
    Medical biology [Text] : textbook / Yu. I. Bazhora [et al.]. - Vinnytsia : Nova Knyha, 2018. - 448 p. : il. - Bibliogr.: p. 429. - Index: p. 434-446. - ISBN 978-966-382-722-3

БИОЛОГИЯ -- BIOLOGY (обучение)
Анотація: The basic questions of general and medical biology are highlighted in ibis textbook. The general laws of life, the study of the cell including fundamentals of the human cytogenetics, the study of heredity and variability including the human genetics, laws of phylogenetic development of organisms, fundamentals of general parasitology, biology of the most meaningful human parasites, way of transmission, diagnosis and prophylaxis of parasitogenic diseases are presented. The content of textbook is organized according to the Program on Medical Biology for the first year English-speaking medical students.
Дод.точки доступу:
Bazhora, Yu. I.
Бажора Ю. І.
Bulyk, R.Ye
Булик Р. Є.
Chesnokova, M. M.
Чеснокова М. М.
Shevelenkova, A. V.
Шевеленкова А. В.
Smetyuk, O. O.
Сметюх О. О.
Lomakina, Yu. V
Ломакіна Ю. В.

Примірників всього: 284
ІЛ (284)
Вільні: ІЛ (198)