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Шифр: ВУ18/2017/2

Вісник фармації
2017г. № 2
The reactivity of propyl esters of N-[(2-oxoindolin-3-ylidene)-2-oxiacetyl]amino acids. - С.3-6
Другие авторы: Svechnikova O. M., Kolisnyk S. V., Vinnyk O. F., Kolisnyk O. V.
Determination of related impurities in glimepiride tablets by the HPLC method. - С.7-12
Другие авторы: Savina N. O., Ocherethyana N. M., Britsun V. M., Ostanina N. V.
Tomarovska, L. Yu. Development of the methods for atomoxetine identification suitable for the chemical and toxicological analysis / L. Yu. Tomarovska, S. V. Baiurka, S. A. Karpushyna. - С.13-20
Comparison of chromatographic methods of analysis in a thin layer of the sorbent for identification of famotidine in tablets. - С.21-24
Другие авторы: Myhal A. V., Marksa M., Golovchenko O. S., Georgiyants V. A., Ivanauskas L.
The synthesis of the substituted 4-alkyl/arylsulfonyl-5-amino-3-alkylthiopyrazoles as promising pharmaceutical agents with the antifungal action. - С.25-30
Другие авторы: Tkachenko P. V., Tkachenko O. V., Netosova K. Yu., Borisov O. V., Zhuravel I. O.
Slipchenko, G. D. Development of the methods for spectrophotometric determination of the flavonoid concentration in solution to study bioavailability of the amount of bioactive substances in capsules containing the powder of Scutellaria baikalensis roots and rhizomes / G. D. Slipchenko, V. O. Hrudko, O. A. Ruban. - С.31-36
The study of the chemical composition and the immunomodulatory activity of polysaccharide complexes from Veronica teucrium L. - С.37-42
Другие авторы: Osmachko A. P., Kovaleva A. M., Ilyina T. V., Kashpur N. V., Koshovyi O. M., Komisarenko A. M.
Zujkina, S. S. The pharmacotechnological studies of the phytospecies composition for the complex therapy of mastopathy / S. S. Zujkina, L. I. Vishnevska. - С.43-47
Garkusha, M. I. Analysis of the Ukrainian employer current requirements to the pharmaceutical personnel / M. I. Garkusha, R. V. Sahaidak-Nikitiuk, G. A. Gretska. - С.48-53
Tovchiga, O. V. The effects of goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria L.) preparations on glycemia in intact rats and against the background of metformin / O. V. Tovchiga. - С.54-62
Tryschuk, N. M. The effect of benzilic acid derivatives on the pain threshold using the “hot plate” test / N. M. Tryschuk [та ін.]. - С.63-66
Другие авторы: Kireyev I. V., Kolisnyk S. V., Sytnik K. M.
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Свободны: 1

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    Zujkina, S. S.
    The pharmacotechnological studies of the phytospecies composition for the complex therapy of mastopathy [Текст] / S. S. Zujkina, L. I. Vishnevska // Вісн. фармації. - 2017. - № 2. - С. 43-47


Аннотация: Today mastopathy is the most common benign breast disease. It is diagnosed in almost one in four women aged 30 years. In women over 40 different breast pathologies are found in 60 % of cases. Mastopathy that has not been diagnosed in proper time and corrected pharmacologically can be the cause of breast cancer. The urgency of the problem is caused by widespread mastopathy and currently ineffective treatment of this disease. Aim. To study the pharmacotechnological parameters of the medicinal plant raw material (MPRM) in order to create a phytospecies for use in the treatment of mastopathy. Materials and methods. Using the technological research methods according to the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and the method described by P. Vetrov the main technological characteristics of the raw material such as the content of extractive substances, specific density, bulk volume, and bulk density, pore volume, porosity, and free volume of the layer for MPRM under research and the phytospecies developed were studied. The technological parameters of different types of the plant raw material are determined by the following methods given above. The raw material was previously crushed to the particle size of 0.3-0.6 cm by the combined method. The data obtained were processed by the methods of economic and statistical analysis of the treatment results using computer programs. Results and discussion. The main technological parameters of the raw material are moisture, the content of extractive substances, specific density, bulk volume, and bulk density of the raw material, pore volume, porosity and free volume of the layer of the raw material. The results obtained when studying the main technological parameters of MPRM in the composition of the drug developed allow us to determine the optimal ratio between the raw material and the extractant, choose the type and size of packing of the phytospecies. Based on the analysis of the chemical composition and pharmacological properties of active substances of MPRM and the results of the technological studies the composition of the phytospecies for the complex treatment of mastopathy has been developed. The data obtained will serve as a basis for choosing the parameters of extraction and type of packing of a drug. Conclusions. The main pharmacotechnological parameters of the samples of MPRM (parsley leaves, corn silk, cranberry fruits, hop cones, common horsetail herb, rose hips, nettle leaves, stevia herb) and the phytospecies have been determined. The phytospecies developed can be used as a medicated product in the treatment of mastopathy due to the presence of the hormone-regulating, oncoprotective, choleretic, diuretic and immunomodulatory action
Доп.точки доступа:
Vishnevska, L. I.

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