Шифр: УУ1/2016/88/2

Український біохімічний журнал . - Выходит раз в два месяца
2016г. Т. 88 № 2
Veklich, T. O. The inhibitory influence of calix[4]arene of C-90 on the activity of Ca(2+),Mg(2+)-ATPases in plasma membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum in myometrium сells / T. O. Veklich. - С.5-15. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Yatsenko, T. A. Effect of fibrin degradation products on fibrinolytic process / T. A. Yatsenko [и др.]. - С.16-24. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Другие авторы: Rybachuk V. М., Yusova O. I., Kharchenko S. M., Grinenko T. V.
Minchenko, O. H. Inhibition of IRE1 modifies the hypoxic regulation of GADD family gene expressions in U87 glioma cells / O. H. Minchenko [и др.]. - С.25-34. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Другие авторы: Kryvdiuk I. V., Riabovol О. O., Minchenko D. O., Danilovskyi S. V., Ratushna О. O.
Ashok, Sahu. Cardiovascular disease among patients with type 2 diabetes: role of homocysteine as an inflammatory marker / Sahu Ashok [и др.]. - С.35-44. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Другие авторы: Trapti Gupta, Arvind Kavishwar, Singh R. K.
Vovk, O. I. Effects of the combined arginase and canavanine treatment on leukemic cells in vitro and in vivo / O. I. Vovk [и др.]. - С.45-55. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Другие авторы: Chen O. I., Igumentseva N. I., Senchuk O. Yu., Barska M. L., Sybirna N. O., Stasyk O. V.
Pyrogova, L. V. Level of overall hemostasis potential in donor and patient plasma in pathology / L. V. Pyrogova [и др.]. - С.56-65. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Другие авторы: Chernyshenko T. M., Kolesnikova I. N., Platonova T. N., Bereznitsky G. K., Makogonenko Y. M., Lugovskoy E. V.
Kopylchuk, G. P. Peculiarities of the free radical processes in rat liver mitochondria under toxic hepatitis on the background of alimentary protein deficiency / G. P. Kopylchuk, O. M. Voloshchuk. - С.66-72. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Golovenko, N. Ya. Physical-chemical properties and the reactivity of pyridoxine and pyrrolidone carboxylate and their protolytic forms / N. Ya. Golovenko, V. B. Larionov, O. V. Karpova. - С.73-81. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Nozdrenko, D. M. The effect of chlorpyrifos upon ATPase activity of sarcoplasmic reticulum and biomechanics of skeletal muscle contraction / D. M. Nozdrenko [и др.]. - С.82-88. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Другие авторы: Miroshnychenko M. S., Soroсa V. M., Korchinska L. V., Zavodovskiy D. O.
Kovalenko, N. O. Gene expression of H(+)-pumps in plasma and vacuolar membranes of corn root cells under the effect of sodium ions and bioactive preparations / N. O. Kovalenko, T. A. Palladina. - С.89-97. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Rushchak, V. V. Cytochrome P450 2E1 participation in the pathogenesis of experimental metabolic syndrome in guinea pigs / V. V. Rushchak, M. O. Chashchyn. - С.98-106. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Данилова, В. М. Винахідницька діяльність відділу структури і функції білка Інституту біохімії ім. О. В. Палладіна НАН України. Частина І. Розроблення діагностичних методів для виявлення порушень системи гемостазу і характеристика окремих факторів зсідання крові / В. М. Данилова, Р. П. Виноградова, М. В. Григор’єва. - С.107-118. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Варбанець, Л. Д. Рецензія на книгу «Основи глікобіології» (за ред. проф. Н. О. Сибірної) / Л. Д. Варбанець. - С.119-120
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: всего 1
Свободны: 1

    Veklich, T. O.
    The inhibitory influence of calix[4]arene of C-90 on the activity of Ca(2+),Mg(2+)-ATPases in plasma membrane and sarcoplasmic reticulum in myometrium сells [Text] = Інгібіторний вплив калікс[4]арену С-90 на ензиматичну активність транспортних Са(2+),Mg(2+)-АТРаз плазматичної мембрани та саркоплазматичного ретикулума міометрія / T. O. Veklich // Український біохімічний журнал. - 2016. - Т. 88, № 2. - P5-15. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art

АТФАЗА-CA(2+) MG(2+) -- CA(2+) MG(2+)-ATPASE (антагонисты и ингибиторы)
Свободных экз. нет

Шифр: УУ60/2018/90/4

The Ukrainian biochemical journal [Текст]. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2018г. Т. 90 № 4
Veklich, T. O. Pathways and mechanisms of transmembrane calcium ions exchange in the cell nucleus / T. O. Veklich, Yu. V. Nikonishyna, S. O. Kosterin. - P.5-24
Zaiets, I. V. The P60-S6K1 isoform of ribosomal protein S6 kinaze 1 is a product of alternative mRNA translation / I. V. Zaiets [et al.]. - P.25-35
Другие авторы: Sivchenko A. S., Khoruzhenko A. I., Savinska L. O., Filonenko V. V.
Shymanskyi, I. O. Liver cytochrome P450-hydroxylation system of tumor-bearing rats under the influence of ?-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D3 / I. O. Shymanskyi [et al.]. - P.36-44
Другие авторы: Ketsa O. V., Marchenko M. M., Veliky M. M.
Ajilore, B. S. Gentamicin and magnesium chloride normalizes cholinesterase and ATPase activities in rats acutely exposed to dichlorvos (DDVP) pesticide / B. S. Ajilore, A. E. Adewuyi, T. O. Oluwadairo. - P.45-51
Makarchikov, A. F. Adenosine thiamine triphosphate and adenosine thiamine triphosphate hydrolase activity in animal tissues / A. F. Makarchikov [et al.]. - P.52-63
Другие авторы: Saroka T. V., Kudyrka T. G., Kolas I. K., Luchko T. A., Rusina I. M., Gurinovich V. A.
Kaplia, A. A. Assessment of the effect of monohydroxy alcohols, unsaturated fatty acids, organophosphate compounds on the enzymatic ATP-hydrolysis in the cell membranes of the smooth muscle of the rat colon / A. A. Kaplia, S. V. Midyk, S. V. Khyzhnyak. - P.64-73
Yukalo, V. G. Isolation of к-CN-1P and β-CN-5P fractions from native casein micelles / V. G. Yukalo, L. A. Storozh. - P.74-79
Bobrovnik, S. A. Effect of trifluoroethanol on antibody reactivity against corresponding and nonrealated antigens / S. A. Bobrovnik, M. O. Demchenko, S. V. Komisarenko. - P.80-89
Sierra-Campos, E. Nitrate and nitrite in drinking water affect antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes of rats / E. Sierra-Campos [et al.]. - P.90-101
Другие авторы: Valdez-Solana M. A., Campos-Almazan M. I., Avitia-Dominguez C., Hernandez-Rivera J. L., de Lira-Sanchez J. A., Garcia-Arenas G., Tellez-Valencia A.
Salyha, N. O. Effects of L-glutamic acid and pyridoxine on glutathione depletion and lipid peroxidation generated by epinephrine-induced stress in rats / N. O. Salyha. - P.102-110
Asadi, A. Evaluation of serum adenosine deainase and its isoenzymes in patients with ovarian cancer / A. Asadi [et al.]. - P.111-114
Другие авторы: Atyabi S. M., Sadeghi S., Khatami S., Ebrahimi-Rad M., Valadbeigi S., Saghiri R.
Ozbolat, Guluzar. Hematologic features of beta-globin gene mutation type (??) with homozygous beta thalassemia / Guluzar Ozbolat, Abdullah Tuli. - P.115-120
Данилова, В. М. Альфред Бернгард Нобель і Нобелівська премія / В. М. Данилова, Р. П. Виноградова, С. В. Комісаренко. - P.121-134
Danylova, T. V. Scientific investigation of Nobel prize winner Emil Fischer as a launching pad for the development of biochemistry: a brief overview / T. V. Danylova, S. V. Komisarenko. - P.135-142
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:
(03.10.2018г. Экз. 1 - Б.ц.) (свободен)

    Veklich, T. O.
    Pathways and mechanisms of transmembrane calcium ions exchange in the cell nucleus / T. O. Veklich, Yu. V. Nikonishyna, S. O. Kosterin // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 4. - P5-24

КАЛЬЦИЙ -- CALCIUM (метаболизм)
Аннотация: A variety of nuclear calcium functions includes regulations of gene transcription and permeability of nuclear pore complexes, activation of numerous enzymes involved in the apoptosis, and therefore cell fate determination. Thus, the pathways of Ca2+ entry into the nucleus, the interplay between nuclear and cytosolic calcium signals, calcium accumulation in the nuclear depot, extrusion and subsequent destinies are of particular interest. In this review, we systematized literature data and our results about aspects of calcium transport in the cell. We especially concentrated on calcium transport systems and general mechanisms of calcium exchange in the central organelle – the nucleus. We also described the general structure of the cell nucleus, nuclear envelope transporters, and the role of Ca2+ in the nucleus and disturbances of nuclear calcium signaling
Доп.точки доступа:
Nikonishyna, Yu. V.
Kosterin, S. O.

Свободных экз. нет

Шифр: УУ60/2018/90/5

The Ukrainian biochemical journal [Текст]. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2018г. Т. 90 № 5
Pushkarev, V. M. Biochemical aspects of the combined use of taxanes, irradiation and other antineoplastic agents for the treatment of anaplastic thyroid carcinoma / V. M. Pushkarev [et al.]. - P.5-18
Другие авторы: Kovzun O. I., Pushkarev V. V., Guda B. B., Tronko M. D.
Borzova, N. V. Influence of chemical reagents and UV irradiation on the activity of Penicillium canescens α-galactosidase / N. V. Borzova, L. D. Varbanets. - P.19-27
Osadchuk, T. V. Influence of organic solvents on the furin activity / T. V. Osadchuk [et al]. - P.28-33
Другие авторы: Shybyryn O. V., Semyroz A. V., Kibirev V. K.
Veklich, T. O. Calix[4]arene C-956 selectively inhibits plasma membrane Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in myometrial cells / T. O. Veklich [et al.]. - P.34-42
Другие авторы: Skrabak O. A., Nikonishyna Yu. V., Rodik R. V., Kalchenko V. I., Kosterin S. O.
Afanasieva, K. S. DNA loops after cell lysis resemble chromatin loops in an intact nucleus / K. S. Afanasieva, V. V. Olefirenko, A. V. Sivolob. - P.43-49
Yastreb, T. O. Action of methyl jasmonate and salt stress on antioxidant system of Arabidopsis plants defective in jasmonate signaling genes / T. O. Yastreb [et al.]. - P.50-59
Другие авторы: Kolupaev Yu. E., Shvidenko N. V., Dmitriev A. P.
Storozhuk, B. G. Overall hemostasis potential of the blood plasma and its relation to some molecular markers of the hemostasis system in patients with chronic renal disease of stage VD / B. G. Storozhuk [et al.]. - P.60-70
Другие авторы: Pyrogova L. V., Chernyshenko T. M., Kostiuchenko O. P., Kolesnikova I. M., Platonova T. M., Storozhuk O. B., Storozhuk L. O., Bereznitsky G. K., Tsap P. Yu., Masenko O. O., Makogonenko E. M., Lugovskoy E. V.
Falfushynska, H. I. Evaluation of metallothioneins, oxidative stress and signs of cytotoxicity in young obese women / H. I. Falfushynska [et al.]. - P.71-80
Другие авторы: Horyn O. I., Khoma V. V., Tereshchuk G. V., Osadchuk D. V., Rusnak N. I., Stoliar O. B.
Dziuba, O. S. The effect of N-stearoylethanolamine on adipocytes free cholesterol content and phospholipid composition in rats with obesity-induced insulin resistance / O. S. Dziuba [et al.]. - P.81-90
Другие авторы: Hudz Ie. A., Kosiakova H. V., Horid’ko T. M., Klimashevsky V. M., Hula N. M.
Krynytska, I. Ya. The indices of nitrogen (II) oxide system in experimental hepatopulmonary syndrome / I. Ya. Krynytska, M. I. Marushchak. - P.91-97
Gudkova, O. O. Purification procedure and assay for the activity of lysyl oxidase / O. O. Gudkova [et al.]. - P.98-105
Другие авторы: Latyshko N. V., Zaitseva O. V., Shandrenko S. G.
Kosterin, S. O. Founder of molecular immunology in Ukraine, well-known political and public figure. On the 75th birthday of Academician of the NAS of Ukraine S. V. Komisarenko / S. O. Kosterin, V. M. Danilova. - P.106-116
Matyshevska, O. P. The FEBS3+ Meeting - XIth Parnas Conference - Young Scientists Forum ’Biochemistry and Molecular Biology for Innovative Medicine’ : 3-5 september 2018, Kyiv, Ukraine / O. P. Matyshevska. - P.117-119
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2018. - P.120
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2018. - P.121
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:
Экз. 1 (свободен)

    Calix[4]arene C-956 selectively inhibits plasma membrane Ca2+,Mg2+-ATPase in myometrial cells [Text] / T. O. Veklich [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 5. - P34-42

МИОМЕТРИЙ -- MYOMETRIUM (действие лекарственных препаратов, химия)
Аннотация: Using enzymatic assays and kinetic analysis, we demonstrated that 100 µM calix[4]arene C-956 (5,11,17,23-tetra(trifluoro)methyl-(phenylsulfonylimino) methylamino-25,27-dioctyloxy-26,28-dipropoxycalix[4]arene) had the most significant inhibitory effect on the plasma membrane Са2+,Mg2+-АТРase activity compared to effects of other calix[4]arenes, and had no effect on specific activities of other membrane ATPases. Using confocal microscopy and fluorescent probe fluo-4, we observed an increase of the intracellular level of Ca2+ after application of calix[4]arene C-956 to immobilized myocytes. Analysis of the effect of calix[4]arene C-956 on the hydrodynamic diameter of myocytes demonstrated that application of calix[4]arene C-956 solution decreased this parameter by 45.5 ± 9.4% compared to control value similarly to the action of uterotonic drug oxytocin
Доп.точки доступа:
Veklich, T. O.
Skrabak, O. A.
Nikonishyna, Yu. V.
Rodik, R. V.
Kalchenko, V. I.
Kosterin, S. O.

Свободных экз. нет

Шифр: УУ60/2020/92/1

The Ukrainian biochemical journal [Текст]. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2020г. Т. 92 № 1
Geraschchenko, G. V. Pattern of expression of immune- and stroma-associated genes in blood of mice with experimental B16 melanoma / G. V. Geraschchenko [et al.]. - P.5-11
Другие авторы: Vagina I. M., Vagin Yu. V., Kashuba V. I.
Moghadam, F. H. Proline dehydrogenase (prodh) gene polymorphisms and the risk of schizophrenia in iranian populations / F. H. Moghadam [et al.]. - P.12-20
Другие авторы: Mehrabani Z. H. A., Amounajaf M., Rahmanzadeh S., Ghasemvand F., Samghabadi A. S., Nejadmoghaddam A., Omidinia E.
Veklich, T. O. Inhibition of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and activation of myosin ATPase by CALIX[4]A RENE C-107 cause stimulation of isolated smooth muscle contractile activity / T. O. Veklich [et al.]. - P.21-30
Другие авторы: Labyntseva R. D., Shkrabak O. A., Tsymbalyuk O. V., Rodik R. V., Kalchenko V. I., Kosterin S. O.
Tykhomyrov, A. A. Plasminogen modulates formation and release of platelet angiogenic regulators / A. A. Tykhomyrov, D. D. Zhernosekov, T. V. Grinenko. - P.31-40
Korotkov, S. M. Influence of Tl(+) on the Ca(2+) and Na(+) movement across rat neonatal cardiomyocytes and rat heart mitochondria membranes / S. M. Korotkov [et al.]. - P.41-55
Другие авторы: Nesterov V. P., Belostotskaya G. B., Brailovskaya I. V., Novozhilov A. V., Sobol C. V.
Ali, F. Profiling of metabolic biomarkers in the serum of prostate cancer patients / F. Ali [et al.]. - P.56-65
Другие авторы: Akram S., Niaz S., Wajid N.
Fedota, O. M. Methotrexate effect on biochemical indices of psoriasis patients depends on MTHFR gene polymorphism / O. M. Fedota [et al.]. - P.66-74
Другие авторы: Roschenyuk L. V., Tyzhnenko T. V., Puzik N. G., Vorontsov V. M., Ryzhko P. P.
Yaremchuk, O. Z. Indexes of nitric oxide system in experimental antiphospholipid syndrome / O. Z. Yaremchuk [et al.]. - P.75-83
Другие авторы: Posokhova K. A., Kuzmak I. P., Kulitska M. I., Klishch I. M., Korda M. M.
Gudzenko, T. V. Phenol-oxidizing activity and fatty acid profile of Brevibacillus centrosporus F14 strain / T. V. Gudzenko [et al.]. - P.84-91
Другие авторы: Voliuvach O. V., Gorshkova O. G., Ostapchuk A. M., Ivanytsia V. O.
Moravej, R. Production and physicochemical characterization of xanrhan gum by native lactose consuming isolates of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri / R. Moravej [et al.]. - P.92-102
Другие авторы: Alavi S. M., Azin M., Salmanian A. H.
Sehin, T. B. Biochemical indicators of green photosynthetic bacteria Chlorobium limicola response to Cu2+ action / T. B. Sehin [et al.]. - P.103-112
Другие авторы: Hnatush S. O., Maslovska O. D., Halushka A. A., Zaritska Y. H.
Kopylchuk, H. P. Indexes of citrulline metabolism in rat liver under the toxic injury against the background of alimentary protein deficiency / H. P. Kopylchuk, I. M. Nykolaichuk, I. S. Lylyk. - P.113-119
Polokhina, K. V. Cytotoxic activity of the cluster rhenium compound with β-alanine ligands / K. V. Polokhina [et al.]. - P.120-126
Другие авторы: Kytova D. E., Shtemenko A. V., Shtemenko N. I.
Ketsa, O. V. Free radical oxidation in liver mitochondria of tumor-bearing rats and its correction by essential lipophilic nutrients / O. V. Ketsa, M. M. Marchenko. - P.127-134
Виноградова, Р. П. Внесок Нобелівських лауреатів в дослідження метаболізму вуглеводів і його регуляцію. А. Гарден, Х. Ейлер-Гельпін, К. Ф. Корі, Г. Т. Корі, Е. Сазерленд, Л. Ф. Лелуар, Г. Кребс, Ф. Ліпман, П. Мітчелл / Р. П. Виноградова, В. М. Данилова, С. В. Комісаренко. - P.135-163
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:
Экз. 1 (свободен)

    Inhibition of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase and activation of myosin ATPase by CALIX[4]A RENE C-107 cause stimulation of isolated smooth muscle contractile activity / T. O. Veklich [et al.] // The Ukrainian biochemical journal. - 2020. - Vol. 92, № 1. - P21-30

МЫШЦЫ -- MUSCLES (действие лекарственных препаратов)
Аннотация: The discovery of compounds that might modify myometrial contractility is an important area of researches. In our previous experiments, we found that some representatives of macrocyclic compounds fami­ly – calix[4]arenes – can modify the enzymatic and transport activity of membrane-bound cation-transport ATP hydrolases. The aim of this work was to study and compare the effect of calix[4]arene C-107 on the enzymatic activities of Mg2+-dependent ATPases of the uterine smooth muscle, namely: ouabain-sensitive Na+,K+-ATPase, plasma membrane Ca2+-independent “basal” Mg2+-ATPase, ATPase of the actomyosin complex and myosin subfragment-1, with effect on the contractile activity of the myometrium. It was shown that calix[4]arene C-107 efficiently inhibited myometrium Na+,K+-ATPase (I50 = 54 ± 6 nM) selectively to other ATP-hydrolases of the plasma membrane and simultaneously activated the enzymatic activity of the myosin ATPase of smooth muscles (A50 = 9.6 ± 0.7 μM). Such reciprocal biochemical effects led to the stimulation of the smooth muscle contractile activity that was demonstrated by the tensometric method using different isolated smooth muscles. Calix[4]arene С-107 was shown to stimulate the increase of the tonic component of myometrium contractions induced by oxytocin, as well as contractions of the caecum muscles induced by high-potassium solution or acetylcholine, and to maintain increased tension for a long time. Thus, calix[4]arene C-107 is a prospective compound for enhancing the smooth muscle basal tone and/or contraction in case of hypotonic dysfunctions
Доп.точки доступа:
Veklich, T. O.
Labyntseva, R. D.
Shkrabak, O. A.
Tsymbalyuk, O. V.
Rodik, R. V.
Kalchenko, V. I.
Kosterin, S. O.

Свободных экз. нет