Шифр: МУ96/2017/3/1

Міжнародний журнал медицини і медичних досліджень. - Выходит дважды в год
2017г. т.3 N 1
Venger, O. P. Improvement in the approaches to the treatment of emigrants and re-emigrants with depressive disorders / O. P. Venger, Y. I. Mysula, L. V. Shkrobot. - С.5-10
Kedyk, A. V. Screening for dyslipidemia and expedience of statin therapy for the citizens of transcarpathia valley regions with overweight and obesity / A. V. Kedyk, M. V. Rishko, O. O. Kutsyn. - С.11-14
Oleshchuk, O. M. Leptin resistance and type 2 diabetes / O. M. Oleshchuk, H. Ya. Loi. - С.15-21
Martynyuk, L. Z. The effect of L-arginine on oxidative stress and microalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease / L. Z. Martynyuk, L. Z. Vons, O. O. Ruzhytska. - С.22-25
Sarapuk, I. M. Neurodevelopmental care of preterm infants and its key / I. M. Sarapuk [и др.]. - С.26-33
Другие авторы: Pavlyshyn H. A., Lacina L., Krolak-Olejnik B.
Vergun, A. R. Chronic mycotic-associated surgical nail pathology complicated with ingrown nail (nail incarnation): the analyses of clinical cases and complex treatment / A. R. Vergun [и др.]. - С.34-40
Другие авторы: Parashchuk B. M., Krasnyi M. R., Kit Z. M., Vergun O. M.
Hasiuk, N. V. Pathogenic mechanisms of generalized periodontitis from the position of polymorphism of nuclear transcription / N. V. Hasiuk [и др.]. - С.41-46
Другие авторы: Vesnina L. E., Shlykova O. A., Izmailova O. V.
Kostenko, Ye. Ya. The effectivness of chronic gingivites treatment in patients with non-removable orthodontic apparatus according to the results of periodontal tissues index assessment / Ye. Ya. Kostenko, V. S. Melnyk, L. F. Horzov. - С.47-49
Kalinichenko, S. V. Influence of lactobacillus spp. on colonization and anti-infectious resistance of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract / S. V. Kalinichenko [и др.]. - С.50-59
Другие авторы: Korotkykh O. O., Pokhil S. I., Bakumenko M. G.
Melnyk, L. P. Awareness of lyme borreliosis of the patients of ternopil regional tb dispensary / L. P. Melnyk [и др.]. - С.60-63
Другие авторы: Hryshchuk L. A., Koziol-Montewka M., Tabas P. O., Klos R. O.
Nazarchuk, O. A. Research in sensitivity to antibiotics, antiseptics in pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from patients with infectious complications / O. A. Nazarchuk, D. V. Paliy, N. I. Osadchuk. - С.64-69
Boiagina, O. D. Morphological study of communication between the longitudinal strips and the human corpus callosum / O. D. Boiagina. - С.70-74
Ilika, V. V. Morphological research on free-residue oxidation processes in cases of decidual cells of placenta in chorioamnionotis and basal deciduitis combined with iron-deficiency anemia in the pregnant / V. V. Ilika. - С.75-78
Khudobiak, M. M. Morphological changes in lungs, heart and liver caused by experimental associated chest and thighs trauma / M. M. Khudobiak, M. I. Marushchak, L. M. Holovatiuk. - С.79-83
Lykhatskyi, P. H. Free radicals and inflammation in rats of different age in cases of sodium nitrites and tobacco smoke poisoning / P. H. Lykhatskyi, L. S. Fira. - С.84-88
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    Martynyuk, L. Z.
    The effect of L-arginine on oxidative stress and microalbuminuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease [Text] / L. Z. Martynyuk, L. Z. Vons, O. O. Ruzhytska // International journal of medicine and medical research. - 2017. - Vol. 3, N 1. - P22-25

Аннотация: One of the severest complications of diabetes is diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Microalbuminuria (MAU) is one of the first signals of DKD and an important pathogenetic mechanism of disease progression. With diabetes dramatically antioxidant properties worsen. Objective. The aim was to investigate the effect of L-arginine on oxidative stress parameters and microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease patients. Methods. Total of 57 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease and 30 healthy subjects (control group) were included in the study. The patients were divided into 2 congruent groups. The 1-st group of patients (n=33), in addition to standard therapy, received L-arginine 4.2 g intravenously for 5 days, after that they took it 1,0 g orally three times a day during meals for 1 month. The second group of patients (n=24) received a standard therapy. The concentration of lipid peroxidation products was measured by a spectrophotometric method. The determination of MAU was carried out in morning portion of urine immunological semiquantitative using test strips. Results. Significant improvement in indexes of lipid peroxidation was observed in both groups after therapy (p˂0.01), but in patients treated with L-arginine it was more expressed (p˂0,01). The standard therapy did not significantly affect the level of MAU (p˃0,05). The patients treated with L-Arginine, showed a significant reduction in MAU (p˂0.01). Conclusions. The usage of L-arginine facilitates the correction of lipid peroxidation processes and reduces the severity of microalbuminuria in patients with diabetic kidney disease that slowing its progression
Доп.точки доступа:
Vons, L. Z.
Ruzhytska, O. O.

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