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Назва журналу :Медична освіта (Тернопіль) -2020р.,N 1
Цікаві статті :
Derevianko Т. V. Formation of the personality of a future doctor through extracurricular activities atthe department of microbiology, virology and immunology: experience and perspectives/ Т. V. Derevianko, I. M. Zviagolska (стр.5-10)
Fedchyshyn N. O. Peculiarities of future pe teachers’ training at the higher educational establishment / N. O. Fedchyshyn, N. I. Yelcthina (стр.11-15)
Potapova Т. М. The results of implementation of the unified state qualification examination of pharmacy students at Dnipropetrovsk medical academy/ Т. М. Potapova [et al.] (стр.16-20)
Savaryn T. V. The use of game elements in the study of medical terminology in higher medical educational establishments/ T. V. Savaryn, I. A. Prokop (стр.21-26)
Volyanska L. A. Problem-oriented teaching of childhood infectious diseases for medical students graduate courses/ L. A. Volyanska [et al.] (стр.27-30)
Bauer T. Bilingualism and interference as tendencies of linguistic development of modern educ ationalspace in conditions ofeducational internationalization/ T. Bauer, О. М. Tsaryk, N. V. Rybina (стр.31-35)
Khaniukov O. O. Research competency at the undergraduate level of higher education/ O. O. Khaniukov, L. V. Sapozhnychenko, О. V. Smolyanova (стр.36-40)
Kolodnytska O. D. Latin phraseological fund as a source of developing future p hysicians’ lexic al competence/ O. D. Kolodnytska, Η. B. Palasiuk, I. I. Vorona (стр.41-44)
Kulbashna Ya. A. A modern model of masters’ in dentistry professional training/ Ya. A. Kulbashna [et al.] (стр.45-49)
Lomakina Yu. V. A technology of communicative competence development of future doctors in the process of professional training/ Yu. V. Lomakina [et al.] (стр.50-55)
Nazarevych L. Т. Theoretical and practical approaches to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language at TNTU/ L. Т. Nazarevych, N. R. Denysiuk, N. I. Havdyda (стр.56-61)
Nazaruk О. V. Development of the foreign students’ cognitive activity at the practicals of Ukrainian/ О. V. Nazaruk (стр.62-66)
Protsyk Η. M. Project method: past and future/ Η. M. Protsyk (стр.67-71)
Rodionova V. V. The role of a scientific circle in students’ professional training/ V. V. Rodionova [et al.] (стр.72-76)
Synyshyna V. M. Methodological approaches to professional training of future practical psychologists/ V. M. Synyshyna (стр.77-81)
Stefanyshyn K. L. Apracticalasthemajnformoftheeducational process on the discipline "Ukrainian as a foreign language” at the higher school/ K. L. Stefanyshyn (стр.82-86)
Yelahina N. I. Games as a means of learning a foreign language by medical students/ N. I. Yelahina, N. O. Fedchyshyn (стр.87-92)
Zencaka Andra. The role of adult vocational education in business environment in Latvia/ Andra Zencaka (стр.93-101)
Demianchuk M. R. Terminological analysis of the basic definitions of studying vocational training of future junior specialists in nursing in colleges/ M. R. Demianchuk (стр.102-105)
Kichula M. Ya. Pedagogical approaches in the process of training medical students/ M. Ya. Kichula (стр.106-111)
Sheremeta L. P. Formation of orphoepic students’ skills atthe lasses of the ukrainian language as foreign/ L. P. Sheremeta (стр.112-116)
Vorona I. I. Professional culture in the context of future doctor training/ I. I. Vorona, I. A. Prokop (стр.117-121)
Цікаві статті :
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Форма документа : Стаття із журналу
Шифр видання :
Автор(и) : Bauer T., Tsaryk О. М., Rybina N. V.
Назва : Bilingualism and interference as tendencies of linguistic development of modern educ ationalspace in conditions ofeducational internationalization
Паралельн. назви :Білінгвізм та інтерференція як тенденції лінгвістичного розвитку сучасного навчального простору в умовах освітньої інтернаціоналізації
Місце публікування : Медична освіта. - 2020. - № 1. - С. 31-35 (Шифр МУ7/2020/1)
Примітки : Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
Ключові слова (''Вільн.індекс.''): культурний--простір--міжмовна--комунікація
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