125)
Melnyk T. Hepatoprotective effects of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on rats with transplanted guerin’s carcinoma/ T. Melnyk, O. Ketsa (стр.126)
Muraviova D. V. The neural cell adhesion molecules in the rat brain after water-immobilization stress and after the recovery period/ D. V. Muraviova, O. O. Dovban (стр.127)
Paliienko K. O. Dose-dependent action of polyhexamethylene guanidine hydrochloride on release of L-[14C]glutamate from rat brain nerve terminals/ K. O. Paliienko, A. O. Pastukhov (стр.128)
Pankiv T. M. Effects of intermittent fasting on respiratory capacity of mitochondria and activity of aconitase in cerebral cortex of C57BL/6 mice/ T. M. Pankiv (стр.129)
Revka O. V. Biochemical mechanisms of fibrin clot formation and subsequent lysis regulation by platelets/ O. V. Revka (стр.130)
Riabovol O. O. The expression of cox and NDUF genes in U87 glioma cells with IRE1 knockdown/ O. O. Riabovol (стр.131)
Rutska A. V. The influence of monosodium glutamate on reactive oxygen species production in rats/ A. V. Rutska (стр.132)
Rybak M. Yu. The role of 2’- and 3’-hydroxyl groups of A76 tRNATyr at the first steps of translation quality control/ M. Yu. Rybak (стр.133)
Gorshkova O. G. Features of fatty strength profile of strain Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 - destructor of phenolic compounds/ O. G. Gorshkova [et al.] (стр.134)
Si W. The hemolytic effect of oxidative stress caused by chronic exposure to low concentrations of cadmium on the body/ W. Si (стр.135)
Sishchuk L. O. The activity of glycolytic and antiglycative enzymes in mouse brain under intermittent fasting/ L. O. Sishchuk, A. O. Semchuk (стр.136)
Spirina V. A. Biochemical parameters of blood with increasing concentration of nitric oxide/ V. A. Spirina, O. O. Galinskij (стр.137)
Stohniy Y. M. The development of new method of the determination of bacterial transglutaminase activity using fibrinogen as a substrate/ Y. M. Stohniy [et al.] (стр.138)
Stravska M. Redox balance in white rats’ spleen in the dynamics of experimentally developed carcinogenesis/ M. Stravska [et al.] (стр.139)
Suleimanova R. R. Fatty acids composition in blood serum lipids of sterlets of different age/ R. R. Suleimanova (стр.140)
Sushko O. Glutathione status in rat’s liver experimentally induced under influence chromium citrate/ O. Sushko, L. Ponkalo (стр.141)
Tsap P. Y. Mapping of residues of fibribogen ?C-region cleaved by protease from the venom of Agkistrodon halys halys/ P. Y. Tsap [et al.] (стр.142)
Umanska A. O. Changes of the performance parameters of the heart of rats for artificial hypobyosis/ A. O. Umanska (стр.143)
Vasheniuk O. S. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 induces epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells/ O. S. Vasheniuk [et al.] (стр.144)
Zhuk V. V. Signal function of endogenous hydrogen peroxide in response of plants to ultraviolet radiation/ V. V. Zhuk (стр.145)
Zhuk I. V. The combination of no donor and ferulic acid effect on the elicitation of wheat tolerance against biotic stress/ I. V. Zhuk, L. O. Kucherova (стр.146)
Zhyvolozhnyi A. Y. Adaptor protein Ruk/CIN85 is a novel molecular component of extracellular vesicles produced by tumor cells/ A. Y. Zhyvolozhnyi [et al.] (стр.147)
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Заглавие журнала :Клітинна та органна трансплантологія -2018г. т.6,N 1
Интересные статьи :
Хоменко В. І. Аналіз міжнародних та національних норм правової регламентації у сфері трансплантації тканин і клітин та можливості покращення нормативно-правового забезпечення трансплантації гемопоетичних стовбурових клітин в Україні/ В. І. Хоменко (стр.6-21)
Khomenko V. I. Review of international and national principles of law in the field of tissue and cell transplantation and the approaches of improving the regulatory framework of hematopoietic stem cells transplantation in Ukraine/ V. I. Khomenko (стр.22-37)
Квитницкая-Рыжова Т. Ю. Влияние генной терапии PEI-pDNA комплексом, несущим ген препроинсулина человека, на структурные и ультраструктурные характеристики ряда органов при экспериментальном сахарном диабете у мышей разного возраста/ Т. Ю. Квитницкая-Рыжова [та ін.] (стр.38-47)
Kvitnitskaya-Ryzhova T. Yu. The effects of gene therapy with PEI-pDNA complex containing human preproinsulin gene on structural and ultrastructural characteristics of several organs in mice of different ages at experimental diabetes mellitus/ T. Yu. Kvitnitskaya-Ryzhova [та ін.] (стр.48-56)
Лабунец И. Ф. Влияние разных доз тимулина in vivo и in vitro на некоторые биологические свойства мультипотентных мезенхимальных стромальных клеток костного мозга у мышей разных линий/ И. Ф. Лабунец, А. Е. Родниченко (стр.58-65)
Labunets I. F. The effects of different doses of thymulin in vivo and in vitro on some biological properties of bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells in mice of different strains/ I. F. Labunets, A. E. Rodnichenko (стр.66-73)
Калмикова О. О. Вплив різних режимів введення мелатоніну на диференціацію та функціональний стан бурих адипоцитів in vivo/ О. О. Калмикова, М. Е. Дзержинський (стр.74-79)
Kalmukova O. O. The effects of different time of melatonin administration on differentiation and functional status of the brown adipocytes in vivo/ O. O. Kalmukova, M. E. Dzerzhinsky (стр.80-85)
Родніченко А. Є. Відтворення токсичної купризонової моделі демієлінізації в системі in vitro/ А. Є. Родніченко (стр.86-92)
Rodnichenko A. E. Implementation of a toxic cuprizone model of demyelination in vitro/ A. E. Rodnichenko (стр.93-98)
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kalmukova O. O., Dzerzhinsky M. E.
Заглавие : The effects of different time of melatonin administration on differentiation and functional status of the brown adipocytes in vivo
Место публикации : Клітинна та органна трансплантологія. - 2018. - Том 6, N 1. - С. 80-85 (Шифр КУ53/2018/6/1)
Примечания : Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Аннотация: Recently, numerous studies have indicated that melatonin, the hormone of pineal gland, affects the processes of differentiation of many cells, including preadipocytes into brown, beige and white adipocytes. Therefore, it is important to study the possibilities of using melatonin as a factor for the differentiation of preadipocytes to control the adipose tissue functional activity in the treatment of various diseases, including obesity.The aim of the study was to evaluate the morphology and functional status of brown adipose tissue at the different time of melatonin administration.Materials and methods. Outbred rats were divided into 3 experimental groups: control, administration of melatonin 1 hour after light-on ZT01 (Zeitgeber time), administration of melatonin 1 hour before light-off ZT11. Melatonin was administered by gavage daily for 7 weeks at a standard exposure day-night light (12:12)Results. The application of melatonin affects the morphology and functional state of brown adipocytes independently of the administration time: the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio increases due to an increase in the area of the nucleus against the unchanging cell area. The number of lipid drops increases in each adipocyte, but their size are decreased. The effect of different time of melatonin administration was manifested in the increase brown adipose tissue weight, in the terms of evening administrations. Conclusion. The effects of different times of melatonin administration at the cytological level are manifested almost identical in the brown adipocytes functional state in all experimental groups. However, at the organism level in terms of evening administrations, an increase in the relative mass of brown adipose tissue is observed, but the size of brown adipocytes do not change, which may indicate the activation of the differentiation of brown adipocytes from the progenitor cells.
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Вид документа : Статья из журнала
Шифр издания :
Автор(ы) : Kalmukova O. O., Yurchenko A. V., Kyryk V. M.
Заглавие : Central serotonin and tryptophan levels in rats with diet-induced obesity at the different time of melatonin administration
Место публикации : The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - Київ, 2018. - Том 90, N 3. - С. 116 (Шифр УУ60/2018/90/3)
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