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Шифр: УУ60/2018/90/4

The Ukrainian biochemical journal [Текст]. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2018г. Т. 90 № 4
Veklich, T. O. Pathways and mechanisms of transmembrane calcium ions exchange in the cell nucleus / T. O. Veklich, Yu. V. Nikonishyna, S. O. Kosterin. - P.5-24
Zaiets, I. V. The P60-S6K1 isoform of ribosomal protein S6 kinaze 1 is a product of alternative mRNA translation / I. V. Zaiets [et al.]. - P.25-35
Другие авторы: Sivchenko A. S., Khoruzhenko A. I., Savinska L. O., Filonenko V. V.
Shymanskyi, I. O. Liver cytochrome P450-hydroxylation system of tumor-bearing rats under the influence of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D3 / I. O. Shymanskyi [et al.]. - P.36-44
Другие авторы: Ketsa O. V., Marchenko M. M., Veliky M. M.
Ajilore, B. S. Gentamicin and magnesium chloride normalizes cholinesterase and ATPase activities in rats acutely exposed to dichlorvos (DDVP) pesticide / B. S. Ajilore, A. E. Adewuyi, T. O. Oluwadairo. - P.45-51
Makarchikov, A. F. Adenosine thiamine triphosphate and adenosine thiamine triphosphate hydrolase activity in animal tissues / A. F. Makarchikov [et al.]. - P.52-63
Другие авторы: Saroka T. V., Kudyrka T. G., Kolas I. K., Luchko T. A., Rusina I. M., Gurinovich V. A.
Kaplia, A. A. Assessment of the effect of monohydroxy alcohols, unsaturated fatty acids, organophosphate compounds on the enzymatic ATP-hydrolysis in the cell membranes of the smooth muscle of the rat colon / A. A. Kaplia, S. V. Midyk, S. V. Khyzhnyak. - P.64-73
Yukalo, V. G. Isolation of к-CN-1P and β-CN-5P fractions from native casein micelles / V. G. Yukalo, L. A. Storozh. - P.74-79
Bobrovnik, S. A. Effect of trifluoroethanol on antibody reactivity against corresponding and nonrealated antigens / S. A. Bobrovnik, M. O. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko. - P.80-89
Sierra-Campos, E. Nitrate and nitrite in drinking water affect antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes of rats / E. Sierra-Campos [et al.]. - P.90-101
Другие авторы: Valdez-Solana M. A., Campos-Almazan M. I., Avitia-Dominguez C., Hernandez-Rivera J. L., de Lira-Sanchez J. A., Garcia-Arenas G., Tellez-Valencia A.
Salyha, N. O. Effects of L-glutamic acid and pyridoxine on glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation generated by epinephrine-induced stress in rats / N. O. Salyha. - P.102-110
Asadi, A. Evaluation of serum adenosine deainase and its isoenzymes in patients with ovarian cancer / A. Asadi [et al.]. - P.111-114
Другие авторы: Atyabi S. M., Sadeghi S., Khatami S., Ebrahimi-Rad M., Valadbeigi S., Saghiri R.
Ozbolat, Guluzar. Hematologic features of beta-globin gene mutation type (??) with homozygous beta thalassemia / Guluzar Ozbolat, Abdullah Tuli. - P.115-120
Данилова, В. М. Альфред Бернгард Нобель і Нобелівська премія / В. М. Данилова, Р. П. Виноградова, С. В. Комісаренко. - P.121-134
Danylova, T. V. Scientific investigation of Nobel prize winner Emil Fischer as a launching pad for the development of biochemistry: a brief overview / T. V. Danylova, S. V. Komisarenko. - P.135-142
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(03.10.2018г. Экз. 1 - Б.ц.) (свободен)

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    Yukalo, V. G.
    Isolation of к-CN-1P and β-CN-5P fractions from native casein micelles / V. G. Yukalo, L. A. Storozh // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 4. - P74-79

КАЗЕИНЫ -- CASEINS (метаболизм)
ПЕПТИДЫ -- PEPTIDES (метаболизм)
ЭЛЕКТРОФОРЕЗ -- ELECTROPHORESIS (использование, методы)
Аннотация: Proteins of the casein complex of milk arouse considerable interest as the precursors of biologically active peptides which are capable of influencing various physiological systems of the body (digestive, nervous, cardiovascular, and immune). It has been established that various bioactive peptides are unevenly located in the structure of casein fractions. In this connection, there appeared a need to separate individual fractions of this protein for studying the pathways of formation and properties of bioactive casein peptides. To minimize negative effects of the purification procedure, we used the gel filtration on Sefarose 2B to produce native casein micelles and repeating filtration on Sephadex G-150 to separate individual fractions. As a result, according to electrophoretic analysis, casein micelles with a characteristic protein composition were obtained. Taking into account the similarity of the molecular weight of components for their dividing the repeated gel filtration was carried out with separating the chromatograms into sectors. The composition of the combined fractions of each sector was analyzed by electrophoresis. This approach allowed isolating two electrophoretically homogeneous proteins from native casein micelles – κ-CN-1P and β-CN-5P, as well as to obtain a substantially purified ( 83%) αS1-CN-XP. Isolated caseins without the influence of extreme factors can be used to study natural bioactive peptides
Доп.точки доступа:
Storozh, L. A.

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