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    Гришило, А. П.
    100-річна історія алерген-специфічної імунотерапії: від ранніх клінічних досліджень до зареєстрованих ліків [Текст] / А. П. Гришило, П. В. Гришило, Л. Д. Вітик // Клінічна імунологія. Алергологія. Інфектологія. - 2018. - N 1. - С. 45-48

АЛЛЕРГЕНЫ -- ALLERGENS (действие лекарственных препаратов, иммунология, классификация)
ИММУНОТЕРАПИЯ -- IMMUNOTHERAPY (использование, история, методы, тенденции)
Анотація: Протягом 1951–1970 рр. проводилося багато контро­льованих досліджень, які не лише підвищили рівень розуміння базових знань з імунології та продемонстрували цінність алерген-специфічної імунотерапії (АСІТ) в умовах клінічних випробувань, а й проклали шлях для наступних досліджень і вдосконалень у галузі лікування алергічних захворювань. Однак шлях встановлення ефективності й безпеки АСІТ був доволі довгим і тернистим. Для того щоб метод лікування отримав клінічну перевагу, співвідношення «користь–ризик» має бути збалансованим. З огляду на цей факт, в пошуках кращого підходу до лікування хронічного запалення слизових оболонок дихальних шляхів у терапії алергічного запалення лікарі почали застосовувати підхід симптоматичного лікування. Незважаючи на дані щодо протизапальних властивостей АСІТ, поєднання звітів про побічні ефекти при використанні підшкірної АСІТ і недоліки рандомізованих контрольованих досліджень призвели до небажання лікарів використовувати АСІТ упродовж 1970–1980 рр. З іншого боку, цей період став золотою епохою симптоматичних протизапальних лікарських засобів
Дод.точки доступу:
Гришило, П. В.
Вітик, Л. Д.

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    Biological and analytical studies of peritoneal dialysis solutions / N. Hudz [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 2. - P34-45

Анотація: The purpose of our work was to conduct biological and analytical studies of the peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions containing glucose and sodium lactate and establish correlations between cell viability of the Vero cell line and values of analytical indexes of the tested solutions. The results of this study confirm the cytotoxicity of the PD solutions even compared with the isotonic solution of sodium chloride, which may be due to the low pH of the solutions, presence of glucose degradation products (GDPs) and high osmolarity of the solutions, and unphysiological concentrations of glucose and sodium lactate. However, it is not yet known what factors or their combination and to what extent cause the cytotoxicity of PD solutions. In the neutral red (NR) test the weak, almost middle (r = -0.496 and 0.498, respectively) and unexpected correlations were found between reduced viability of monkey kidney cells and increased pH of the PD solutions and between increased cell viability and increased absorbance at 228 nm of the tested PD solutions. These two correlations can be explained by a strong correlation (r = -0.948) between a decrease in pH and an increase in the solution absorbance at 228 nm. The opposite effect was observed in the MTT test. The weak, but expected correlations (r = 0.32 and -0.202, respectively) were found between increased cell viability and increased pH in the PD solutions and between decreased cell viability and increased absorbance at 228 nm of the tested PD solutions. The middle and weak correlations (r = 0.56 and 0.29, respectively) were detected between increased cell viability and increased lactate concentration in the NR test and MTT test. The data of these correlations can be partially explained by the fact that a correlation with a coefficient r = -0.34 was found between decreased pH in the solutions and increased lactate concentration. The very weak correlations (0.138 and 0.196, respectively) were found between increased cell viability and increased glucose concentration in the NR test and MTT test. These experimental data indicate that pH is the dominating factor, which determines almost all of the established correlations. However, the character of the correlations is quite different: the higher the pH, the greater was the cell viability in the MTT test, and conversely, the higher the pH, the lower was the cell viability in the NR test. Secondly, the unexpected correlation coefficient was determined as -0.473 between decreased cell viability in the MTT test and increased cell viability in the NR test. Moreover, this phenomenon indicates that the mitochondrial enzyme succinate dehydrogenase is more vulnerable to the action of PD solutions than membrane permeability. Finally, we conclude that the NR test is not suitable for comparative studies of PD solutions which differ in pH, as it is pH dependent and does not enable the comparison of plausible cell viability
Дод.точки доступу:
Hudz, N.
Kobylinska, L.
Dmytrukha, N.
Korytniuk, R.
Wieczorek, P. P.

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    Blood coagulation and aortic wall integrity in rats with obesity-induced insulin resistance / O. S. Dziuba [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 2. - P14-24

Анотація: Obesity is an important factor in pathogenesis of disorders caused by chronic inflammation. Diet-induced obesity leads to dyslipidemia and insulin resistance (IR) that in turn provoke the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Thus, the aim of this work was to investigate the possible pro-atherogenic effects in the blood coagulation system and aortic wall of rats with obesity-induced IR. The experimental model was induced by a 6-month high-fat diet (HFD) in white rats. Blood samples were collected from 7 control and 14 obese IR rats. Prothrombin time (PT) and partial activated thromboplastin time (APTT) were performed by standard methods using Coagulometer Solar СТ 2410. Fibrinogen concentration in the blood plasma was determined by the modified spectrophotometric method. Levels of protein C (PC), prothrombin and factor X were measured using specific chromogenic substrates and activa­ting enzymes from snake venoms. Platelet aggregation was measured and their count determined using Aggregometer Solar AP2110. The aorta samples were stained by hematoxylin and eosin according to Ehrlich. Aortic wall thickness was measured using morphometric program Image J. Statistical analysis was performed using Mann-Whitney U Test. The haemostasis system was characterized by estimation of the levels of individual coagulation factors, anticoagulant system involvement and platelet reactivity. PT and APTT demonstrated that blood coagulation time strongly tended to decrease in obese IR rats in comparison to the control group. It was also detec­ted that 30% of studied obese IR rats had decreased factor X level, 40% had decreased level of prothrombin whereas fibrinogen concentration was slightly increased up to 3 mg/ml in 37% of obese IR rats. A prominent decrease of anticoagulant PC in blood plasma of obese rats was detected. Obese IR rats also had increased platelet count and higher rate of platelet aggregation in comparison to control animals. Histological analysis identified the disruption of aorta endothelium and tendency for the thickening of the aorta wall in the group with obesity-induced IR compared to the group of control rats. Changes of individual coagulation factors were assumed as the evidence of imbalance in the blood coagulation system. Increase of fibrinogen level, drop in PC concentration and pathological platelet reactivity were taken to corroborate the development of low-grade inflammation in obese IR rats. Instant generation of small amounts of thrombin in their blood plasma is expected. Since the aorta morphology assay detected the trend of its wall to thicken and the emergence of disruptions, we assumed there were initial stages of atherosclerosis and the danger of developing atherothrombosis. We detected an increase of blood coagulability and changes in aorta morphology in rats with obesity-induced IR which we assume indicate early development of atherosclerosis
Дод.точки доступу:
Dziuba, O. S.
Chernyshenko, V. O.
Hudz, Ie. A.
Kasatkina, L. O.
Chernyshenko, T. M.
Klymenko, P. P.
Kosiakova, H. V.
Platonova, T. M.
Hula, N. M.
Lugovskoy, E. V.

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    Kolesnik, Ya. V.
    Clinical and laboratory indicators for infectious mononucleosis in children on the background of the treatment with valavir [Текст] / Ya. V. Kolesnik // Клініч. фармація. - 2018. - Том 22, № 1. - С. 10-13

АЦИКЛОВИР -- ACYCLOVIR (фармакология)
Анотація: Infectious mononucleosis (IM) is an acute infectious disease accompanied with fever, quinsy, damage of lymph nodes, liver, spleen and characteristic changes in the hemogram. The global spread of IM among the population, frequency of its chronic course, the presence of erased and atypical forms, the complexity of diagnosis and therapy cause the urgency of the problem of studying IM. Aim. To compare clinical and laboratory indicators in the acute period of IM in children treated with valavir. Materials and methods. The article contains the results of the own observations of 107 children with IM aged 2 to 15 years. Clinical and laboratory data were evaluated in patients with IM on the background of the treatment with valavir. Results. The main therapy was antihistamines and symptomatic drugs, antimicrobials were prescribed for the treatment of quinsy. Valavir was prescribed on the first day of admission with clinical verification of the diagnosis. Verification of pathogens was carried out by the method of enzyme immunoassay, specific immunoglobulins M and G were determined separately for VEB antigens by the PCR method. The disease in all children was accompanied with fever, tonsillitis, lymphadenopathy, enlargement of the liver and spleen. The study of clinical and laboratory features was conducted at the time of admission to the hospital and on the 12th day of hospitalization. Conclusions. According to the results of the study the conclusions have been made that prescription of valavir in the treatment of acute infectious mononucleosis in children leads to a more rapid disappearance of a number of clinical symptoms and normalization of laboratory indicators compared to patients who received only the symptomatic and pathogenetic therapy
Інфекційний мононуклеоз (ІМ) - гостре інфекційне захворювання, що супроводжується лихоманкою, ангіною, ураженням лімфатичних вузлів, печінки, селезінки і характерними змінами гемограми. Глобальне поширення ІМ у популяції, частота хронічного перебігу, наявність стертих і атипових форм, складності діагностики і терапії зумовлюють актуальність проблеми вивчення ІМ. Мета дослідження - порівняльне вивчення клініко-лабораторних показників у гострий період ІМ у дітей у разі лікування валавіром. Наведено результати власних спостережень за 107 дітьми віком від 2 до 15 років, хворих на ІМ. Проведено оцінку клінічних і лабораторних даних у хворих на ІМ на фоні лікування валавіром. Основну терапію становили десенсибілізуючі препарати, симптоматичні засоби, для лікування ангіни призначалися антибактеріальні препарати. Валавір призначався в перший день надходження за клінічної верифікації діагнозу. Верифікацію збудників здійснено за допомогою методу імуноферментного аналізу, визначалися окремо специфічні імуноглобуліни M і G до антигенів ВЕБ і методу ПЛР. Захворювання у всіх дітей супроводжувалося лихоманкою, тонзилітом, лімфоаденопатією, збільшенням печінки і селезінки. Вивчення клініко-лабораторних особливостей проводилося на момент надходження до стаціонару і на 12-й день госпіталізації. Висновки: за результатами дослідження зроблено висновок, що призначення валавіру під час лікування гострого ІМ у дітей призводить до більш швидкого зникнення ряду клінічних симптомів і нормалізації лабораторних показників у порівнянні з хворими, які одержували тільки симптоматичну і патогенетичну терапію
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    Clot formation and lysis in platelet rich plasma of healthy donors and patients with resistant hypertension / I. I. Patalakh [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 2. - P67-77

Анотація: Hemostatic balance in blood is affected by numerous factors, including coagulation and fibrinolytic proteins, the wide spectrum of their inhibitors, and blood cells. Since platelets can participate in contradictory processes, they significantly complicate the whole picture. Therefore, nowadays the development of global assays of hemostasis, which can reflect the physiological process of hemostasis and can be used for point-of-care diagnosis of thrombosis, is crucial. This paper outlines a new approach we used to analyze the capabilities of clot waveform analysis tools to distinguish the response of platelet-rich plasma from healthy donors and patients with arterial hypertension caused by stimulation of coagulation and lysis (with exogenous thrombin and recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator, respectively). In donor plasma, when the clot degradation was accompanied by 40 IU/ml of recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator, platelets potentiated fibrinolysis more than coagulation, which ultimately shifts the overall balance to a profibrinolytic state. At the same time, for patients with hypertension, platelets, embedded in clot obtained from platelet-rich plasma, showed a weaker ability to stimulate fibrinolysis. The obtained data gives the evidence that platelets can act not only as procoagulants but also as profibrinolytics. By simultaneously amplifying coagulation and fibrinolysis, making their rates comparable, platelets would control plasma procoagulant activity, thereby regulating local hemostatic balance, the size and lifetime of the clot. Moreover, clot waveform analysis may be used to distinguish the effects of platelet-rich plasma on clotting or lysis of fibrin clots in healthy donors and patients with essential hypertension.
Дод.точки доступу:
Patalakh, I. I.
Revka, O. V.
Kuchmenko, O. B.
Matova, O. O.
Drobotko, T. F.
Grinenko, T. V.

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    Fedorovska, M. I.
    Development of methods for identification and quantitative determination of active substances in the medicated cosmetic cream for use in trichology [Текст] / M. I. Fedorovska, N. P. Polovko, V. O. Grudko // Вісн. фармації. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 17-22

АЛОПЕЦИЯ -- ALOPECIA (лекарственная терапия)
Анотація: To prevent and treat androgenic alopecia (AA) a medicated cosmetic cream (MCC) with the saw palmetto extract and the Sophora japonica tincture has been developed. The introduction of MCC in production requires its standardization and development of its quality control methods
Дод.точки доступу:
Polovko, N. P.
Grudko, V. O.

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    Development of the methods for the quantitative determination of fusidic acid and panthenol in the composition of “Fuzipam-derma” dermatological gel [Текст] / P. P. Baiva [et al.] // Вісн. фармації. - 2018. - № 1. - С. 12-16

Рубрики: Фузидиевая кислота

ГЕЛИ -- GELS (анализ)
АКНЕ ОБЫКНОВЕННЫЕ -- ACNE VULGARIS (лекарственная терапия)
Анотація: To develop and validate the methods for the quantitative determination of fusidic acid and panthenol in “Fuzipam-derma” gel. Materials and methods. The determination was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) according to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU) 1.0 on a Prostar-210 liquid chromatograph, (Varian Chromatography System, USA). Results and discussion. The methods for the quantitative determination of fusidic acid and panthenol in “Fuzipam-derma” gel have been developed. The appropriate chromatographic conditions have been chosen, due to them the peaks of fusidic acid and panthenol are completely separated from other gel components. The validation of the methods for the quantitative determination of fusidic acid and panthenol has been performed. The data obtained have shown that the methods are stable and reproducible in different days. Conclusions. The methods for the quantitative determination of fusidic acid and panthenol in the composition of the new dermatological gel “Fuzipam-derma” for the treatment of grade І-ІІ acne has been developed using the HPLC method
Дод.точки доступу:
Baiva, P. P.
Kovalenko, Sv. M.
Baranova, I. I.
Mamedova, S. O.

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    Iermolenko, T. I.
    Dynamics of the cytokine blood profile under the effect of wound healing medicinal products with different mechanisms of action in the experiment [Текст] / T. I. Iermolenko, O. V. Kryvoshapka, O. I. Pautina // Клініч. фармація. - 2018. - Том 22, № 1. - С. 44-49

РАНЫ ЗАЖИВЛЕНИЕ -- WOUND HEALING (действие лекарственных препаратов)
(кровь, лекарственная терапия)
МАЗИ -- OINTMENTS (фармакология)
Анотація: Wound healing depends significantly on the level of proinflammatory cytokines in the lesion. Exactly expression of IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α retains the course of the wound process in the stage of persistent inflammation. By affecting the mechanisms of cytokine regulation of the reparative tissue regeneration it is possible to correct the wound healing process. The use of topical agents when treating burns is an important component of the complex therapy. Aim. To study the effect of 10 % methyluracil ointment and 2 % thiotriazoline ointment on the level of proinflammatory cytokines in the blood serum of rats in the dynamics of the thermal burn development. Materials and methods. The thermal burn was modeled by the method of Yakovleva L. V. (1999), Fenchin K. M. (1979). Ointments with different mechanisms of action, 10 % methyluracil ointment and 2 % thiotriazoline ointment were used as wound-healing agents. Results. It has been determined experimentally that the level of IL-1β, IL-8, TNF-α cytokines in the rat blood correlates with the severity of the wound process and the response to the treatment applied. The application of ointments with the wound healing activity has led to the significant decrease in the level of proinflammatory cytokines in the blood of rats and healing of the burn wound in shorter terms. Moreover, thiotriazoline ointment reveals a marked reparative activity than methyluracil ointment. Conclusions. The use of 10 % methyluracil ointment and 2 % thiotriazoline ointment with a different wound healing effect in the treatment of burn wound leads to the change in the cytokine profile, and it is accompanied with a positive dynamics of healing processes. By the reparative activity 2 % thiotriazoline ointment exceeds the action of methyluracil ointment
Дод.точки доступу:
Kryvoshapka, O. V.
Pautina, O. I.

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    Evaluation of antiproliferative activity of pyrazolothiazolopyrimidine derivatives / N. S. Finiuk [et al.] // The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. - 2018. - Том 90, N 2. - P25-33

Анотація: The research aim was to test cytotoxic effects in vitro of seven novel pyrazolothiazolopyrimidine derivatives in targeting several lines of tumor and pseudo-normal mammalian cells. We demonstrated that cytotoxic effects of these derivatives depended on the tissue origin of targeted cells. Leukemia cells were found to be the most sensitive to the action of compounds 2 and 7. Compound 2 demonstrated approximately two times higher toxicity towards the multidrug-resistant sub-line of HL-60/ADR cells compared to the Doxorubicin effect. Antiproliferative action of compounds 2 and 7 dropped in the order: leukemia melanoma hepatocarcinoma glioblastoma colon carcinoma breast and ovarian carcinoma cells. These compounds were less toxic than Doxorubicin towards the non-tumor cells. The novel pyrazolothiazolopyrimidine, compound 2, demonstrated high toxicity towards human leukemia and, of special importance, towards multidrug-resistant leukemia cells, and low toxicity towards pseudo-normal cells
Дод.точки доступу:
Finiuk, N. S.
Ostapiuk, Yu. V.
Hreniukh, V. P.
Shalai, Ya. R.
Matiychuk, V. S.
Obushak, M. D.
Stoika, R. S.
Babsky, A. M.

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    FDA заняло жесткую позицию в отношении гомеопатических препаратов [Текст] = Американское Федеральное управление по надзору за качеством пищевых и лекарственных препаратов заняло жесткую позицию в отношении гомеопатических препаратов // Медицинские аспекты здоровья мужчины. - 2017. - N 4. - С. 21

ГОМЕОПАТИЯ -- HOMEOPATHY (законодательство и юриспруденция, использование, организация и управление, стандарты, тенденции)
ЛЕКАРСТВ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ КОНТРОЛЬ -- DRUG UTILIZATION REVIEW (методы, организация и управление, тенденции)
Анотація: Управление по контролю за пищевыми продуктами и лекарственными препаратами (FDA, США) усиливает контроль в отношении гомеопатических препаратов. В проекте руководства описан новый подход, который основан на оценке рисков для здоровья потребителей. Документ призван обновить политику касательно применения гомеопатических препаратов
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